Roxygirl26's V2 and V4 log


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
over the rainbow
Ok, well I'm starting this kinda late, but here goes,..

I have a V2 and it's a girl, 1st generation and named Cail!

My V4 is a girl, 1st generation and named Kali!

The V2 is a ringotchi, and is still 1 years old after almost 3 days..and i don't know why

The V4 is a young mimitchi and its still 2.. after almost 4 days..

I want the V4 to become a Mimitchi, so I'm trying to get lots of intelligence points, i now have 185, and it is the highest out of all of them:)

I want a cool character with my V2 like.. a violetchi? they're cute:)

okay that's it for tonight, i'll post again tomorrow!

B) :huh: ;)

Okay, well my V4 is now 2 years old! and it became a mimitchi!

my V2 is still a ringotchi.. but is now 1!

The V4 is planning on marrying my sisters V3

The V2 is planning on marrying my boyfriends V2

And i forgot to say this earlier, but me and my sister have this big barbie house, and like lots of accessories, so we turned it into a tamagotchi house! my V2 and V4 live there as well as my sisters V2 and V3! Its so cute!

Okay, more later, byeee


Okay, well both my tama's are sleeping.. and i thought that i'd let everyone know that Kali! and Cail! havent been talking because they've been grounded:p

Kali! thinks that since she's older that she can be mean to Cail! so, she was being mean to her and Cail! was being mean back.. so i grounded them. :D

So they'll start talking tomorrow when they wake up!

and i'd like to also say that Kali! has 225 intelligence points now!


more tomorrow!


ok well, Kali! is up right now, and ungrounded.. so she's gunna talk for a bit..

okay well, I'm Kali! and I'm 3 years old! I have 257 intelligence points, and RoxyGirl(RG) is practicing with me to see if she can get engouh skill points to get a special character in the future:)I am also taking my drivers test today! Since I am 3!(barbie car) Right now I am so mad at Cail!, she snuck into my room yesterday, and went on my laptop! and started yelling at me when we went for a walk! She thinks that she's better than me.. when she's totally not;) B)

Well, Cail! is getting up now, so she talk to...

hey!, Cail! heere... I'm mad at Kali! because she was chasing me.. just because i used her computer.. isnt that stupid? yeah i think so..well anyways, I'm a ringotchi and i think i look to girly(im more of a tomboy) and i am 2 years old today! I changed my room around so it's not so kiddish yesterday, since i am now a teen! and i got a cool dvd player! its awesome!(barbie house)


Okay well Kali! and Cail! are fighting again.. so i better go.. we'll be back when something exciting happens!


Hey everyone!

well, today i had to go to school and then a dance! So I had to leave my tama's at home.. but they were okay.. I set the clock back so that they'd sleep all day.. and still grow.. instead of pausing them.. ;)

Smart idea,.. you guy sshould do that too when you need to put it on pause:)..just a tip:)

okay, more tomorrow!

byee! -_- :mimitchi:

Wow, this is gunna sound like I'm dumb, but I've been calling one of my tama's the wrong name on here :p it's not Kali! is Kalie, sorry for the confusion.. but not a big deal right? ;)

okay, well I have Kalie and Cail! with me here today again.. and they wanna talk, so here you go..

Okay, well RG said that I can go to tamatown today!(since i'm a V4)

And this boy I really like called Kevin.. whos a V3.. turned into a Mametchi today! and we are practically partners! and I took my driving test and passed! And I got a job! I'm a doctor ;) It's so awesome! I love my job! I also have 366 intelligence points! aha i'm so awesome :mimitchi: :(


Hey! it's me! and I'm now 3 years old! and turning into an adult tomorrow.. i hope :p

and I'm taking my drivers test today! Don't worry i'll let you guys know how I did ;)

Okay, well we gotta go now, off to tamatown with Kalie !

byee :lol:

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Were back from tamatown!


It was so so fun! That's only the second time i've been on tamatown! I went on when I was like a kid... but now I'm an adult and it's so much more fun! :) I played the hospital game..since you know.. I workk at the hospital, and I loved it!

