rjalda100's Virtual Zoo - a V2 Log (with photos)


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Hello, I'm back! Eliot is still doing very well. I've been trying hard to keep on top of his care, and his hearts have yet to drop below three. His training bar is full now as well. So I'll be pretty surprised if he doesn't become a perfect care adult.

I've been connecting him a lot with Ilse and Hikaru, just so he doesn't get lonely! Oddly enough, he and Ilse almost always play games when I connect them, while he and Hikaru almost always visit. It's weird. And then, when I did get Eliot to visit Ilse, he came up as Nazotchi even though Young Mametchi is on the V3 as well. Weird.

Futagotenshi on my Angelgotchi unfortunately left me last night. It was kind of my fault. Normally when I go to work, I would pause them and then leave them at home so that I could resume with them when I was finished. But last night for whatever reason, I brought my Angel with me. BAD IDEA. A button must have gotten bumped while they were in my bag because when I finished my shift and checked on them, they were dead.

I've tabbed my Angel back up, for now. Mostly because I've actually got two more tamas coming to me in the mail and I'm probably going to want to run those when they get here. Pretty sure I actually forgot to mention that at all in here, but last week I bought a P1 that looks like this; it should be here any day. It was kind of an impulse buy because i really liked the shell and the price was decent ($17 CAD). Then a few days ago, I also ended up winning an auction for an Entama, which I've been wanting for a while now. It looks like this - I fell in love with the shell because blue is my favourite colour!

Okay, rambling aside, guess who evolved? As I expected, Hikaru is now a Hinotamatchi, who I've not yet had on the Plus (although I have had him on my V2 and he's really cute!):

Based on my experience with the Plus and the fact that it ages differently than the English connections, I'm expecting him to become an adult by the age of 7. He 4 right now, even though he was actually hatched the same day as Eliot, who's 2. I have 4 days off work coming up, so I probably actually won't have to pause him that much.

Here he is playing with his ball, a gift he received when I connected him with Eliot (same deal, for whatever reason I can't get Ilse to give gifts. Maybe she's just stubborn...)

Speaking of Ilse, she's now 55 years old, although she'll be 56 in about an hour. 44 more days until she reaches 100, and she still only has the one care miss I recorded that happened in her 20s! (I've made sure to turn her light out right away, or at least within an hour, even since then)

We found a gramophone in the shop this morning. It cost a pretty penny (5000p), but she really seems to enjoy it!

Here she is playing Bump with Ojitchi - a perfect match (not to mention, she won!)...

...and Pirorirotchi (she lost!)


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Hello, I'm back! Eliot's growth got a bit messed up because the inevitable happened:

I put a new one in, but he went back to being 2 years old when he should actually be 3. So I'm guessing he lost about a day. He would have been turning into an adult tomorrow, but now I'm pretty sure that won't happen until Monday. I put an actual new battery in this time instead of a loose one (like I did last time), so the battery should hopefully last longer this time around.

Also, I have a really bad habit of pressing my tamas' buttons with my nail instead of my actual thumb, and I should probably try to break that habit because my V2's B button currently looks like this:

A small chunk came off of the top. It really doesn't affect anything, but it doesn't look very nice. Brings back memories of my very first tama, also a V2, that I broke when I was 8 because I pulled the B button out. Oops.

Anyway, despite losing a tama-year, Eliot is still happy and healthy. I'm still focusing on giving him perfect care and so far, I don't think I've missed anything.

I'm still hoping he becomes Mametchi, but the V2's growth pattern seems to be quite random, so I really can't say for sure.

Hikaru is also still happy and healthy. I've been focusing on giving him very good care as well, although I accidentally slipped the other day and let his hunger hearts drop to two. So I'm not sure he'll end up being Mametchi, but maybe something else. Kuchipatchi maybe? As long as I don't end up with another Tarakotchi, I'll be happy either way. (I like Tarakotchi, but it's nice to have some variety, you know)

The above is an animation I catch him doing quite often. I realized after I made it that it's actually missing a frame, but you get the idea. Sometimes he'll keep doing it for like 10 minutes straight - it's quite amusing to watch.

Ilse is also still alive and well at the age of 56 - as it usually is when I write my logs in the evening, she'll be 57 in about an hour.

I've been playing the Bump game a lot with her lately, and today she actually managed to win an entire game! Oddly enough, I've heard that it's easier to win if your tama is overweight, but Ilse somehow cleared all of the rounds weighing only 33lbs. I think she won something like 2400 points. Yay!


Hello, I'm back! Something happened today that I wasn't expecting AT ALL. Eliot evolved! As I said yesterday, his battery ran out and his last save point must have been when he turned two, since he's still two as I write this. I've never had a V2 become an adult at two years old, but somehow it happened.

And, well, just as I'd hoped, Eliot is now a Mametchi! I've finally succeeded at getting Mametchi from Young Mametchi (third time's the charm!).

I'm not sure why, but I really like Mametchi's old sprite, the pre-V3 one. He looks so cute and huggable.

Not sure what's going to happen with the matchmaker and stuff since his age is still messed up. Will the matchmaker somehow come at 5 now? I'm thinking she probably will.

Hikaru is still a teen but he should be turning into an adult tomorrow. I've been trying for a Mametchi with him as well but I'm not so sure that will happen since I let his hearts drop below three a few times. I've yet to have one of the healthy adults on this tama so I'm really hoping I get one.

I've been messing with his clock to keep him awake with me if I stay up late. Because of this, he's had a lot more training opportunities than normal so his training bar has been full since shortly after he became a teen.

There he is taking his evening bath! Not sure how a fireball manages to take a bath, but whatever works for him, I suppose.

