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May 10, 2008
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On the Moon with the Jonas Brothers.
OK so you may know a series called The Twilight Saga. Yea well someone told my mom that, that book is not for kids and so shes forbidding me to read any books unless she approves of them!!! I cant buy Breaking Dawn until her and my dad are done reading the whole series!!! I was crying for an hour!! What should i do! I have no freedom1! I cant wear any clothes unless she approves of them. i cant go to someones birthday unless she likes the person whos throwing the birthday. Thats why i missed Natalie's birthday! Please help!! I am out of ideas. My life is ruined.

I doubt your life is ruined. Don't worry.

Have you actually talked to your parents about this? I can understand parents not wanting their child's mind to be 'corrupted' by something, but it will happen - Just being realistic, here.. Your mom is really only trying to help you, but going about it in a way that's more unfair to you.

As for the birthday parties.. That seems selfish to me. But you have to remember she's only doing it for your safety, I'm assuming.

You don't have to ask your parents for too much freedom. Talk to them.

Well first of all according to all my friend's reviews on the book twilight is the best book ever.

The birthday party thing is selfish i mean if somebody is nice enough to invite to a party go. But your mom is trying to protect you because she loves you. But I personly think that your mom does sound a bit overprotective. So just talk to her and if your nice to her and all this stuff then she will trust you. It's all about trust.

[SIZE=7pt]You could get a library card and go to the school library or public library and rent it behind their backs. But that's bad advice. Never mind, don't do that.[/SIZE]

Talk to them about it.

Lol. well actually I talked to my mom and she said i cant buy ANY books unless she approves of them and looks over them on the internet.Which means I cant buy the Clique or the Uglies Series. And i was thinking of borrowing my freinds Breaking Dawn book when it comes out after shes done reading it. and i could read it secretly. I cant wear whatever I want, I cant watch some shows on disney channel! On suite life of zac and cody there was a kissing scene and my mom was there and she said what kind of shows are these! Your not allowed to watch these kinda shows anymore! so i cant watch disneychannel when shes there! i just watch it whenever shes gone. i cant even watch some good shows on mtv. not all of them are bad like runs house! so i watch it when my moms not there.She is just driving me insane! She comes home in 10 days from las vegas and i cant buy a book until then! I cant go without a book for so long!! ugh! i dont care if shes trying to protect me!! i talked to her but she just started yelling at me and saying, I can say whatever you read! and my dads all mad at me because i hung up on him because he was ignoring me over the phone so i hung up and when i called back hes got mad and said goodbye! and hung up. i feel like i want to cry again!!!! talking to them wont work!!! i know my parents and they never listen to me!!!!!!1 im getting tears in my eyes again!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you need to learn how to talk with your parents in a way that will actually get you what you want.

Whining and yelling at parents never works - nor does hanging up on them.

This is not about whether they deserve it. It's not about your opinion of how mean or rude they are being to you - it's about getting what you want. That's what you have to focus on.

Stay calm. Stay polite.

Tell her you really want to read a book and you're disappointed that her new rule means that you will have to wait 10 days before you can read anything ...

I have to be honest, maybe you just need to broaden your reading tastes and ask her approval to read some of the well known titles she is unlikely to have a problem with. After all, the Twilight Saga is not the only series in the world - there are millions of books to choose from... so it is not like you have nothing to read for 10 days! :D

You don't say how old you are... but I don't think you're the only person on TamaTalk who has parents who check what they are watching on TV or reading (and restrict it).

You're definitely not the only person who can't wear whatever they want.

I know it might feel that way sometimes, but honestly... there are loads of members who think their parents never listen to them :D

Thanks Tamamum. Your words mean something. My mom said though I cant pick any books not just the twilight series, until she comes. She said shes going to read twilight and see if its appropriate or not but i'm afraid she wont let me becuase the two main characters kiss sometimes and i dont know if my mom would like that. and something innapropriate is mentioned in the third book eclipse but its only a small mention and they dont even do anything. Thats what im afraid of. I always try to talk to them politely. i never whine or anything but they have to have it their way! they wont even let me talk for one second! they just say, end of conversation. They could be a little more mature about this. I've read a lot of different books but my mom told me that she doesnt trust me anymore so she has approve of my books! She doesnt trust me! All because i bought a book that she thinks is for 16 year olds and up. I'm almost 12 so I think I should get a bit more freedom. This whole summer I have gotten sooo many more rules!!!! I'm not free. I know a lot of kids have the same problem as me. but we never get the really right answer. parents are not fair.

Whenever my parents don't let me read a book, I write a nice essay on how the book is educational, influential, and groundbreaking. Then, my parents will read the essay, becomed enlightened, and allow me to read said book. Same idea with anything else. My parents are really kind, aren't they? Anyways, I think it would be a good idea to politely tell them why you want to read this book, and how frusterating it is that they won't let you.

Or, just wait until your parents finish proof-reading the book. Really, be patient.

Yea but the problem is my mom hates kissing parts. So i'm going to make a deal with her to make a mark on the pages i'm not allowed to read and if she puts all the kissing scenes i'm going to be mad!! the book isnt good without those parts!! its a romantic book!!

