pulled teeth


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the only part that i am scared of is the needles that numb your mouth. You see I have a HUMONGOUS fear of needles. I have been thinking about it over a month now. Are there any ways that I can relax?
I'm not a fan either but the trick I used to use when I REALLY HATED them was if you look away and concentrate on an object or thought, the discomfort is a lot less.

I got over my needle anxieties when I first gave blood. After that walk in the park. I still look away though.

the only part that i am scared of is the needles that numb your mouth. You see I have a HUMONGOUS fear of needles. I have been thinking about it over a month now. Are there any ways that I can relax?
The needles scared me a little too. Maybe close your eyes so you dont know when its going in, and before you know it it will be done.

Edit: Stupid typos D< *Kicks keyboard*

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No I have never got my teeth pulled but i'm sure it woulden't hurt too much,just close your eyes and think of you in a happy place :) !

I have 4 teeth then braces to all they do is inject but you can only feel a scratch. Then they pull. It dosnt hurt a bit

I had to have 4 teeth pulled this summer, and I was absolutely TERRIFIED! I hate needles and really thought it would hurt, but it was over quick and went very smoothly. I would happily do it again without another thought. I'm not sure if your orthodontist would do this, but before they gave me the Novacaine (sp?) shots to numb me, they got a little numbing fluid on a Q-tip and rubbed it on my gums. Obviously, this doesn't hurt at all and after that I could barely feel anything and felt very relaxed. They also gave me laughing gas, which is...fun. Haha. You breathe it in through a mask thingy, and then almost immediately you're so relaxed and everything just seems....hilarious. xD They then gave me four shots in my gums. I thought that would hurt a lot, but since I had already had some numbing fluid on my gums, it was like nothing! It actually didn't hurt nearly as bad as a shot on your arm or leg. If you want to get an idea of how it feels, gently push your fingernail against your gum. It just stings a little, right? That's exactly how the shot feels. It doesn't go in deeply at all! If I hadn't known it was a needle, I never would have guessed, seriously! It's not a big deal at all. Then they pull out the teeth. That's like nothing. They get these pliers things, and take them out one by one. It literally takes less than three seconds for them to get one out, and since you're all numbed up, you won't feel a thing! All you hear is a little snapping noise when they get 'em out. Then you're all done! To be honest with you, since I was all drugged up with the laughing gas, I was sad it was over. Everything seemed so silly and happy and the whole experience was kind of fun! xD For the rest of the day, your gums and teeth will be really numb, lol. It's the weirdest feeling ever.. Don't worry though, by the next day, they'll be back to normal! So don't worry! I was pleasantly surprised when I got my teeth pulled, and I found out it was a complete waste of time worrying. And relaxation tips? If you're lucky enough to have gotten laughing gas, you'll already be relaxed, trust me! And if you don't? Pretty much all orthodontists use the small amount of numbing fluid on a Q-tip, so the shots will feel like nothing! Just think about that! :p Good luck!

The needles scared me a little too. Maybe close your eyes so you dont know when its going in, and before you know it it will be done.
Edit: Stupid typos D< *Kicks keyboard*
I know! You guys aren't the only ones I'm terrified of needles too! e_e;;;

I had to have 4 teeth pulled this summer, and I was absolutely TERRIFIED! I hate needles and really thought it would hurt, but it was over quick and went very smoothly. I would happily do it again without another thought. I'm not sure if your orthodontist would do this, but before they gave me the Novacaine (sp?) shots to numb me, they got a little numbing fluid on a Q-tip and rubbed it on my gums. Obviously, this doesn't hurt at all and after that I could barely feel anything and felt very relaxed. They also gave me laughing gas, which is...fun. Haha. You breathe it in through a mask thingy, and then almost immediately you're so relaxed and everything just seems....hilarious. xD
LOL! Friend of mine in Michigan told me when he had his last tooth pulling, he got the giggle gas too and apparently he was told after he snapped out of it that he was singing metallica and AC/DC songs while they were in his mouth LOL. I forget what procredure they were doing along with pulling teeth out but he and I thought that's hilarious to find out while you're out of your mind on that gas XD He doesn't even remember doing it, this is what the dentist told him!

I had one taken out. It was over in 5 secs.

I got eat chocolate mousse while my face thawed and got £5 for being brave(while it may be very childish I am not one to reject money!)