Ilse is now 57, almost 58. Tomorrow actually marks two months since I hatched her, hard to believe I've had her going for that long. I was looking back at some of the earlier pages of this log and saw when she was 18, 19, etc. and I thought that was old. Little did I know she'd still be here at nearly 60.

She may be old, but at least she has her cuckoo clock to entertain her!


This is a nice log, I like that you included pics! I know this log is sorta old, so are your tamas different now? Thanks! :3

Thank you! This log is a little old I guess although I still update it regularly. If you mean have my tamas changed since the first post in this log then yes, they have. My V2 was on its 4th generation when I started the log and it's now on its 11th. I've also added quite a few tamas to my collection since then.

Eliot the Mametchi is still mostly the same. He's now three years old and will be four in a few hours, I think. He should be getting the matchmaker by Wednesday.

I've been playing the Slot game a lot with him so we've been racking in the points - by far my favourite V2 game xD (too bad no other tama has this game). Here's a photo I snapped of him brushing his teeth. Isn't he just adorable?

I think next generation I'm going to care for my V2 the exact same way and try for Mimitchi. I haven't had her on this tama yet. Every time I take perfect care on even generations, I end up with Marumimitchi instead.

Hikaru evolved this morning and I have to say, I'm not too pleased. He's another darn Tarakotchi. Yeah, I kept going on about how much I didn't want Tarakotchi, only to get him anyway. Oops.

The quality of care he received actually wasn't that bad. I took rather perfect care of him during the day; what happened was me sleeping in a few mornings. By the time I'd wake up, his hearts would already be down to 1 or 2. I think that's what led to this result. I thought the V2 was sensitive when it came to care, but it seems that the Plus/V1 is actually worse - I mean, I cared for my V2 just a teeny bit better and got Mametchi. Weird.

Guess what? I posted not too long ago that I'd ordered a few tamas in the mail and was waiting on them, and well, one of them came in today! It's a red and blue Japanese P1 that looks like this:

It was sort of an impulse buy, as I fell in love with the shell and had to have it, haha. It's also the first tama I've bought since my V2 that isn't blue, but it has blue in it, so I guess it counts. It's interesting to note that the secret character on this one is Oyajitchi rather than Bill, and I think that's who I'm going to try for.

Here's my little tama in his baby stage (I usually don't name my vintages and instead just call them by their character name):

Here he is just over an hour later, after evolving into Marutchi:

From here on, I'm going to use the typical method of getting Maskutchi: taking good care of Marutchi to get Tamatchi, then ceasing to discipline him (leaving the discipline bar at 50% or so) and maybe letting his hearts drop a couple of times. Hopefully it will work.

I now have two more tamas I'm waiting for in the mail. One of them is the Entama I wrote about a few days ago. The other one is actually another V3 - a translucent pink one that was located only an hour away from where I live, so it should be here this week. I've been wanting to explore the characters on the V3 more (it was one of my favourite tamas when I was a kid - I recall owning 3 or 4 of them), but I'm not resetting Ilse as she's my own personal record. Plus, I'll finally be able to experience full-featured connecting, which I haven't been able to do since all of my Connections are different versions. I really love translucent tamas as well, so that's a bonus.

Last but not least, today marks two months since I hatched Ilse! She was hatched on November 23, 2016 at 3:15PM. She still seems to be doing fine. Her hearts are dropping slow as always, and she's never been sick, not even once. I had a bit of a scare with her last night. At 7:50PM, 10 minutes before she went to bed, I checked her stats and all of her hearts were full. 5 minutes later, I checked again to make sure, and she'd dropped TWO happy hearts. It was really weird. I filled them before she went to sleep and so far that hasn't happened again today but it was odd.


Hello, I'm back! I got my V3 today which means all I'm left waiting for is the Entama. After that, I might refrain from buying for a bit just so I can have some time to run and enjoy all of the ones I recently bought. I did hatch my V3 (which means I'm now running two V3s), which I will write about in a moment.

Eliot is still doing well. He's four years old now, although I believe he'll be turning five within the next hour. He should be getting his first matchmaker visit tomorrow which will allow me to move on to the 12th generation. I admit I will miss him as it's been forever since I've had Mametchi and I've been pretty happy to have him around.

Here he is wearing his cape:

I should get some photos of him wearing the bowtie as well. The animation is interesting because it gives kind of a sneak peek at Mametchi's updated sprite, even though the V2 still retains his old one.

Okay, onto my V3. It came in the mail and I was pretty quick to hatch it. It has a translucent pink shell, which looks like this:

I'm a big fan of translucent tamas and I really like pink, so needless to say I'm quite fond of this shell. One interesting thing to note is that the 'O' in the logo of this one has Mimitchi in it, while my blue V3 has Mametchi in it. I'm assuming my other V3 must have been manufactured later, but it's still kind of odd.

Anyway, I ended up hatching a girl, who I named Belle. At this moment, I'm not doing any particular name theme like I am on my V2.

Belle's baby stage was pretty typical. She was needy, but that's normal for a baby tama. Luckily, I've gotten pretty decent at the get the notes game from playing it so often with Ilse, so I was able to rack up quite a few points for her. I also connected her with Ilse, who gifted her a ball.

An hour after being hatched, Belle evolved into Tamatchi. If I recall correctly, Ilse was also a Tamatchi as a toddler.

She's pretty cute in this stage and she rolls around a lot. I'm trying to take less than perfect care this time around as I don't want her to follow Ilse's growth pattern completely. I want something different.

Hikaru, the Tarakotchi I had running on my Plus, has once again been put on pause. I'd like to run him, but I can't do five tamas at once. I was even a little hesitant at doing four, and at least two of them are going to end up being paused while I'm at work anyway.

