Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Hi readers,

Soo let's get straight to the loggin!!

TMGO (purple):

Monty is OK. I think he mates on Wedensday so that should be exciting. And i caught him taking a shower this evening so i took a pic of it XD


:lol: I found it pretty cute. And we also went to the park and we met a Gozarutchi and they played on the swing which i must say was very adorbs. OK so i didn't actually do much with Monty today so there really isn't much to post which is kinda sucky...... But i did get a nice pic of Monty's new interior for his room that we brought today for 40000GP. Here's the pic:


Can you see the room?? It's kind of like a jail cell-type room and i thought it was pretty awesome XD. Ok I'm afraid that's all i have to say on this little guy today.

TMGO (Pink):

Ohhh I'm very excited for little Rosey! Wanna know why? Well it's because she is now a CHAMAMETCHI!!!!! She evolved this morning while was still in bed :D So anyway here's a little pic of Rosey the Chamametchi:


Isn't she cute!! I am very proud of Rosey!! And i also took her to the park but there wasn't anyone there!! Rosey wasn't very happy about that. :( Plus we went to the shop and brought a smoothie and a beef bowl XD. Oh and i connected Monty and Rosey a little while ago and they played a who-can-eat-the-most-food contest and Monty won! So she got some GP but i can't remember how much. And i think that's all for Rosey....


The triplets are doing good, they have 10% bonds and err i played Safe Box with Clover today and we got 100GP out of that which was good. And they have 2530GP. I am just wondering if there are any GP cheats for 5.5?? If there is could some please PM me because i would really like some!!! OK that's all for the triplets moving on.....


Richard is OK too. I didn't mate him today because i forgot 8D But i do have a couple of pics:


Tee hee, i just caught him doing da "pee pee wiggle dance" and i got him to the toilet in time.


And here's a random pic of Richard and his mum doing some animation. It's actually a pretty good pic. Well that's what i think XD.

Plus he still has 50% bonds and i will hopefully remember to mate him tomoz and take plenty of pics!!


OK this post is coming to an end so i hope you liked it and i will post later toodle pip!!

From: Sakura-San123, Richard, Rosey, Monty, Clover, Toby and Bethany

Hi readers,

Alright sorry i didn't post yesterday but that was because there wasn't really anything to post and it was REALLY late last night before i got a chance to go on my computer and i just wasn't in the mood for logging so yea... Sorry about that but anyway plenty to post today so let's get started!!!

TMGO (purple)

Woot woot!! Monty has mated!!! I took 2 pics of them mating that i will show you (BTW there are only 2 pics because the others that i took were fail pics XD!!!)


I had to have the pic of them kissing it was just too cute! Oh and BTW Monty married a Makiko!!!!


And this is a rather sweet pic of Monty and Peach [That's what i named the Makiko] Together after they got married.

So as I said i'm afraid that's all the pics i got of their marriage. But anyway other than that Monty hasn't done much because i was at school today. We went to the park but there was no one there...... I inserted my Mametchi fig and he played with his toy train for a little while which was very cute indeed.

TMGO (pink)

Well little Rosey is due to be mated tomorrow because shes currently 5. It feels like Rosey is growing up way to fast... Oh well at least i get to have her with me until shes 10!!! Ok i have a little pic of her coming to say hello to me on the screen:


You might not be able to see her very well but you can at least see some of her! OK so earlier on today i took her to work at her toy shop and we only got one customer, it was a Gozarutchi wanting to buy a slide. Which Rosey happily sold to him. So today she only made 1 sale which isn't bad. (Yesterday she got 4 sales!!) And errr i think that's all for Rosey.


OH YEAH Richard mated too!! He mated a little earlier than Monty. Anyway here are about 7 pics of them mating:


This was the character that the Matchmaker brought along first. A Watatchi. I said no because to be frank i don't really fancy Watatchis very much and neither does Richard.....


And the second time it was a Planetchi who had brought along a Sunnytchi!! So of course i accepted but sadly i didn't get the space family :(


Awwwww... Richard saying good-bye to his wonderful parents Marjorite and Memepapatchi.


CUTE! Richard and Sunnytchi kissin it out XD.


The usual fireworks going off to celebrate a wonderful marriage....


And there's the wonderful single egg that will be hatching any minute now!!....


And at 7:06PM a beautiful Iwatchi was born!!!! It's a baby girl who i have named Carly. And now she's a Hoshitchi [but i can't remember when she evolved :lol: ]

OK that's all for Carly.


YAY! The triplets evolved last night! The characters are:

Clover: Nonopotchi

Toby: Mamekatchi

Bethany: Shelltchi

Their extremely adorbs and now have 20% bonds. I have no pics of these guys though. OK that's all.


OK readers, post is over so i will see you later!!

From: Sakaura-san123, Carly, Monty, Rosey, Clover, Bethany, Toby and Peach.