Are you allowed to go to the library? You can go every few days and read it.

You could also like check out movies or something so your parents won't know too.

Or, you could read it on the internet.

Or, just wait until your parents read it, they do sound pretty unfair, but they are parents.

Sorry, so many suggestions. x3

Well my library doesnt have twilight. I actually already own the three books in the series. Its just I'm worried about Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun! What if my parents dont let me read those!!! And the movie is coming out in december. HappinessisGolden, I took your advice and wrote a paper about it. My mom got really pi**ed that i wrote one and im like, a wise freind told me to do that. And shes like who? And i'm like no one. Because if i said from someone online she would think I was talking to a 40 year old stalker. Lol. well i just blamed it on one of my freinds who my mom doesnt like anyway because i dont know why. And my moms like well dont take Her advice. I dont even like her that much. And I'm like mom shes my freind! so we got into a whole different subject. Yea thats one of the things i hate that my mom does. she always says i hate so and so or i like so and so. But yea even though i blamed my freind lol my moms not gonna say anything.

OK so you may know a series called The Twilight Saga. Yea well someone told my mom that, that book is not for kids and so shes forbidding me to read any books unless she approves of them!!! I cant buy Breaking Dawn until her and my dad are done reading the whole series!!! I was crying for an hour!! What should i do! I have no freedom1! I cant wear any clothes unless she approves of them. i cant go to someones birthday unless she likes the person whos throwing the birthday. Thats why i missed Natalie's birthday! Please help!! I am out of ideas. My life is ruined.
It's not that your mum wants your life to be ruined or anything. She's just being protective of you. Just tell her you'd like a bit more freedom as you're growing up and becoming older and she can't pick your actions forever. And the kissing bits, just go to your room and read the book. She can't stop you.

Acually she can. She can ground me or something. Or yell at me. Besides shes coming home in 10 days. So yea my mom told me on the phone today that I can buy whatever book i want as long as its appropriate. She just told me not to get anything Twilight related until she read it. Hopefully she will fall in love with the book and forget about how im not allowed to read it. Lol. Maybe.

Well, I argue w/constitutional rights. My friend has it same as you. She has a double life. With her parents, she's a total dork person. Then as soon as she gets to school she heads to the bathroom to change and put eyeliner and other makeup on. Whenever she comes to my house she goes on myspace and checks her email (Her mom has to read her email before she checks it.) I almost never argue w/my parents let me do whatever I want because they believe that it is totally stupid to throw a child out into the world with no immunity to insults about race/religion, or have no prior knowledge of dating, so you let boys in to easy, or whatever else parents don't expose you too. Also it's like your in a very small cage for 18 years and then suddenly you are let out, you have a rush of freedom and you do things you will most certainly regret later. My parents let me expose myself to stuff like dating and insults from other people. Use that argument, that you will have no prior knowledge of the world when you are 18.

Try explaning to your mom about how you feel. DO NOT yell and scream 'cuz that just ticks off your parents and then they won't want to give you any freedom. If you buy a book w/o your mom's permission and she flips out about is. Take her on-line and find the reviews for the book. For the clothing problem, you never said HOW you wanted to dress. Like if you want to dress in mini-skirts and low-cut tops, you might need to rethink. If you wanted a shirt that said Mikey [Effing] Way rethink. If you wanted some really expensive brand re-think. (My mom begs me to were mini-skirts and shorts all the time because I were jeans 24/7...she says I have nice legs...wtfrank...they're short and stubby.). I think that if you wanted to were skinny jeans and band tees she might have read some of that bull crap on "emos" and she dosen't want you killing your self. 'Tis my input.

Edit: Ooooooooooooooops no swearing!

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Well those are all really good ideas! I think I'm going to try the online review thing. And no way would i wear mini skirts and that stuff. I just want to wear a tank top without like a shrug or something over it. And last year i was able to wear short shorts and this year my mom wont let me. Shes like "Last year you were younger.You've gotten older this year." And i'm like what the crap! I was 11 last year and im still 11 (almost 12) Maybe she means my maturity level. But i was the same last year so i dont know what shes thinking of.

My parents are very consideret and always trust me!

I have a lot of freedom like im only twelve and I can watch all pg 13 movies (But I need there supervision), im aloud to play most mature rated games. But I never lie to them, im always honest and i know they love me! Im sorry you don't feel that way. But like I said it's all about trust.

Did you ever do anything in the past to bug them, mabey if you drop the twilight subject around them they will be like ooh your being so mature about this twilight thing and let

you read the series, that's my opinion!

Nickigi, you're eleven? I was assuming that you were eight, or something similar, but eleven? Why, when I was eleven, I was already watching R-rated movies, and my parents let me, as long as I proved that the movies in question were educational . My lord.

Your mother is a helicopter parent. If I were you, I'd enlighten her to that fact, but judging from your previous conversations, this may or may not be a good idea.

I know that this is wrong, but if you feel up to it, upon receiving the book, go into your room, and read the parts that you aren't allowed to. Personally, I think it should be your choice as to whether to obey your parents, or disobey them.

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