Here's some cute photos I took of him before I put my Plus away:

My P1 is still doing well. He's two years old and I believe he'll be evolving by four. I've been spoiled by the shorter growth times on the Connections and the Angel, so I admit to being a tad impatient.

At this point I'm just focusing on keeping his hearts filled and disciplining him when he needs it. One of the reasons I'm doing okay with running four tamas right now is because I've picked some of the least needy ones to run, which I suppose is a good thing!

Last but not least (this is the most tamas I've ever written about in one log, so I hope this entry wasn't too confusing!), Ilse is still doing well at the age of 59. She will be 60 in about an hour. I've been connecting her a lot with Belle - it's nice for her to have a friend that's also a V3 as there's more options when connecting them.

They visit and play games together quite a bit. Ilse even wrapped one of her spare balls to give to Belle as a gift!


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Hello, I'm back with a random late-night log entry (where I am, it's nearly midnight, but I can't sleep so here we are). I was going to update earlier but I was waiting for Belle to evolve. And by the time she did evolve, I had to go to work. All of my tamas stayed at home on pause while I was at work, with the exception of Ilse and Belle. Ilse is one of the least demanding tamas of the bunch and only really requires care every couple of hours, so I always bring her with me since she isn't much of a hassle. Not sure why I brought my other V3, but for whatever reason I did.

Anyway, some pretty big news in Eliot's world. He got married! I had a very hard time getting the matchmaker to bring anything other than adults from the bottom two tiers. I remember a few gens ago with my Nyorotchi, Ciara, the matchmaker actually brought her a Memetchi (!!) which I totally would have said yes to were I not trying to mate her to another tama. Since then, it's apparently been going backwards. Eliot's father Dante married a Butterflytchi, who is a middle-tier adult. Eliot himself ended up marrying a Takotchi, who finally appeared after multiple Gozarutchis and Whaletchis. Not that I was too keen on marrying my Mametchi to a Takotchi, but there wasn't too much else I could do.

(I'm not sure that Takotchi sprite is totally accurate since I've never had him. I based it off of the matchmaker photos I took and modified it a bit. I'll make a better one if I ever get that character)
So yeah, Eliot's baby is a boy. I'm guessing I'm heading back into the endless crop of boys I was previously having on this tama. Out of 12 generations, I've now ended up with 3 girls and 9 boys. I know the gender of the baby is totally random, but it would be nice to have more girls.

Also more news in the world of Belle. Yesterday, I mentioned how I was trying to take less than perfect care of her so that I could get a different teen, 'cause I didn't want her to follow Ilse's growth pattern. I like change, after all. So I purposely racked up a few care misses (well, one of them was actually an accident) - three to be exact. The first time, I let her hearts drop all the way down, then waited for her to call for attention. The second time, I waited until the attention icon went off to turn her light out. The accidental one was when I overslept this morning and woke up to her totally empty on everything, and sick.

I was basically positive I wouldn't end up with a perfect care teen. With that kind of care, there's no way, right?

I'm quite baffled - after all, I didn't treat her well at all. I've actually read that the V3 is a lot more lenient when it comes to care than the V2 (and as I've discovered, the V1), and I guess that shows. I really do like Obotchi, although I do feel weird when my female tamas turn into him. I always think of Obotchi as a male character since that's what he originally was.

I'm still focusing on taking less than perfect care. Taking her to work tonight made that pretty easy. I haven't been filling her hearts all the way, but instead filling them to two or three. I've missed a couple of training opportunities, although I have been filling her training bar when I hear her call for it. Not sure how much of an effect that will have.

(I more than likely took a photo like this of Ilse when she was in her teen stage. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to have another one!)
I usually would write about my P1 next, correct? Well, not much has happened with him. He's still Marutchi and he's going to take longer to evolve since I kept him paused all night. I don't think I've slacked on his care that much so if he doesn't become Tamatchi I'll be rather baffled. He randomly got sick earlier today for no apparent reason, which is typically a sign of impending change. Unfortunately, I had to put him on pause not much later so I have no idea whether he would have changed tonight or not.

Ilse is still alive and well at the age of 61! I'm continuing to care for her the same way I would if I were trying for a perfect care adult. It's been difficult to keep up the perfect care this long, but it has to be done. I believe it's the reason she's living so long. I still feel lucky that she hasn't gotten sick yet and I basically watch her like a hawk to make sure she never does.

My V3's battery is holding up particularly well also. It's not really a top-notch battery; I'm pretty sure I bought it at the dollar store or somewhere. I've been using the same ones in my V2 but my V2 seems to go through them a lot quicker. My V3 is still going strong.

I've been connecting her a lot with Belle as well. I did the king donation thing with both of them so now when I connect them, they can play games for points. It's rather nifty, although Ilse must have some pretty bad luck because she almost always loses.

I think I've learned why I don't often do these log entries this late at night. This one is really long and I probably rambled a lot and didn't even notice.


Hello, I'm back! Eliot will be leaving his son tonight. Normally while I'm at work, I change his clock to make him sleep rather than pausing him, but I'm not going to do that tonight as it will cause him to leave early. I'll probably just end up pausing him - he's had his baby for 24 hours already so it's not going to stunt anything. I'm happy to be starting the 12th generation, although I like Mametchi a lot and will certainly miss him. I mentioned maybe trying for Mimitchi with the next generation, although my V2 can be finicky - I always end up with Marumimitchi instead. It could be dependent on which teen you have (I got Marumimitchi from Ichigotchi, and then from... Hinatchi? I think), so I guess I'll find out.

I really like using the UFO when I have a parent with a child. It's so cute how the baby comes along! I wish there were more items both parent and child could use.

