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I'm afriad of uuhhh... I forget. But automatic flushers, for some reason, they make me start cracking up laughing...

-Temari Nara

One time my friend was using the bathroom and i came with. She apparently didn't know it was automatic and it flushed so she screamed and ran outside with her pants down. Then she tripped and fell. That was the funniest moment of my life!
LOL!!!! Thats so funny! Why the heck did she run outside with her pants down? At least If I did that I would pull them up! LOL!!!

I'm afraid of automatic flush toilets...
same for my sister. and she thought she was the only one.

as for me, I'm afraid of bugs. but mostly spiders. get rid of spiders........ ^_^

as for me, I'm afraid of bugs. but mostly spiders. get rid of spiders........ ^_^
[SIZE=14pt]I'm scared of spiders too. They creep me out. I hate the ones that bite you and give off[/SIZE] poison. Its scary.... :(

OH! You are SOOOO not alone.

Most of my friends (including me) all have a fear of trucks on the highway. I really don't blame you. That's why I prefer backroads. Much safer, and better scenery. Plus, you hardly ever get in a jam.

yeah your not the only one with a stupid fear, im scared of airplanes, motorcycles and im scared of trucks when im riding my bike. But my weirdest fear is heights. Your probaly thinking, yeah heights, that's normal who cares but the weird thing is im a diver, and i have dived of diving boards 10 meters high, that's 33 feet high. And I do the craziest stuff at playgrounds like do backiflips of swingsets climb ontop of something that's like 8 feet high and jump off. And when i look down my legs are like wobbling and im like aaaaah! The feeling is so good after you face your fear and that's what I strive for!

So don't worry, your not alone

Ok. So you know how trucks are on the highway? Well Like my Biggest fear is TRUCKS. I know it sounds stupid but I had a bad expearenice with them. My famiy was driveing on the Highway and like this HUGE truck almost squashed us! And we hand to pull over. And he was gonna try to push us over a 50ft. Highway! I was so scared I almost had a heartattack! But we pulled over lucky we were fine. So is anyone else scared of them? or am I the only one? B)
Yep. I kinda worry about that alot. I'm not exactly scared of them, but I get freaked out when we drive next to one somewhere.

Don't worry everyones scared of something. I'm scared of blood.

im afraid of bridges now.... or maybe its only this one bridge.

yesturday me and my friend were riding scooters to my other friends house, it was at night time and the streets were really busy. its mainly all downhill and i was going so fast down this one bridge and i hit a pot hole and i fell, but the scary part was since i was going so fast so when i fell on the ground i was sliding on my back. its kinda funny because i didnt even get scratched up, i only got a cut on my knee. and its a good thing there were no cars coming when i fell.

Being afraid of trucks is not stupid! They can get you into car accidents more easily than other cars. (Sorry if I might be scaring you, but I'm saying how it's not stupid.)

I'm afraid of mice. They creep me out in the pet store, and once once came into my house, had a staring contest with me in my bathroom, took a nap on my Barbie's chair, and now its spirit is like, haunting me!

[SIZE=7pt]I'm not scared of vehicles... But I have other interesting fears. I'm scared of Marriage and Sex :D Isn't that the least bit weird..?[/SIZE]
I have the exact same fear but the good thing is that i have friends who have the same fears and i can talk to them and they understand me.

Okay my fears, I have a fear of knives and unkown liquids!

With knives I'm scared that something will come over me and kill myself/others unless I'm useing a knife, then I'm not scared >.<'

With unknown liquids I'm scared they will squirt me and burn my eyes out x_X


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