Hi readers,

Let's get logging!!!

TMGO (purple)

Excellent Monty and Peach had a baby!!!! It's a little girl! She's very cute and i have decided to name her Daisy XD.

I have the day off school today because it was mid-term break so i got the chance to fiddle around with all my tamas. And so i took Monty out to the shops and brought some food and then changed the interior of the room because the jail cell interior didn't feel very family-like. :D Sorry i don't have any pics today, i guess I'm starting to get a bit slack with the pics 8D. So anyway apart from that i took the family to the chinese restrauant and they had some yummy fried dumplings for lunch. Then we had some fun playing with the spaceship with the Mametchi fig, the family had fun watching that take off. And weeeee errrr... that's it ahh well moving on.....


Alright! Rosey mated today! But as i said i have being very slack with pics so there are none of their marriage. But anyway she mated a Tarakotchi! It was actually very sweet. So now Rosey has a wonderful husband and I'm very happy for her, plus she went to work at her shop today and she made three sucessful sales!! Here's who she served:

1. Memetchi- Bubbles set 200GP

2. Lovelitchi- Playhouse 3800GP

3. Shimashimatchi [!!]- Rocking horse 1800GP

Rosey was quite proud of her business today and we also went to the park and met a Kunoitchi they played on the swing it was quite cute. And Rosey and Monty connected about a billion times and won lots of GP and they are now the best of friends. :) :)

OK moving on....


More good news! The triplets evovled!! [it actually happened last night but i forgot to tell you!] So the characters are:

Bethany: Chantotchi

Clover: Mametchi

Toby: Kuromametchi [That's like the third Kuromametchi i have had XD]

They also have 40% bonds and are the sociable family! Which is pretty awesome. OK that is all for the triplets but tomorrow i have promised them they can talk to you guys so watch out for that in tomorrows post!!


And darling little Carly also evolved she is now a Mikazukitchi! She has only 10% bonds :mellow: ..... Oh dear i should probably work on that. But other than that i caught Carly and her mum Planetchi looking in the fridge and i took a pic:


LOL plus i also have a pic of Carly as a Teen:


Cute or what???

Anywho that's about all for Carly.


OK that's all sorry about the lack of pics i will put some more on tomorrow!! Toodle pip.

From: Sakura-san123, Monty, Peach, Daisy, Rosey, Billy [Tarokotchi],Carly, Toby, Bethany and Clover holy heck what a bunch!!! XD

Hey readers,

OK firstly really sorry about not posting yesterday i completely forgot! Plus i think I'm starting to get a bit slack with the updates which isn't good so i will try my best to post everyday like i usually do. Secondly from now on i will be making a little section called Pictures! at the end of all my posts to show you any pics i have of my tamas. Ok that's all lets start posting!!!


Awwww, Monty and Peach left Daisy last night!! And i actually caught them doing it!! So i said my good-byes and took a pic [to be posted in Pictures!] So now its up to me to look after and raise Daisy and to be frank i haven't been doing this very well i had to praise her twice today because she was unhappy, she got sick as a baby and needed two doses of medicene. And then i caught her doing the "pee pee wiggle dance" and got her on the toilet on time. And so now shes a Hositchi which is pretty cute. And she's managing fine without her parents, and she just pooped XD. My goal for her as a teen is not a Shelltchi because i have had her every generation that i have had a girl!!! So I'm aiming for a Mikazukitchi.


YAY!!! Rosey and Billy had a baby boy today!! It was very sweet and i have decided to name the baby Damon :D So Damon, Billy and Rosey have done a bit of this and that. I took Rosey to her work today and like before she made 3 sales which were:

1. Ringotchi- Bubble set 200GP

2. Kuchipatchi- Slide 1500GP

3. Ojitchi- Roller-skates 2500GP

After that i waited for a bit longer but no one else came so Rosey closed the shop. And other than that the family played with a robot arm when i inserted my Mametchi figure, the robot arm didn't give them any GP or a pressie so they were not very happy about that. Then Rosey went to the park and sadly didn't see anybody :( Which sucked but i cheered her up a bit by taking to her to games arcade on my Ringotchi figure and we played Shape shooter a couple of times. Alrighty all done.



KOOL! Carly evolved into a Sunnytchi last night!! It quite cool to see a sunnytchi bouncing around the screen. I have taken a rather cute pic of her [To be posted in Pictures!] And she got plenty of bonding calls today and i didn't miss any of them!! Because I'm a good mummie so now Carly has got 40% bonds YAY!!! XD. I'm thinking about getting her bonds up to 100% so her marriage can be a sucessful one.