Belle is still the same. Like I said, I've been leaving her hearts at either two or three filled, just to see what result it leads to. I have still been training her - she called once this morning and her bar is now at 5/9. The main reason I'm trying to fill her training bar is because next generation I really want Mohitamatchi as a toddler - he's so cute but you can only get him if the parent had more than 50% training.

The ball is the only item she owns so far that she can use at this stage. It was actually a gift from Ilse because she had two of them. Most of the time, she falls on her face and then gets angry. Bummer!

My little guy I have on my P1 finally evolved this morning, so I do think he was meant to evolve last night but got put on pause before he could do so. As predicted, he is now a Tamatchi.

From here on, I have to neglect him a bit, but not get too carried away with it. I'm sort of caring for him similar to the way I've been caring for Belle, except I'm not filling his discipline bar any further - it is at 50% and that's where it will stay for now. I have had Maskutchi before but sadly I don't remember how exactly I did it. Probably by being a lousy caretaker to be honest. Oh well, I'm going to try this method and I'll see if it works!

Ilse is still doing quite well - she is still 61 at the moment but she'll be 62 this evening. I am continuing to connect her with Belle quite a bit - they currently have four smiley faces for each other and I believe that's where they will stay.

There she is playing around with her wings. A fierce one, she is...


Hello, I'm back! Eliot left his son last night and for once I actually stayed up to watch it:

And so we begin generation 12 on my V2 with Felix! Felix the Teletchi made his official debut into this world at around 10:15AM this morning.

The first hour of his life was pretty typical. He relied on me for all of his needs, and I was more than happy to give him the care that he needed! I played a lot of games of Jump during this stage and racked up quite a few points.

At 10:45AM, 30 minutes after being hatched, Felix took a small nap. About 10 minutes later, he began crying, which meant I needed to praise him. This brought his training bar up to one point. At 11:15AM, he evolved into a happy, bouncing Kinakomotchi.

I seem to get Kinakomotchi a lot. Out of 12 generations, I've now had him around 7 times I believe. Not that i'm complaining, since he's super cute! Like I said in a few of my previous posts, I'm going to try for Mimitchi this time around. The problem is that the V2 can be pretty random with its evolutions at times. The previous two times I took perfect care on an even generation, I ended up with Marumimitchi (who's also cute, but not who I'm trying). Another time, I thought I took perfect care but ended up with Memetchi. As long as I take good care in the toddler stage and get a teen character that isn't Hinatchi, I should be on the right track.

Belle is still doing pretty well. She'll be turning into an adult tomorrow and I'm interested to see what she becomes. I don't think I've been taking horrible care of her but my caretaking hasn't been perfect either. So she'll probably end up becoming a second or middle-tier adult.

I was browsing through her shop this morning and found the ever-coveted mirror! Not once in Ilse's 62 and a half tama-years has the mirror ever appeared in her shop. So I just had to get it for Belle. The problem is that it cost 3000 points which Belle didn't have, so I played and won tons of games of Heading until she had enough!

I also ended up gifting over one of Ilse's spare makeup sets (she kept getting them from the chest), so that should be interesting to use when Belle is an adult!

And, well, that brings us back to Ilse since my P1 hasn't done anything of interest (it's really not easy to do a daily log of a P1. They're cute but they don't do a whole lot). She's 62 now but she'll be 63 later this evening. 37 more days until she reaches 100!

Ilse finally got her own music player! It appeared in her shop and I thought she already had one but it turned out she didn't. She seems happy with it.


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Hello, I'm back! I started up my v4.5 this morning for yet another group hatch, and I'm still running my Plus on and off, so at the moment I've actually got six running tamas. It's quite a chore although a few of them do spend a great portion of time on pause. I will try my best to log about them all without making this log too messy or confusing. For now, using a different corresponding text colour for each tama is what works for me. I've actually thought about starting a new log since I don't really care for the title of this one - after all, it isn't strictly a V2 log. I have no idea why I called it that. I'm going to keep updating this one for now while I decide.

Anyway, let's get on topic! Felix evolved today and, well, I'm not really that pleased. He's a Hinatchi - if you've read some of my previous posts in here, you may know that I don't care for Hinatchi at all, plus out of all the even-gen V2 teens, the amount of adults that can come from him is not that great. I don't believe you can get Mimitchi from Hinatchi, although I know you can get Memetchi and Marumimitchi because I've had both of those results.

So yeah, I should probably stop jinxing myself when it comes to characters. Same thing happened with my Plus when I didn't really want Tarakotchi but got one anyway. Oops.

Belle is still a teen but should be evolving within the next few hours. She'll probably end up evolving while I'm at work, in which case I may end up coming back in and editing this post. Or I'll leave it a surprise and update tomorrow.

The little lion doll appeared in her shop and I just had to buy it for her. Like most toddlers and teens do when you give them a toy, she slept with it!

Like I said earlier, I've been running my Plus on and off - usually pausing it during the day and running it at night. So Hikaru's growth has been pretty slow, although he's still been aging up every morning because that's how the Plus (and most Japanese tamas) is. So the matchmaker finally came for him yesterday at the age of 14 (he would actually have been 12 - I aged him up 2 days by mistake!).

He is the proud father of an adorable baby girl who I'm going to name Hoshiko! Same thing will pretty much apply to her - she'll remain paused for the day, then I'll change her clock to keep her awake with me at night.

Ilse is still alive and well at the age of 63! She'll turn 64 tonight while I'm at work. I bought her a muffin from the shop last night and it turned out, it's her favourite food:

As I said earlier, I did start up my V4.5, although I have too many photos to fit in the post. So I'll make another post detailing that later.