I also got 6000 gotchi points and an action figure , if I have kids and its a boy :(

Cail! is a little upset that she couldn't go to tamatown:(

but since she's V2 she can't.. maybe i'll get her something for her room(in the barbie house) :mimitchi:

byee for now!


okay, well i didn't post anything yesterday , because I was sick:( I still am, but not as much:)

Here's Kalie and Cail!

Hey! yesterday, me and RG's sister's V2 named Kevin, has children! we had two beautiful baby girls! And we're so happy! :lol:

I am also 6 years old! and still happy with my job at the hospital :) AND i have 437 intelligence points!

okay well i better go look after my baby, bye!


OK, Cail! here! and I am now a Violetchi!, in case i didn't tell you;) :D

and my boyfriend, Dunc! is also a violetchi, i think that's funny:) :D

okay not much else to say.. so i'll talk to you tomorrow!



wow, they're growing up so fast, and this is probably that last time Kalie will be talking, seeing as she is going back to tama planet tommorrow:( it's so sad. But I'lll have another baby to look after.. i need names...

And I've also been talking care of my sister's tama's while she is at her friends house, and they are Kevin (a mametchi) and _____ (no name) a hinatchi? i dont know, it reminds me of a fireball though:)

okay ttyl

byee! :p :mimitchi:

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okay.. well, RG here and Kalie and her little one are sleeping.. but its almost 12.. and I wanna watch her leave, because I want to see her one last time:(

I am going to misss her:(

I still have to decide on a name :huh:

And Cail! said that she would take care of her baby for her! how nice :)

Maybe.. I could name her.. Katy.. or Demi.. Zoey.. Lily.. oh i dont know :(

i hope i know by tomorrow :)

Okay well, thr lighs went on, and Kalie was there staring at her baby for like 3 minutes!

then, she stopped and went up to tama-planet :(

Stats for Kalie before she left:








Generation 1


11780 points

I also have some goals..(i got this from Tama_mama)

-to get past generation 10

-to get 99,999 points

-to get a special character

(more when I think of them)

We'll miss you Kalie! you will always be remembered :(

;) :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi:

Hey guys!

I'm here with Cail! and Katy!

They wanna talk today so, here you go!

ooga, hulayoo... gah? oohyuuh boogahee

ahheheeaa! :D

Hey everyone! me and Dunc! (RG's boyfriends V2) mated yesterday and we had gorgeous baby boys! I'm so happy!! :( :D

I'm also taking care of Katy, who is Kalie's daughter!

she is so cute, and I want her to become a memetchi!

okay, gotta go !

Wow, isn't Katy just precious, :)

p.s- if anyone has any tips for getting a Memetchi on V4, pm me!


. ! Roxygirl ! .

okay, well we've got news today but im gunna let the tama's talk to you :D

Hey! Katy here.. Guess what! I evolved into a young memetchi! just what I wanted! I'm aiming for a memetchi then a Makikotchi! I'm gunna be so beautiful! My skill points are Intellectual-45



I need more artistic points.. so i'm gunna have to play A LOT of dance:( even though i really don't like that game:( This sucks

I'm also 1 years old today! and i miss my mom Kalie:( I wish she could see me as a pretty young memetchi:( but i gotta go play dance:\, talk to you guys later!

Hi! I'm Dunc! I'm a kinakomotchi! and My mom Cail! left me last night:( and i miss her, but its okay, i've got Katy looking after me!! :D okay well byee!

Okay guys, just incase any of you are confused, here's a little recap of my tama's...

V4-- 1st generation> Kalie

2nd generation> Katy

V2-- 1st generation> Cail!

2nd generation> Dunc!

okay hope that clears everything up, byeeee!

okay, Katy and Dunc! are gunna talk now:)

Hey everyone! I'm 2 years old and still a young memetchi! and I still want to become a memetchi and then a makikotchi! and my skill points are:




I'm so happy!

Dunc! heree!

I am now a 1 year old young mimitchi! i'm hot :eek:


bye guys!

I'm pretty sure that Katy has the right stats on becoming a Makikotchi.. right?

(PM me if I don't please)

okay ttyl


Hey everyone! I hope you like my log so far:)

Katy here!