These little cuties are doing really well. They also got loads of bonding calls today and again i didn't miss any of them! So they have 60% bonds now! And they are still the sociable family which is pretty cool. Now in my last post i promised you i would let them talk to you so i have kept that promise and here they are!:

Toby will be in Green Bethany will be in Pink and Clover will be in Blue:

Clover: Yo readers!! I'm clover and i am sooo excited that i get to talk to you today!!!

Toby: Me too! Our mummie has being taking excellent care of us and guess what?? Wait.... Clover you tell them whats happening tomorrow!

Clover: OK! One of us is getting married!!

Bethany: Yup, and it's gonna be me because I'm the only girl and i have the cutest smile! I'm bound to be the one to get married!

Toby: No it will be me!! Because I'm a Kuromametchi! Which means all the gals are attracted to me and want to marry me!! It's sooooo gonna be me!

Clover: Dream on you two! It's obviously gonna be me because I'm the smartest of this family and i have all the good qaulities that girls look for in a guy.


Me: Errrmm guys that all depends. I firstly will be getting your bonds up to 100% before i marry either of you, plus your all gorgeous in your own way and i will decide tonight and then declare the bride/groom to be tomorrow!

Toby: Nog thanks mum!! Your the best!

Bethany: Yea mum, thanks for being truthful to us. And BTW Clover you ain't that smart because if you have forgotten I'm Chantotchi!!! DUH

Clover: Oh whatever Bethany let's drop this I'm pooped lets go now guys.


Bethany: OK, OK we will talk about this in more depth tomorrow!


Well that was a rather interesting convo. So anyway that's all for these twits :D


As promised the pics of my tamas that i have taken lately:


Nog! This is Carly's parents kissin! I found this adorbs!


You can't really see this very well but here's a pic of Carly on the toilet. Good Girl!!!


Here's a pic of the triplets just bouncing around on the screen very cute.


Awww, and here's Monty and Peach leavin Daisy! *sob* I will miss you guys!!

And that's all me pics for today so hope you guys enjoyed! OK now time for me to go coz i gotta have dinner! But i hop you liked this post and hopefully i will post tomoz! BYE!

From: Sakura-san123, Bethany, Clover, Toby, Daisy, Damon, Rosey, Billy and Carly :lol:

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Hi hi!!

Oh god sorry about not posting lately!!! Heaps has happened though!!


OK, well lets just say that Daisy is now a Violetchi.... Yea shes grown up to be just like her Grandma Maddie XD. So i think i will just quickly tell you her evolving process:

Baby---> Hoshitchi---> Shelltchi---> Violetchi Yes i know i got another Shelltchi! But that's OK because shes actually pretty cute! OK so since i haven't posted in a while i will have to tell you what happened yesterday which wasn't really much but anyway here's what happened yesterday:

7th June 2011 Tuesday:

Had the day off today because i am sick with the flu :( So i got to spend the day looking after my tamas. So yesterday Daisy and i didn't really do that much, apart from go to the park and of course no one was there.... Plus we played Shape Shooter on my Ringotchi figure and we won! So we got 1000GP!!!! And then i think i just left her to bounce around the screen for a while until she beeped and when i pressed the A button she took a bath. It was very cute! And i think that's about it. Oh and shes now potty trained! So i no longer have to clean up her poop. :D

And as for today.... Well sadly i was at school because i had recovered a bit from my flu but i didn't actually take my tamas to school!!!!!!! And they weren't paused! But don't worry, luckily my Mum was still at home so i could txt her and she took the battries out of them before any harm could come to them. So when i put my batteries back in Daisy she was all good she just had a couple of happy hearts empty and the time was wrong because i had downloaded her.


OK about yesterday:

7th June 2011 Tuesday:

Ahh yes, Rosey and Billy had left little Damon so now he's in my care and to be honest.... I have taken really bad care of him! Even though i was at home i actually neglected him! So that's how he has become a Mattsurtchi. Which isn't a bad thing because Mattsurtchi is awesome!!! But anyways so i played Long Jumper a thousand times with Damon and got loads of GP. Then i inserted my Mametchi figure and we played with the unicycle until he fell off :( But that was OK because i just played more games with him to cheer him up again..... And lastly i connected him with Daisy and they played a game and Damon won so he got 200GP! Okey Dokey all done.

And nothing happened today because of the leaving them at home situation. Oh the only thing that did happen was he evolved! He is now a Korokotchi!!!


Taken the battery out of this one for now. Sorry Carly!!!!


What happened yesterday:

7th June 2011 Tuesday:

The Kitty family mated today!!! And they have one last thing to say to you before they leave, oh and they will be speaking in the same colors as before:


Clover: A Mametchi!!! But I'm a Mametchi! That's no fair!!

Toby: This whole thing isn't fair! I should have being the one that was married!

Bethany: OH come on you two! Aren't you even the slightest bit happy for me?

Toby and Clover: Well.... Yes

Bethany: GOOD!! Now lets all just cheer up because i got a wedding to go to!! Say bye to the readers and get your best tuxes on boys!! CYA READERS I'M GETIING MARRIED LOVE YA!!!!!