Hello, I'm back! I said I'd come back in later to include the log of my V4.5. I'll also be logging it in this thread so if I ever forget to include it in here, updates will be provided in there. Anyway, I'll get to my V4.5 in a moment. I first have some news to share with you...

BELLE EVOLVED! Now, let me give you a little preface of how exactly I treated her during her teen years, so that you'll understand why I'm as surprised as I am at what the outcome ended up being. My other posts were pretty vague about how exactly I cared for her.

I really wasn't going for perfect care this time around. In fact, I did a number of things that I thought would ensure that I wouldn't get a perfect care adult. I always filled her hearts to three, but not four. They were never completely full the entire time she was a teen. Sometimes they even dropped to one full. I also fed her a lot of snacks rather than playing games - she was around 50lbs or so when she evolved.

Another thing I did was fill her training bar to 7/9 and then leave it there. Each additional time she'd call after that, I'd do the opposite of what she was asking for. If she beeped for no reason, I'd praise her. If she was crying, I'd time her out. Each time I did this, she would not get a training point. I also did a little experiment to see what kind of adult I'd get if I never turned her light out while she was a teen.

So I suppose you can imagine my surprise when I took her out of my coat pocket and saw...

I seriously thought I was going to end up with another Tarakotchi. Violetchi is supposed to be a perfect care adult, isn't she? On the V3 I'm pretty sure she is. I can't complain, because I've actually never had her and had no idea how to get her. I just wasn't expecting to get her out of moderate neglect.

By the way, I was just thinking about this since I logged my V2 earlier - does anyone know if Hinatchi is actually supposed to be a good or bad care teen? I've searched around but sources seem to differ. A lot of sources seem to say he's bad but a few others say he's a good care teen. I've gotten him out of neglect before, but this time around I took perfect care and still got him. It's weird.

Okay, all rambling aside, we can finally move onto my V4.5. I'm not sure which colour to log it in since it and my V3 are both pink. I'll use this one for now. Anyway, I popped a brand new battery in my V4.5 this morning and when I selected "download", my Purimatchi, Joely, was actually still there. All I needed to do was set the clock to 11:59PM, and she departed.

I then set the clock to normal and was greeted by a crying baby girl, who I named Jada.

Jada started off pretty needy, as every baby is. I didn't take the greatest care of her in this stage, but I still managed.

She also inherited 10% of her mother's skill points. I might go for Ura Violetchi this time so I'm going to try and raise her Spiritual points:

After an hour, she evolved, into Kuchitamatchi! She actually hasn't enrolled in school yet because I paused her for half the day. She'll probably get the opportunity to go to school tomorrow!

(I should probably learn to check mail before taking photos, shouldn't I?)

Hey :) I really like your log! I don't really read other people's logs very often because I'm too busy writing my own. But I've really enjoyed reading about Ilse! I'm also super jealous of your P1...I really want that design but I haven't found it for a good price yet. Keep it up :)

Hey :) I really like your log! I don't really read other people's logs very often because I'm too busy writing my own. But I've really enjoyed reading about Ilse! I'm also super jealous of your P1...I really want that design but I haven't found it for a good price yet. Keep it up :)
Thank you! Haha, I was in the same boat with the P1... it ended up being an impulse buy because I'd wanted the design for so long and finally found one for $17 I think. I should really start posting more pictures of it in here but I've been pausing it a lot so it hasn't actually evolved yet. At the age of 8, I should definitely have an adult soon.

Anyway, I was really busy yesterday so I didn't get around to updating. Not a whole lot happened with my tamas, so you guys didn't really miss out on much. Felix should be turning into an adult tomorrow... stupid me forgot to pause him last night while I was at work, and he ended up going without care for about 4 hours. All of his hearts dropped and he was sick by the time I finally checked on him. Oops. So I guess my chance at getting Marumimitchi has been blown.

I'm caring for him well now, so hopefully i shouldn't end up with a super unhealthy character. Although I must say that there are a number of unhealthy characters on the V2 that I haven't actually had yet, so I'm not sure I'll actually be complaining if he turns out to be unhealthy.

Belle the Violetchi/Furawatchi/whatever you want to call her (I think they called her Leaftchi on the V3, didn't they?) is still doing quite well. I paused her last night while I'm at work but that's okay - as I said, I've never had a Violetchi before so I'd rather keep her with me a bit longer. Here she is doing her little closeup:

She also did a similar animation when I used the mirror with her. Very cute! I haven't used a lot of her items yet, but I'd like to later today as I have some free time!

I haven't been logging my Plus a whole lot, but I'm currently raising Hikaru's daughter, Hoshiko. Here's her baby pic:

And here she is today, as a 4 year old Oniontchi!

I'm trying not to slack on the care too much. I have nothing against Tarakotchi, but I don't really want him for a third time. That's the one thing that kind of sucks about the Plus/V1 - Tarakotchi can appear in any generation so I could theoretically keep getting him over and over if I slip on the care too much.

My P1 should be evolving today. He was supposed to evolve last night but I had to throw him on pause yet again. He is currently an 8 year old Tamatchi, although without pausing his age would probably be closer to 6 or 7. If he does evolve today, I'm going to come back in and edit this post with a picture.

Jada the V4.5 has also been on pause quite a lot. She evolved this morning into Ura Young Memetchi, a teen I seem to get frequently. I think I'm going to go for Ura Violetchi this time since I haven't had her yet. Jada's spiritual points are already her highest category (which is why I'm surprised she didn't become Ura Young Violetchi. Unless teens are random.

I'm actually quite terrible at the Manhole game because I don't run my V4.5 that often so I guess I don't play it enough. I might end up just sending her to school to raise her skill points.

