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Blue camo ones are rare cos i went to a shop and wen i was buying it the woman said to "Your lucky because you got a rare coulour..." 2 seconds l8r wen i payed 4 it she said "We dont have many of those coulours in" And i said then "O ok thanks *lol*"

Tehn the woman said "Enjoy playing it" so if yuou ask me i think blue camo is rare Besides from that ill explain just incase i got name wrong (It has- Blue base- Blue camo Shaped on base round screen- And black camo mixed in with blue camo on base-/- So its like blue Base with black and blue camo)

I'm not entirely sure. I can't say I've seen anyone with them. I have oceanic waves x)

Its my avatar Read my other post above to find out what i mean

What is it? explain please and ill tell Blue camo is rare

is mine rare? it's a conexion v.2. It's base colour is cream and on the front is mainly cream again again but with purple, light green and orange. Also, any ideas what it's called?

The both accounts beginning with tama... Yeah they r rare

No problem just let me know if you need more help in the future

I can't play on toon town because i have a different computer

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