Nog, well as you can probably tell Beths is getting married!! So yea, i have pics to show you as well [to be shown in Pictures!]

And today, well once i got home and put the battery back in them, i had my second gen family!! And they are now teens with 10% bonds. The characters are:

Mamektchi: Peter

Chamametchi: Harriet

Kikitchi: Rollo

Yea... i have 2 sons and 1 daughter just like last gen but that's cool because they are all still cute!! OK that's all for this version.



Yea i forgot to tell you i took a cute pic of Daisy as a Shelltchi.


Here's a pic of Bethany about to be married


And here's the wonderful Matchmaker bringing along a Mametchi.


And this is the marry/cancel menu, i of course selected Marry!


And here's Beths and her husband kissing. Nagggwww!


Beth saying goodbye to her two brothers :(


And now we have the three eggs that shall hatch very soon.


And that's my post, sorry about it being so long!!!! OK cya later!

From: Sakura-san123, Peter, Harriet, Rollo, Daisy and Damon.


OMG YAY!!! 600 views! Thanks you guys, you are the best!!! I am deffo gonna keep logging now!!! Oh there is also some not so good news. I have removed the batteries from my v5.5 and my pink TMGO I afraid it was just too much work, i will probably start them up again during the school holidays! But anyway i couldn't resist the temptation so i started up myy V3 Purple snowflake design and so now this log will be including it XD.


Naww Daisy is 5 years old so this is her last day by herself before she will be mated. So today to celebrate her last day alone i decided to take her to Kuchipatchi's chinese restrauant, because i have just realised i haven't taken her there for a while!! And we brought some chinese salad but i can't remember how much GP it was. And last night i inserted my Mametchi figure and Daisy went through her item box and decided to use the bunny costume! And i just so happen to have a very cute pic of her in her little costume [to be shown in pictures!] Plus she had some with a robot and the unicycle. And just to top it off i also had a game of Hip Hop with her while the Mametchi figure was inserted :D


Alrighty so if you go back to about page 2 of this log you will notice that i have started this version up and logged about it, and i had a Kurokotchi called Dolly before. Well now i don't because i reset, and now i have a very cute Mizutamatchi called Beth who i named in honor of Bethany the Chantotchi from my V5.5 Kitty family. So Beth is all goods i have being taking excellent care of her despite being in school today. So just a quick run-through of her stats:

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 20LBS [Not too bad for a toddler!!]

Character: Mizutamatchi

GP: 645

Gen: 1

Gender: girl

Yes and i also have some pics to show you later on of her. I think that if i keep my perfect care up i can get a Mimitchi as my first girl for first generation. But if that doesn't happen then i can try for a different character because i don't know if this perfect care routine will stay in place.... OH!! I have just being looking at my growth chart for V3 and it sais that Mimitchi is a even gen character!! dang it! Oh well maybe i should try for a Violetchi! And if i get a girl next gen then i can try and get a Mimitchi.... Anyway so i have played Bump with Beth alot today to keep her weight down and that's why she currently weighs 20LBS. Plus i have fed her hardly any snacks so that's sure to keep Beth from getting fat!!


Now i have several pics of Beth and 1 of Daisy:


LOL isn't she sweet???!! Umm oh dang!! Sorry guys i can't post me V3 pics because they won't go thru, so i will try again later then make another post with them soon!!! So toodle pip!

From: Sakura-san123, Beth and Daisy. ;) ;)

YARROOOOOOO WELCOME TO THE 4TH PAGE OF MY LOG!!!!!! XD I only just realised!! And one more quick little tidbit, my pics aren't coming through so I'm afraid this log won't have pics for a little while it probably won't until Wedensday which is 4 days away so i hope you can all cope without them until then!! And this log might turn a bit suckyish but i hope everyone keeps reading!!!


Daisy is due to mate today!!!!! I think i will mate her now but i won't be doing pics because of what i just said above so i will mate Daisy now hold on...... OK so Daisy is now at the date place waiting for that speical someone to come along.... And the Matchmaker has given me a... Wooltchi, Daisy isn't feeling the love with this one so we said no :blink: OK and next mate the Matchmaker is bringing along will be..... Kikitchi!!!! Daisy greatly accepted and they had a big smooch and fireworks went off and now they are happily bouncing around the screen together!. And to celebrate their marriage i am going to take Dasiy to the remodelling store to get a new room! So they now have a pretty new room. OK now next up i must think of a name for Daisy's husband!!!! Hmmmmm.......Dash!! Dasiy and Dash how sweet!