And last but not least (logging six tamas is hard!), Ilse turned 65 last night! If she were a person, she'd officially be considered a senior. It was hard to look after her at work last night and she mostly went without care for about 3 hours, but I fed her a few extra meals before I started, so her hungry hearts actually didn't drop. She fared really well! That's the one thing I like about the oldie stage - they can go a pretty long time without care and still come out alright.

She's a bit overweight but that's nothing a few games can't fix. Her points are actually almost maxed out again so I suppose it's time to hit the shop!


Hello, I'm back! This log entry is probably going to be quite picture filled due to the fact that I've had a couple of evolutions in my bunch of tamas - one of the results was expected and the other is quite surprising! Stay tuned.

So, Felix evolved this morning and I was rather nervous of what the result would be. I took pretty decent care of him, but I had two huge slip ups with the care. One of them I wrote about yesterday (I think), and then I had another one happen yesterday as well. I forgot to pause him while I was out and totally forgot about him in my pocket. So he went about 3 hours without care and when I found him, he had all hearts empty and two poops on the screen. I thought, 'Bummer! I guess I won't be getting that Marumimitchi after all..."

But guess what? I'm not at all disappointed because sweet Felix is now a Butterflytchi! Yes, one of the V2 exclusive characters I have not had yet. Mainly because I never really knew a set method to get him. This always seems to happen - most of the truly interesting characters I've had on the V2 (Pochitchi, Toratchi, Marumimitchi, etc.) I've gotten completely by accident.

He's super adorable and I must say that I love his animation - his wings actually move as he's prancing around the screen. I should try to make a gif/animation of it some time. I can also actually make a proper sprite of him now (I recall a few generations back one of my tamas married a Butterflytchi and my sprite that I made was... not that great.)

Belle should be getting the matchmaker later today. I'm a little reluctant to marry her off, but I really would like to move onto the second generation. I haven't gotten to explore any of the even-gen V3 characters because, well, I've only had this one for a week and my other one has had the same character for a few months now. So I'd really like a chance to do that.

If Belle does end up marrying, I'll be sure to be back tomorrow with an update on her and her child!

My other tama evolution happened this morning with my P1. He actually evolved around 9AM, then promptly went back to sleep, so in doing that he aged himself one year. His age counter now reads 10 but he's actually 9. And, well, I did end up getting that Maskutchi I wanted!

This is good because now I have a shot at getting Oyajitchi! I'm simply going back to taking good care of him now. I've been playing a lot of games with him to try and get his weight down (he was like 70lbs when he evolved :0). If all goes well, he should hopefully change in a few days.

Jada is still mostly the same. She's been on pause a lot lately because, well, it's not easy trying to care for six tamas at once - usually at least one of them has to go on pause. Right now the paused ones are Jada and Hoshiko (yeah, the two that aren't adults yet. I have great logic, don't I?) I did play with her this morning to get her Gorgeous points up a little more:

Right now, her age counter reads two years old so she actually should be evolving pretty soon. Depending on how much time she spends on pause, she should be evolving within the next few days.

Ilse is now 66 years old and still doing very well! She will be 67 tonight - I've now caught on that she ages at 7:46PM each night. She's still very laid back. She was with me yesterday when Felix got all of that accidental neglect. I didn't check on her much either, but when I checked on her, she was only down one hungry and one happy heart. I did feed her a few extra meals beforehand, so I think that had something to do with it.

Her favourite food once again appeared in the shop! Yay! I'll probably feed it to her the next time she loses a happy heart.


Hello, I'm back! Not a ton has happened with Felix but he's still cute as ever. He's almost five now, which means he should be getting the matchmaker by Friday. I might put him on pause while I'm at work tonight so he stays with me a little longer.

There he is taking his evening bath! Yes, his wings even move while he's in the bath. It's quite adorable.

Big news with Belle - last night she became a mother! The matchmaker brought along a handsome Kuchipatchi for her and she simply couldn't resist. Here's a little growth chart I did for her:

And here's some photos I snapped of the wedding:

And as the picture shows, it's a GIRL! Normally I end up with tons and tons of boys on my other tamas, but not this one apparently. Maybe all the pink draws the girls in. Anyway, I'm going to be calling Belle's daughter Fiona - the name I was going to use when I got to the letter F on my V2 if I hadn't gotten a boy. Belle should be leaving tonight - whether or not I'm going to stay up to watch I don't really know yet.

Maskutchi on my P1 is 11 now - he got aged up one day so he's actually technically 10 though. I think I've been giving him decent enough care. He's back down to his base weight currently and his discipline is at 50%. Keeping on top of the discipline has been the hardest because I do have a habit of muting my tamas a lot, and this one isn't an exception. So sometimes I don't hear him when he calls. This worked out GREAT when I was going for Maskutchi in the first place, but now that I have him... not so great.

Jada and Hoshiko are off pause at the moment but still teens. They're the same as they were the last time I updated, so I'm moving on to Ilse. I always write about her last, not sure why, but it became a habit. She's 67 now and will be turning 68 while I'm at work tonight. Just a few more days until she reaches 70, and around 32 more days until she reaches 100. Yay!

Tomorrow she'll get to spend lots of time meeting Belle's daughter. She became very close with Belle over the past week, so I have no doubt she'll welcome the new baby as well!


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Hello, I'm back! Two of my tamas are on pause at the moment so I'm just running the four as I write this. Basically my plan is to run my V4.5 until that group hatch is over, then I'm taking the battery out again. The buttons are losing their responsiveness so it's a pain to run, especially when playing games. I'd buy a new one if they weren't so expensive but so far I haven't found a reasonably priced one in good shape. I'm also going to be putting my Plus on a pretty lengthy pause after I get an adult on there - I do like that tama but it's getting a bit repetitive. That will leave me with four tamas running, which I believe I can handle. Once my P1 dies, I may tab it back up and run my Angel again. Other than that, I'm mostly sticking with the same tamas to run.