It didn't hurt after and I kept my tooth in a tissue and stared at it until I lost it.

LOL! Friend of mine in Michigan told me when he had his last tooth pulling, he got the giggle gas too and apparently he was told after he snapped out of it that he was singing metallica and AC/DC songs while they were in his mouth LOL. I forget what procredure they were doing along with pulling teeth out but he and I thought that's hilarious to find out while you're out of your mind on that gas XD He doesn't even remember doing it, this is what the dentist told him!

That would be hilarious to be his Dentist!

i have at least 3. my 2 incisors from when i was young because i ate too much chocolate although i don't remember how i felt. my canine tooth was pulled about a year ago and it didn't hurt except for the needle which numbed my gums. i really don't have any proper advice for you but just try to remain as calm as possible(even if you're as scared as death) by resting your shoulders and taking slow and deep breaths. or you could think about something funny which will make your mouth open(but sometimes you may not be able to settle down because of this). and don't worry about your braces. they don't hurt at all but make sure not to eat anything hard the first 24 hrs you get your braces because the glue has to harden first. i have braces too but it seems that i'm getting them off on the 12th.

i have at least 3. my 2 incisors from when i was young because i ate too much chocolate although i don't remember how i felt. my canine tooth was pulled about a year ago and it didn't hurt except for the needle which numbed my gums. i really don't have any proper advice for you but just try to remain as calm as possible(even if you're as scared as death) by resting your shoulders and taking slow and deep breaths. or you could think about something funny which will make your mouth open(but sometimes you may not be able to settle down because of this). and don't worry about your braces. they don't hurt at all but make sure not to eat anything hard the first 24 hrs you get your braces because the glue has to harden first. i have braces too but it seems that i'm getting them off on the 12th.
Yeah i thunk you are right there.i just got my teeth pulled out today!And even though i had an abcess (ab-sess), i only screamed cause i was in pain (i could sorta feel it) i still was good because usually i make a fuss out of everything,i got one of those little mirror things that dentists use.my advice that dad gave me is advice that you should take;calm down, take a deep breath, think about happy things and if you feel ANY pain at all just lean back hard onto the dentist chair, and hold on tight to the dentist chair.And you are probaly wondering if i got braces? well no i didn't.

hope that helps

T-K :p

OK, so, On the 13th I have to get 4 teeth pulled. Then I get braces on the 19th. One day before starting middle school! The orthodontist said I have a small mouth so I have to get 1 molers pulled on each side!

But, he gave me a choice, he said I could not get them pulled out then I would have straight teeth but they would stick out. So I am like no.

Have any of you tamatalkers gotten your teeth pulled?

Or any advice?  :wacko:   :angry:   :angry:

P.S. They are permenant!
I've had 5 teeth pulled. let me go over the steps for you.

1. Numing of the mouth: sticks a needle in yor mouth for amout 1/2-1 min.

2. he sticks the little vacuum in your mouth to collect the saliva

3. puts gauze around you tooth/teeth

4. gets tweezers and pulls teeth/tooth out.

5. vacuums up blood

6. give instructions for care on the tooth

7. get treat/present

That's how my dentist does it. I don't know if there is a different procedure with every dentist.

Braces? not sure how they do those.

Are the teeth permanent, or are the braces?

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the teeth that I am getting pulled out are permenant! I am getting them out on Wednesday!

I've had 5 teeth out. 4 molars and 1 baby tooth that wos covering a molar. It really is not that bad. You will definately want to rest for a day or two afterwards but they heal quickly if you do all the right things. So make sure to listen to the dentist.

I got a tooth pulled. 5 minutes after she was done I said, "Are you gonna do it?" Shes all o_____o;

They numb you, so you don't feel it. It's nothing. I got lip gloss afterwards xDDD I don't know where it is anymore, lol.

It's not that bad. Before I have had four teeth pulled. Two in the top part of my mouth and two at the bottom. For me the bottom didn't hurt but the top did. But that's just me. It might be different for you. Plus it hardly hurts when they're pulling them out cause tey numb your mouth. The worst part really is hearing your teeth being ripped out of your mouth. Getting teeth pulled out is no big deal.

I got my teeth pulled already!

They gave me laughing gas.

My mouth is still numb from the 8 shots they gave me.

Thank you tamatalkers for you help!! I was thinking of you while I was at the dentist!!

A guide can close this now!

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