rate my photos/drawing :D


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Well not to rain on your parade or anything...D:

But I actually found a lot of problems with some of the photographs and pictures.

I'll start with the Photo's:

Your first flower photo:

Don't take a picture in a crowded place. >.<"

It makes it look messy, and...Well, tilting the camera wasn't such a good idea for this one. Also you got the light blur in the background...D: which looks a little strange. >.<

Second flower picture:

This one I liked, it's a good idea and got some good detail on the flower! But don't go too close, because it looks just a little fuzzy. But yet, it must be the sunlight in the background thats causing the flower to look a little fuzzy. And I think it's just a little to bright in the background, its interfering with your main target of the flower. >.<" But still, this is my favorite picture that you did.

The Unicorn picture:

It's very cute, but the sun is coming in from the wrong direction. Not to mention I can still see some clutter in the background. >.<

NOW! On to your drawings!

Spider attacking a plane:

Really basic, shouldn't have scribbled it in like that. :/

Kinda just looks like a doodle you did in class. D: (No offense >_<)

Fishy one!:

This I liked a lot too. I like how you used a thick pencil for the outlining of the fish! Good idea!

Of course...The one problem I have is the eye...But I don't know whats bothering me about it...But oh well.

Nice job on this one! ^-^

The creature one

O_O Also very basic, but of course! I can't really criticize you on this DRAWING! xD

Since you made it up your self. And well... Thats what it's supposed to look like. :3

PHEW!! Wrote down a lot. T.T"

But don't take this personally ok? :3

Just pointing out some things that I thought were wrong with the pictures...! But keep trying! :D ~ I'm sure you'll be absolutely

awesome one DAY! ( ^_^ )/)

Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut.
I am sorry she really doesn't have to this a opinion realted topic thats her way opinioning this topic for her to practise drawing .

I am sorry she really doesn't have to this a opinion realted topic thats her way opinioning this topic for her to practise drawing .
While I do appreciate you defending me it wouldn't be the best idea for you to get coiled up in my arguments. Just let the person be, she has said something rude, yes, but you don't have to go attacking her.

I like the Fishy your drawings are really good.


A few tips:

You might want to add a bit more detail :(

I suggest using Pencil before Pen you can use pen on your final draft!

I really agree with all of what Anime Girl said. Follow her tips too she is a big help!


Well thats basically it




P.S. You'll get better I know I did

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