OK so moving on from the marriage to BEFORE Daisy found a mate, which was when she woke up this morning very hungry so i fed her an omelette and two bowls of noodles to full her up. Then with a full stomach and a smile on her face i inserted the Violetchi figure and took her to her job at the flower shop, we only made two sales today but at least it was something so here's what we sold:

1. Ringotchi- Mistery Flower 400GP

2. Kunoitchi- Honey Tree 200GP

So that's all the sales we made today but i think we will try again a bit later on! OK and other than that i also played Vegetables with the Kuchipatchi figure and we got about 800GP out of that which was nice, and then i took Daisy to the park and we caught up with a Mametchi and they had a swing together and were very happy. And all this happened before little Dasiy found a mate!!! OK and this is where my posting about my TMGO comes to an end.


And Beth has also had a pretty eventful day because she morhped into a Obotchi!! She did this at around 8:00AM then went back to sleep because she doesn't awake until 9AM. And when she morphs into a adult which is 2 days away [Monday] I'm hoping to get either a Memetchi or a Violetchi either one of these characters would be great, but it's ok if Beth evolves into a different character i will still love her! So at 8:00AM Monday morning i will be watching my little Beth evolve! Sadly i will be on my way to school when it happens but oh well!!! OK i should probably stop droning on and on about evolving and get to her stats which are:

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 30LBS

Character: Obotchi

Gen: 1

Gender: Girl

GP: 795

So her stats have changed quite a bit!! And she is weighing 30LBS at the moment when a teens base weight should be 20LBS, which is what she weighed as a toddler! So i think i will finish here and go play some games of Bump with Beth, besides her happy hearts are now at ♥♥! So i must get them back up to ♥♥♥♥!! XD So that concludes this post!!!


Bye readers, hope you are enjoying my log so far!! And again sorry about the lack of pics! I will deffo do a giant pic post on Wedensday! Bye!

From: Sakura-san123, Beth, Dash and Daisy. :D :D

Hi Everyone,

Yes I am posting for the second time today, but that's just because i want to give you a mini update on Beth and Daisy:


So i was thinking about taking Daisy to her flower shop again but i didn't in the end because i wanted to do something else so instead i inserted my Ringotchi figure and took Daisy to the sweet shop and brought her a upside-down cake for 800GP. And of course little Dash came along to eat with his wife so they happily ate their upside-down cake before coming home and returning to bouncing around the screen. Then earlier on i took Daisy to the game arcade and we played Long Jumper and we won! So Daisy got 1000GP, which is nice. Plus i changed my faceplate this morning because i really had nothing else to do so my TMGO now has the Violetchi faceplate on it [To go with the fact that i have a Violetchi!] And it use to have the Kuchipatchi faceplate.


Had quite a eventful afternoon because i have being playing a lot of games of Heading with Beth to get her weight down, plus Heading is one of my favourite games! And so now Beth weighs 23LBS which is only 3 pounds over from her base weight which isn't bad in fact it's pretty good for me because i usually don't care much for my tamas weight :D


OK so much for this being a mini update! But i just got carried away and had to keep going!!!! Plus i have actually started up my v4.5 which was rather random, but anyway sadly i won't be updating you properly on this version because it is just too much, but at the end of every post i will give you a quick as quick update on my v4.5!


Yes my v4.5 will be referred to as a 'sidenote' in this log which is kinda mean, but oh well.... So anyway on my 4.5 i have a Tsukkomitchi called Honey [you probably rememeber her from a while back!] And she's doing OK but she is really overweight so i will have to work on that! And lastly she is on 21 gen!!! OOOOOK all done XD.

From: Sakura-san123, Beth, Dash, Daisy and Honey

PS: I thought i would include Honey in the little From part down there just so she doesn't feel left out. :lol: :lol:


OK not really much to say today but anyway lets get going:


Daisy and Dash are fine, they are currently just happily bouncing around the screen not really doing anything. The only thing i have done with them so far is take them to Kuchipatchi's Chiense Restrauant and we brought some fried noodles for 800GP. Then i played Long Jumper and Shoot the bug at the Game Arcade and we won both games! So all in all we got 2000GP! Plus Dash and Daisy have a baby tomorrow morning so that should be exciting XD. OK all done.


Beth is all goods too, she hasn't really done anything either and she still weighs 23LBS which is good. She evolves tomorrow and I'm still hoping for a Memetchi or Violetchi!!! Plus i played Heading with her as well but we failed quite a lot so Beth didn't score much GP in that game. But then i played Get with her and she won! So that was around 200GP in her pocket.


Honey is fine, i played climb with her and she lost quite a bit of weight. I think she's mating in around 2 days so that's something to look forward to!!!!

Sorry about the sucky post it's only because there isn't really much to say right now, but later on i will post again and hopefully the post will be a bit better!!!!!


From: Sakura-san123, Beth, Honey, Dash and Daisy

Heeeyy Readers!!!