Anyway, rambling aside, let's talk about Felix! He's doing very well, 5 years old but he'll be six later today. I've been putting him on pause while I'm at work so that he'll stay with me longer. He's so cute and who knows if I'll ever get Butterflytchi again, since I don't know how I got him in the first place.

Here he is having fun with some of his items:

Glasses (left) and Throne (right)
Weights! His face is quite funny.
I think my favourite is the wings. What happens if you give a winged tama more wings? He gets bigger wings, of course!

Belle left her daughter last night, so I finally get to start generation 2 on a V3. Yay! Fiona the Shiroteletchi officially began her life at around 9AM this morning.

I just love the V3 babies. Their little ears are so cute! She was quite needy in this stage but that is to be expected. I've gotten pretty decent at the get the notes game, so I was able to rack up quite a few points for her. She's at around 5000p now, 4000 of which she inherited from her mother. Not bad for only a second generation baby!

After an hour of neediness, she finally evolved, and I'm quite pleased. I got that Mohitamatchi I wanted!

She's super cute and she rolls around a lot. I'm going to try my best to go down the perfect care route this time. I still haven't gotten Mimitchi on any of my tamas (I follow the same method I use to get Mametchi on odd gens, but it never works), so maybe I have a chance this time. Chomametchi is really cool as well so maybe I can try for him. I don't know yet but I'm just going to care for her as well as I can and hope for the best.

Jada evolved yesterday very shortly after I wrote my last log entry. Not sure why I didn't edit that post and add it in, but she's now an Ura Violetchi! Yay! I really like Violetchi and I miss Belle already - at least Jada reminds me of her!

I've got more photos of her in this thread which I can't post here because of the 10 image limit. Her skill points are currently 46/35/72, which I'm going to try and raise a little more so she can get a good job. She's paused currently - it is, in a way, a good thing that I pause her so much because it gives me a little more time to work on skill points and such.

Ilse is now 68 years old and will be 69 this evening, still at 7:46PM. It's a good thing that I know her exact aging time now because now I know she isn't getting accidentally paused at work. Clipping her to the inside of my shirt definitely works a lot better than when I was keeping her in my pocket.

She had lots of fun this morning meeting Fiona, Belle's daughter, For whatever reason I couldn't get them to visit in Ilse's shell, so that photo takes place in Fiona's. (I kinda like the fact that both my V3s have different screen backgrounds because it's easier to tell the difference between them in photos). They seem to get along very well together despite the massive age difference!


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Greetings! I had a couple major things happen with my tamas this morning; one good and one bad. The good thing is that Fiona evolved into a teen; I'll get to that in just a moment. The bad thing is that Maskutchi is no more. My P1 somehow reset itself this morning - the only reason I can think of for it doing that is that the batteries may have been bad. I've decided that I will be restarting it, I'm just waiting on two things: for Jada to get a job and marry off so I can retire my V4.5 again, and for Hoshiko to become an adult so that I can retire my Plus again. Okay, I wouldn't really call it "retirement" per se, because I will run them again in the future. They're both great tamas which I really enjoy running, just not when I've got so many tamas on the go. I was reading some of the past pages in this log and realized how much easier it was when I was only running three or four at a time, so i'd like to go back to doing that.

Felix is still Felix, of course. Today might be matchmaker day for him, it might not. I've been putting him on pause every night while I'm at work, just to have him stay with me a little longer. I'm really growing fond of Butterflytchi and I obviously don't get him very often (this is my first time!). I'm trying to keep him around as long as I can, although I'll more than likely be marrying him off tomorrow.

I caught him doing the cute little winter animation this morning. I've heard about it but always seem to miss my tamas doing it.

I also snapped a picture of him sleeping because he looks pretty funny while doing it. His head literally shrinks!

I also had some fun sending him on UFO trips this morning. In this picture, I believe he's looking at the Eiffel Tower:

He's so adorable! I'm definitely reluctant to marry him off, haha. We'll have to see what generation 13 has in store, I suppose, but I hope Felix's child turns into an adult as adorable as he is!

Okay, moving on I suppose. I mentioned that Fiona evolved into a teen. I already mucked up her care last night at work (note to self: don't take tamas to work if you're trying for perfect care), so I can't say I was too optimistic.

I snapped some photos of her last night playing with some toys...

...then I woke up this morning to see a newer, more mature Fiona. Yup, I ended up with another Hinatchi:

Again, not my favourite teen, but I get him so often now that I've learned to deal with it. This is another reason why I can't figure out if he's a good or bad teen. I know that on the Keitai, he's bad. On the V2 and V3, I believe he's good. Felix was a Hinatchi too and I took perfect care of him in the toddler stage. But I didn't take the greatest care of Fiona - she fell asleep hungry, with a mess beside her since I was too busy at work to care for her. It remains a mystery but the V3 is known to be pretty lenient with care, so I'm going to say Hinatchi is probably supposed to be a good teen on there.

My plans for Fiona's adulthood have changed a little. I know that Mimitchi can, in fact, come from Hinatchi, but I'm not sure I'm going to try that now. I'm going to try the same method I used on my V2 (not that it can really be called a 'method' because it was an accident), and try for Pipotchi. Pipotchi is one of my favourite adults and I used to get her a lot when I played with the V3 as a kid. I haven't raised one in ages now, of course. Pipotchi is classified as an average care adult, so doing what I did with my V2 might work.

The issue is that the V3, like the V2, is pretty random when it comes to growth. I could end up with Pipotchi, but I could also get Dorotchi or Bill. I don't want Bill because Fiona is a girl and that would be a bit odd.