The best thing EVER happened today!

First I evolved into a Memetchi!

Then!... a MAKIKOTCHI!

I'm sooo beautiful!

and I also have 424 style points! i'm so proud of myself ;) lol

okay gotta go connect with my future husband (RG's boyfriends V2 named Loki)


Okay well I'm still a young mimitchi and still 1 year old.. i'll probably become 2 later today..

so yeah not to much going on:p

so byee!

Well my first ever special character!

I'm so proud of you Katy!

More news tomorrow!

bye everyone!

Hey! This will probably be last post for a few days, because me, my boyfriend, his family and of course the tama's, are going camping! I'll be back on Sunday the 12th, and i'll post then! here are Katy and Dunc! to say a few last words:p

Hello everyone! I'm now 3, almost 4 years old! and i'm still beautiful! ;)

I should be getting a job today i think.. lol i'm hoping for a singer., i think it'd be perfect for me! well hopefully i'm still around to talk to you when we get back from camping! i'm excited! byee!

Dunc! here! I'm 2 years old, almost 3!

and super happy for camping! it's gunna be awesome!, except that I won't get to talk to any of you for like 3 days:( I hope you'll miss me, lol

well bye

Well, we'll be talking again in a few days!, byee!


I managed to get on this morning before we leave!

I will be pausing Katy, so that her and my sister's V2 can get married.. since he's still 0.. lol

and I will be pausing Dunc! as soon as he turns into an adult, so that he can get married to my sister's V3(they're the same age but she's not coming camping..and i'd get matchmaker before i came back.)

Okay that's it!


. ! Roxygirl ! .


Hey! Katy here! I was on pause for a while:( but now im back! And I'm now a fashion designer, and going to be getting with a ginjirotchi! he's cute:) I'm also 5 years old!

Dunc! is back! and i was on pause too... but i'm now a 4 year old Debatchi! i've got big buck teeth and a little crown like thing on my head!

Well that's about it!, byee!


Hi everyone! yesterday i married a ginjirotchi named Mikey and we had baby boys!

I think I might name it Nick..

I'm now 7 years old and still a fashion designer and i'm leaving tonight:( and tomorrow you'll meet my son:) well ttyl bye!

Dunc! here, I mated with a v3 named Ikea yesterday and we had baby girls! i was so excited! I'm also 6 now! I'm leaving tonight with Katy as well. I wish I could be there when my baby girl grows up:(

I don't know what her name will be...

well i'll probably talking later, bye guys!

I'm gunna miss you guys!

hopefully more updates later!


Hi everyone! I hope you like my log so far!

if you have any suggestions or comments, pm me!

Hello! I'm Nick! My mommy was Katy and she left last night:( But RG has been taking care of me:p Right now I am a mohitamatchi! i loook awesome! I think RG wants me to become a Kutchipatchi and then a nonbiritchi, but she's still not sure:p well, byee!

Hey! I am Lola! You guys know my dad Dunc!... he left yesterday and now i'm here! i think that i'm a kinakomotchi.. not sure though lol

ok cya!

Heeeeeeeeeey everyone! Nick and Lola were so excited today:) i'll let them tell you why:)

Nick is here! Guess what everyone!? I evolved into a young kutchipatchi! RG likes to call me a young kaputchi! lol if you say kaputchi really fast it sounds funny! lol kinda like sneezing:p,... anyways.. :) i'm going to try to grow up into a Kutchipatchi then a nonbiritchi! i want to be a special character just like my mom Katy the Makikotchi! I also picked Mr.Canvas as my teacher because he gives you social points! :p

Hi everyone! Lola is talking now:) I'm now a ufotchi! i think i look like a boy:( but hopefully i will become something beautiful! not sure what i want to become though.. it just has to be pretty! well ttyt! byee

Well, an exciting day today! and here is another recap of the generations..

V4- 1st Generation> Kalie

- 2nd Generation> Katy

- 3rd Generation> Nick

V2- 1st Generation> Cail!

- 2nd Generation> Dunc!

- 3rd Generation> Lola

And i forgot to update my goals!

1. To get a special character

2. To get 99,999 points

3. To get past Generation 10

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