Sorry about not posting again yesterday, i just suddenly didn't really feel like posting because i was on a real downbuzz which was why yesterdays post was so short!! But I'm in a better mood now! So lets get going:



Daisy and Dash had their baby today! As i was getting ready for school this morning i heard a beeep and then their egg hatched into a lovely baby boy who i have decided to name Cody. It was very cute and so now Daisy and Dash are proud parents of little Cody who I'm gonna hopefully raise well and give lots of love!! So moving on, today since i was at boring stupid school i really had no time to take care of my little tamas, but i did manage to sneak a quick peak at them during English which was at around 9:00AM and little Daisy and Dash were still just bouncing around the screen happy as anything. But then about 20 or so minutes later i checked them again and they had beeped [but i didn't hear them because my tams are always on silent when i go to school xD] So anyway they had beeped and i pressed the A button and they took a bath, which was very cute!! And so i can't really remember what i did with them for the rest of the day, but when i got home [which was very recently] I played some fun Arcade games with Daisy on some of my Gotchi figures then i took Daisy to the park in the hopes that someone would be there but no one was! So Daisy returned to her family slightly dissappointed by this. And that's all for them now they are just happily bouncing about the screen.



Beth is due to evolve today but it still hasn't happened!!! Which sucks because i am bursting to find out what she turns into!! So today the events for little Beth weren't all that great, for starters she lost all her happy ♥'s so then i had to play a sneaky game of heading with her to full them back up. Then she got a time out during lunch for beeping for no reason then just near the end of period 5 all her hungry ♥'s were empty!! So that resulted in several servings of sushi and loads of games to lose any extra weight!! Plus to add to the madness of it all she pooped like a million times, but that's only natural :lol: The only bright thing of Beth's day is that she now has full training!!! And she only weighs 24LBS which isn't that bad at all! So i will be very very glad if she turns into a good-care adult because i have worked so hard on little Beth! I will log later if he does turn into an adult tonight!!!!


Honey is 4 so she mates on Wedensday! And her skill points currently read: 23,35,21 which aren't all that good, and she got a job interview in the mail this morning but didn't get accepted because of her lack of skill points!! It really sucked so I'm gonna work on that before her next job interview comes along!!!


That's it!! Post later if there is anything exciting happening with my tamas bye!!

From: Sakura-san123, Dash, Daisy, Cody, Beth and Honey.

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Hey tamatalkers!

Before i go on with the posting i would just like to say thanks for the 2 votes whoever voted!! [i voted 5 stars for my own log but that's just because I'm a little weird XD] But anyway thanks readers! It means a lot to me!!



OK, nothing really new has happened with these guys today apart from Daisy going to the park and catching up with a Makiko, that's really all i did with them today because i was school and well i never really have time for tams so it's kinda annoying, so sorry if this post is a little sucky today guys. Anyway so Makiko and Daisy played on the swing and it was very cute. And Daisy leaves either tonight or tomorrow night!!!! I'm actually not quite sure.... Anyway so i haven't really being taking very good care of Daisy and her family today because every time i checked up on them during school they were always unhappy!!! They were literally down to 1 happy ♥ every time i checked!!!!! It was very annoying and i had to keep playing games with them to keep their happy ♥'s up. Sadly that's all for Daisy, Dash and Cody.


YAY!! Beth finally evolved!!!! She evolved into a Tsunotchi! I'm not quite sure if she is perfect/good care but oh well I'm just happy i got something other than a Kurokotchi!! [i seemed to get those all the time on v3 it is very very annoying!!] So maybe my chart is wrong, it sais that V3 teens turn into adults in 3 days but mine took 4..... Hmmm interesting..... XD Oh well at least she finally evolved. OK so i played one of my most FAVOURITE games on the V3 with Beth this afternoon when i got home from school, the game is Sprint and i really do love it :3 I can't really figure out why, the game just seems to appeal to me! :D So that's pretty much all i did with Beth but before i move on i think i will just give you a quick update of her stats:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 36LBS [The adults base weight on a V3 is 20LBS sooo i need to work on that :3]

GP: 2558

Gender: Girl

Character: Tsunotchi

Gen: 1

Training: FULL [Whoopee!}

Ok there are her stats so now i am finished LOL.



ZOMG!! The most oddest thing happened this afternoon!! After school i was checking Honey and guess who was on the screen?!! The matchmaker!!!! I KNOW! It was really weird because Honey is only 4 years old! So anyway despite this i mated her to a Ura-Mametchi! Which in my opinion was absoulutely adorable!! And then fireworks whooshed and out popped a baby girl! Who when Honey leaves i will be naming Sally! OK that's all for this version.


Alright readers, that's it for now post whenever something exciting happens toodle pip!!

