Pro Choice or Pro Life?


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I am Pro Choice. I do not agree with abortion and would never get one unless the baby's and my own life are at risk. Women should have a choice to get an abortion or not. It wouldn't be right to take away those rights.

I'm sorry to say I disagree with joo
You have killed an innocent life. I think life begins at the moment of conception, like Katie
I agree.

Life is priceless and it isn't something that should be taken lightly.

I'm 100% Pro-Life unless in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.

Would somebody please explain to me, why "murder" is okay if the woman was raped? What's the difference? How does rape make the baby any less of a human being? You either think it's okay, or it's not. If you are pro-life, there are no exceptions.
You can't say, "I'm pro-life. But you can get an abortion if you were raped." That's like saying, "Abortion is completely wrong. You cannot get an abortion under any circumstances, it's illegal. Unless you were raped." It's just like, WTF.
Ehh, well, it's kind of a touchy subject. Many people, like me, can't really make up their minds on that issue. Rape is a sensitive issue. A baby could be a constant reminder of what happened to the woman. I'm kind of torn. I'd like to say I'm pro-life, but then there's rape and I'm like... eh. xD

Ehh, well, it's kind of a touchy subject. Many people, like me, can't really make up their minds on that issue. Rape is a sensitive issue. A baby could be a constant reminder of what happened to the woman. I'm kind of torn. I'd like to say I'm pro-life, but then there's rape and I'm like... eh. xD
Adoption is always an option.

Well, if you do get raped like GotchiGirl said you will have to go through pregnancy unready and it's not your fault. The baby would be a constant reminder, although adoption is an option (ha, that rhymed.) during the nine months it is though. And you may be really young and you're body cannot take it. In situations like that, where your life or mental health is in danger, that's why people may see that rape is an appropriate reason for an abortion.


But other people may get an abortion after being ignorant and having sex and not wanting kids.

Well, if you do get raped like GotchiGirl said you will have to go through pregnancy unready and it's not your fault. The baby would be a constant reminder, although adoption is an option (ha, that rhymed.) during the nine months it is though. And you may be really young and you're body cannot take it. In situations like that, where your life or mental health is in danger, that's why people may see that rape is an appropriate reason for an abortion. 

But other people may get an abortion after being ignorant and having sex and not wanting kids.
Again, I'd like to point out that a person getting an abortion because they are raped is EXTREMELY rare. (Only about 1 in 1000 cases, or about 1% of all abortions are from rape cases, .)

Many people make this argument, but I don't see it as a very good one at all being that abortions due to rape rarely happen at all.

I'd also like to point out that the violence of abortion actually parallels rape. Don't you see? When a woman exercises her right to control her own body in total disregard to the body of another human being, it is called abortion. When a man acts out the same philosophy, it is called rape. Think about it.

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I'm Pro-Choice.

I think it's crazy and sick that some Pro-Life activists have murdered doctors who perform abortions, and blow up clinics. If you blow up the clinic, you are killing the mothers and children.

Four people have been murdered. Including one in his own home.

I'm Pro-Choice.
I think it's crazy and sick that some Pro-Life activists have murdered doctors who perform abortions, and blow up clinics. If you blow up the clinic, you are killing the mothers and children.

Four people have been murdered. Including one in his own home.
But millions have been killed by pro-choice people like yourself and I. Are you forgetting what abortion is?

I'm Pro-Choice.
I think it's crazy and sick that some Pro-Life activists have murdered doctors who perform abortions, and blow up clinics. If you blow up the clinic, you are killing the mothers and children.

Four people have been murdered. Including one in his own home.
That's a little off-topic. There are going to be extremists in everything. These cases happen but they are rare, and most true pro-life people believe in life. [Hence the name]

I think it a bit surprising to find that few people have actually brought up the topic of adoption.

Isn't that a choice, too?

I'm Pro-Choice.I don't care what a woman does to her unborn baby.
I'm going to rephrase that.

I still am Pro-Choice, But I only think abortions are okay if the woman was raped, birth defect, or if she would die.

Not If you don't want it, I understand that adoption is a long process, but still.

I also do not agree with late abortions.

ehh... I'm really confusing.

Making abortion illegal would just make more back street abortions happen and more deaths as it is dangerous.

Still Pro-Choice. But late term abortions I am against.

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I think it a bit surprising to find that few people have actually brought up the topic of adoption.
Isn't that a choice, too?
Adoption hasn't been mentioned more because the main focus of the topic and the question being debated is whether people are Pro-Life (no abortion) or Pro-Choice (woman's right to choose)

In this case the "choice" in question is about a woman having the right to choose to abort a pregnancy or carry her baby to full term.

Discussing the pros and cons of adoption is another subject that could take this thread off topic :(

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You shpuld just choose adoption. What if that baby coulda grown up to find a cure for cancer? I think they should at LEAST give it a chance! :3

I didn't vote. I'm half-half.

If you're ready, I think you should be pro life. They say 'Why hasn't God sent a cure for cancer? Or global warming?' Truth is, he did. But that person's life was cut incredibly short.

How do you guys expect people who have had abortions to feel if they read things like "Oh, you're baby could have cured cancer?" They would feel horrible.

Abortion isn't taken lightly by anyone.

It's not a frivolous or spontaneous decision.

And it is no-one else's right to try and belittle people for what they have done.

Most people have good reasons to have abortions.

Also, some people have children for bad reasons - to gain benefit money and things like that.

There are reasons for everything and I find it so sad that some people are so judgemental about people who have had abortions - calling them murderers and suchlike.

I'm a Christian by the way and I'm not a feminist but I support equal rights for woman and let women be in control of their lives, actions and bodies.

Abortion has consequences and the people who get abortions are aware of that.

I believe in freedom.

That's why I am Pro-Choice.

You shpuld just choose adoption. What if that baby coulda grown up to find a cure for cancer? I think they should at LEAST give it a chance! :3
Well, what if that baby ends up going to Foster care and gets mean parents who are partial or sumthin? Adaoption is like risking its life. Then later on that kid would feel like why was I born, right?

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