Jada is now four years old, but she doesn't have a job yet because she spent most of yesterday on pause mode. I spent some time this morning playing games to raise her skill points. This is now the result:

Her spiritual points are definitely high enough to get a job, although I might need to work on the other categories. I've had the best luck getting jobs when the skill points are over 80. I'm hoping for her to get a job I haven't had yet - variety is always fun!

Last but not least, today is actually Ilse's 70th! Her age counter reads 69 currently, but she will be turning 70 this evening. I never expected her to make it this far, but I'm glad she did!

To celebrate, I gave her some hair gel:

She ended up with quite the 'fro there, didn't she? Not sure it suits her but at least she had fun!

That's all for my tama happenings right now. This was probably another really long rambling entry, but, well, that's what happens when things happen! Haha. I'll be back tomorrow to update on Felix's marital status, Jada's employment status, and whatever else happens. Bye for now!


(When your browser crashes and you find out tamatalk didn't save the ENTIRE log entry you just wrote so you have to write it again >_>)

Hello, I'm back! First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who reads this log because it has just reached 2000 views! Yay! Second of all, things happened in the world of my tamas between last night and this morning, so prepare for another possibly long and rambling entry. I originally had a lot of photos for this one - probably around 20 or so - but ended up cutting some out so i could fit it all into one post. It's less confusing if I just do everything in one part rather than separating.

Let's start off with Felix. He became a father this morning - the matchmaker brought along a Wooltchi, and I said yes. Definitely not a healthy adult, but who knows? Maybe I'll end up with some variety for generation 13. Here's the growth chart I made for Felix:

And here's his wedding photos!

And yes, finally I end up with a girl on my V2. I've been getting a lot of girls lately - at the moment, all of my tamas are girls except for Felix. So I guess I'm going to end up with a whole tama family of girls! I believe i'm going to call her Gemma - I've had the name in mind for a while and was hoping I'd get a girl when I got to the letter G so that I could use it!

Fiona is still Fiona! She's two now, so she should be evolving by Monday. I already gave her one care miss by putting her in a drawer for a few hours and muting her. I checked on her maybe three hours later and she had her back turned to me with all hearts empty. Then I resumed taking perfect care.

I'll probably bring her to work with me tonight. Whenever I'm aiming for a less than perfect adult, this is the best way to do it, since I always slack on the care at work anyway.

Let's see, what's next? Oh yes, for once, I have an update about Hoshiko. I haven't been logging her because she's spent a lot of time paused. When she was unpaused, I did really try to give her good care. I had just one slip up when I slept in, shortly after she became a teen. Other than that, I kept on top of her care with no misses. So i was quite pleased when I checked on her this morning and saw...

...Memetchi! This is the first healthy adult I've actually gotten on this tama, so I'm quite happy. I've had Memetchi once before, on my V2, but the one on my V2 was a boy (you can probably find him a few pages back in this log). It feels more natural to have a female one.

I'll be putting my Plus away soon, but I'll probably spend a few days with Hoshiko before I do.

Jada finally got a job last night. i spent a lot of time playing games to get all of her skill points over 100. She ended up getting a job as a teacher!

I'm not super great at the minigame (a matching one), but I'm getting better at it. I haven't been pausing Jada a whole lot lately, but I'll have to later when I'm at work. She should get the matchmaker either tomorrow or Monday, so stay tuned.

Last but not least, guess who's officially 70?

29 more days until she reaches 99 and I can stop posting those age counter pics. I'm kinda going to miss doing that. It's fun to read the past posts in this log and see her age increasing. I did that the other day and saw some posts from when she turned 30 and I thought that was old. Now she's 70 and still kickin', the last of my tamas that was born in 2016.

I bought her another genie lamp to celebrate, but she was disappointed when nothing came out. It's still in her inventory so I'll have to use it again.

EDIT: Oh! There's something I totally forgot to include here. I'm doing a little experiment with my Angel. I untabbed it, muted it, then stuck it in a drawer and have not touched it since. i'm curious to see what the result might be. I believe I've ended up with Debirutchi in the past from doing this, but I'm going to try it again. Just a fun lil experiment ^_^


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I'm having SO many problems with my images right now; they're coming up as deleted even though I didn't delete them so if any of the images in this log come up as deleted, just bear with me. I'm trying to fix it. I THINK all of the ones I picked to post here work. But I'm not totally sure. For every working image, there's about five that don't work.

Felix will be leaving his daughter tonight, so I get to start the lucky 13th generation. That should be fun. Here he is going on a UFO trip with his daughter:

The UFO is definitely one of my favourite items because both parent and child get to use it. It's so cute!!

Today is Fiona's last day of being a teen. I've racked up three care misses, I believe, and now I'm taking perfect care. The only problem is her training bar, which I was actually intending to keep on top of, but somehow I missed a bunch of opportunities. Her bar is currently at 6/9 and I probably won't be able to fill it all the way before she evolves. We'll have to see.

I was messing around with her and gave her the chest to play with. I thought she looked cute but she didn't seem so amused. Ha.

I actually still have Hoshiko running, only because I love Memetchi and don't get her too often. If she was anything else, I'd probably have stuck her on eternal pause by now, but she's so cute I'd like to keep her around for a bit. I'm going to be marrying Jada, my V4.5, off soon so that will leave me with four tamas running. I think I can do that.

Memetchi's closeup animation is a bit different on the Plus/V1 than it is on the V2. I rather like it:

Ilse is still happy and healthy at the age of 71! We tried the lamp out again - I had images of this, but they got sucked into a black hole it seems. I'll come back in and edit this post if I can get them to work. Either way, she won 2000 points.

EDIT: Ah! Here we go:



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