From: Sakura-san123, Beth, Honey, Sally, Daisy, Dash and Cody :furawatchi: :)

Hey Readers,

Firstly HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY TAMATALK!!! B) B) B) And secondly sorry i didn't post yesterday, so what happened yesterday i will post today so lets start:

15th June 2011 Wedensday:


Daisy and Dash left Cody today! It was very sad and when i woke up this morning i saw poor little Cody crying for his mummie and daddy, so i fed him and played some games with him to keep him happy and he did the "pee pee wiggle dance" twice but i only managed to get him to the toilet the first time the second time i failed XD. And so an hour later he evolved into a Ahirukutchi! Which was very sweet. And then after that i played speed Runner and Vegetables on my Gotchi figures before he fell asleep at around 8:40PM. And that's it.


Beth is all goods, she only pooped a million times today :3. She also did that rolling on the floor animation that Tamas do when they are bored so i played Get with her and won so we got some GP to spend at the shop. Oh and she also got sick!! I think it was during Morning Tea when i whipped her out to see what was happening with her and that dreaded black skull was looming over her head so i gave her 2 doses of medicene and she was right as rain but afterwards i felt really bad!!! :( So i ended up playing Bump with her as well, we got to round 4 before losing against a Otokitchi! So i think we won around 100GP. And all done!.

OK now for what happened today:

16th June 2011 Thursday:


Cody is still Ahirukutchi but i think he evolves today or tomorrow, it could be today..... Hmm anyway so today Cody was really badly neglected! Because i kept on letting his happy and hungry ♥'s go down and one time i even let them get empty! So when i checked him during class he was calling my name [sakura] and i was feeling very bad and so i played with him and gave him several meals and he was all good again. And just very recently i have taken him to the park twice and the first time nobody was there but the second time we were very lucky to catch up with a Kuchipatchi! Which was pretty awesome they played on the swing and had loads of fun together. And i think that is all for my beautiful Cody.


Beth did goodish today she is 4 years old now so she can mate on Sunday!! That is if i try not to download her over the weekend which i might have to do since i may be going to a friends place and she doesn't really Tamas so i may have a problem! But if i don't go then i will be able to mate her!!! So until Sunday i guess there really isn't much to post about her..... So anyway here's a quick update of her stats:

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 30LBS [Yea i STILL need to work on that!]

Age: 4

Training: FULL

Gender: Girl

Gen: 1st

GP: 2858

Character: Tsunotchi

And that's it for her stats!!! OK i guess I'm done!


From: Sakura-san123, Beth and Cody

P.S: Oh, i think i had better tell you that i took the battery out of Honey because yea.... And i may or may not have pics tomorrow it depends what me computers doing! Anyway bye!!!

Hey again,

Just a quick post to say that my TMGO evolved into a teen! He evolved into a Kilalatchi, which is like my 7th one since i have had my TMGO, but it's OK because he's pretty cute!!! And so now both Cody and Beth are asleep so i guess I'm finished!

From: Sakura-san123, Beth and Cody

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! 700 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEP!

Heehee, Heey readers, sorry for not posting for a couple of days but i did end up going to my friends place and ya.... It kind of resulted in me taking the battery out of my TMGO! :( [sorry Cody!] But i did take Beth to my friends and she didn't mind one tama but i think if i brought Cody along to she wouldn't have being very happy! So anyway now this is just a V3 log, which kind of sucks. But on the bright side i can finally post pics again!!!!!! I'm very happy about this so to celebrate i have taken some pics of Beth.:


This is a pic of the bed that Beth sleeps in every nite! I know it's kind of big but that's only because i also use to keep my TMGO in there when i was running it but now it sits on my tamagotchi display shelf.


Oh noes!!!! I had better attend to that!!!



OK there are some pics soz it's only two couldn't think of anything else to take a pic of, it's being a while since those have being in here!! But anyway so now for Beths stats:

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Age: 7 years

Training: FULL

Weight: 27LBS [Getting there XD]

GP: 2743

Gender: Girl

Gen: 1st

She is currently seven years old but she hasn't mated yet, which sucks maybe she will tomorrow!!! So yes Beth has being getting OK/average care from me today, since i was at a friends she wasn't really cared about.... So i made up for that when i got home!!!


OK that' it for today, i don't think i will be starting Cody up again, because 1 tama is enough for me to handle without school getting in the way!!! So i will post later byeeee!

From: Sakura-san123 and Beth.


Hi hi readers!!! Well as you can probably tell from what i said above Beth mated!!! She actually mated last night at 7:00pm right after i had come off the computer!!! And i so i couldn't jump back on because it was my little brothers turn :( :( But anyway, Beth mated with a Mimitchi! It was seriously cute! Sorry i don't have pics of the mating but i do have some other pics to show you:


Naawww, here's Beth with her little baby boy!! Who once she leaves i will be naming Joe.


And this is a pic of Beth and Joe asleep, i just took a pic of them with the lights on to show you how cute they look....


And just as little pic, i took this last night. It is a pic of my entire tama collection, and that's the display shelf i keep raving on about in my other posts XD.

But sadly i didn't do anything with my tama today because i took the battery out it. [stupid school!!!] So that really sucks...... Hold on! I have just realized something, Beth and Joe aren't suppose to be alseep!!!! Since i had to download her the time went wrong so they went to sleep to early! Hold up i will just go set them to the actual time...... There we go all better. Oh just thought i would let you know that last night Beth and Joe went to bed with a poop next to them!! Ooops bad mothering <_<


OK post over readers, see ya!

From: Sakura-san123, Beth and Joe :3 B) B)


OK so, sad news today!!! I have just set the time to 11:59PM to make Beth leave! Because she is due to leave tonight and i just couldn't wait any longer so i set the time and i snapped some pics of the leaving!!!:


Aww, here is Beth and Joe sleeping together for the last time!


Good-bye Beth!! Little Joe will miss you and so will i!!!!


And here's Joe after his mummie left sleeping peacefully....


And here's me naming him Joe [sorry if the pic is a bit blurry!]


And here he is! My beautiful Joe already for a new life..... OK so i have fed him, played with him etc, etc but then this happened:


Oh noes! But i quickly gave him 1 dose of medicene and he was all good again! And he just pooped XD. He is very cute!! Oh dear he only has 1 happy ♥!! I may have to attend to that!! So i think it may be time for me to finish this post.


OK, see ya readers! I gotta go play a quick game of Get with little Joe! But i will come back later when he evolves into a toddler!! Byeeee :) :) :lol:

From: Sakura-san123 and baby Joe :3

Heey again,

Just a quick post to say that Joe evolved into a Mohitamatchi!!!!! It's awesome, I'm glad i got him because now i can get either Mimitchi, Androtchi or Pipotchi! I won't mind if i don't get either of these characters but it would be nice too!. OK so that's basically it, i will give you a update on his stats tomorrow because they aren't doing much at the moment so i will see you tomorrow!!!

From: Sakura-san123 and Joe :gozarutchi: :wacko: :wub:

Heyy readers,

ZOMG!!!!!!!!!! Joe just evolved into a............ YOUNG MIMITCHI!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEE!!!! I have taken a pic of him for proof!:


See!! Young Mimitchi! I am soooooooooo happy right now, this is my first young Mimitchi!!!!!


Wow OK excitements over XD. So other things that happened with Joe today is that i caught him crying and gave him some praise, and now he has three training bars :3 Check it out:


Yea... So ummm i haven't really done much else with Joe today i guess there really wasn't much else to do. So sorry for the suckish post today guys, maybe i should start up another tama to keep things more interesting? Hmmm, I don't know but i will think about but for now that's all and i will see you guys later!


From: Sakura-san123 and Joe :D :D :D :D

Hi readers,

Sorry about not posting yesterday, i didn't have the time plus there really wasn't anything to say!

OK this post is gonna be sort of suckish because i have no pics and I'm not in a very good mood right now so yea.....

So anyway Joe hasn't evolved yet, i think he does tomorrow, i hope i get Mimitchi! :mimitchi: So yesterday nothing much happened but he did beep for no reason so i gave him a time out and he now has 4 training bars. And as for today, since it's a Friday i decided to make an effort care-wise and i played some games of heading with Joe and so now he weighs around 31LBS.

Other than that nothing else really happened i think he's about 2 years old now so hopefully he will be evolving tomorrow!

Here's his stats before i go:

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 31LBS

Age: 2

Gen: 2nd

Gender: boy

GP: 31400

Training: 4 bars

There we go there are his stats, so now i think i will log off.

OK see ya readers i will try and post later and hopefully i will be a bit more cheerful XD

From: Sakura-san123 and Joe :chohimetchi: :chohimetchi: :wacko:


So plenty of news and pics today!

Joe hasn't being getting the best care from me today, even though it's a saturday the reason is because we had my grandparents over for lunch and Mum said no Tamas! So yea when i got back to Joe, he wasn't very happy because this had happened:


He got into a bit of a bad mood with me plus this also happened:


Oh dear, he was very hungry so i fed him a couple of scones played some games with and he came right again. And then of course he had made a mess on the floor:


And so i cleaned that up and i think he forgave me :3... But now the best news of all is that he has evolved! Into a Sekitoritchi! Here's a little pic:


Cute!! I was kind of hoping for a Mimitchi but this little guy is pretty darn cute B) B)

OK so other than those events ermmm i got his weight down to 26LBS and his training is at 6 bars now so its nearly full!!!!! I think pretty soon i might start up a V4 so that my V3 has someone to connect with! I might start one up tomorrow but I'm not sure.... OK but until then that's all for now thanks for clickin!

From: Sakura-san123 and Joe :hitodetchi: :D :lol: :)
