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Im not afraid of trucks...

But im afraid of lightning, especially loud ones...*shiver*

Please that's not dumb.
Being 12 years old and still afraid of the dark, now that's sad.
I know D:

I get so freaked out at night when I have to go downstairs 0.0

I'm afraid of automatic flush toilets...
Mee too! For a long time I would just hold it if I came across one. I've gotten better now though. But they still freak me out. I hate that little red eye thing. It's just waiting for you to move. Creepy.

I used to be afraid of porto-potties too.

I'm like deathly afrain of spiders And moths! Moths just the way they fly around is super creepy... :(

hey its ok if your afraid of that hey im still afaid of the dark!!! ;)

pm me!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hey, that's fine. I'm still scared of thunderstorms. You can laugh at me. ^_^

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I'm scared of cockroachs, sharks, alligators,crocodiles, spiders, frogs, and rats.

Yeah, this is a really stupid fear, but I have the fear of earwigs. Yeah, earwigs. When I was about 8, I saw one and thought it was... cool. I kinda... played pushed it around. So eventually it bit me. I ran inside crying xD.

I also have emetophobia (the fear of vomiting). I absolutly HATE puking. I got a stomach bug in the 3rd grade. It was weird, because after the half day I was at school, I got the bug and was puking all night. My mom said I was probably puking every hour, but it felt like every 15 minutes. So that's how I got my fear of puking. Thank you.

Wait! There's more! I HATE automatic flushing toilets! I was at a restraunt once, and as I stood up to throw my paper in, it flushed! So I was screaming in my head, "ZOMG! GO IN PAPER! GO IN! MAKE IT DOWN!" and it JUST made it in. xD

i am scared of murder and rape because i live in las vegas, where that happens a lot.

can u blame me??

I HATE puking. I'm sometimes scared that i will wake up sick. I usually wake up at 3:00 a.m. when i have a stomach virus.

Ok. So you know how trucks are on the highway? Well Like my Biggest fear is TRUCKS. I know it sounds stupid but I had a bad expearenice with them. My famiy was driveing on the Highway and like this HUGE truck almost squashed us! And we hand to pull over. And he was gonna try to push us over a 50ft. Highway! I was so scared I almost had a heartattack! But we pulled over lucky we were fine. So is anyone else scared of them? or am I the only one? ;)
Actually ya I kinda an scared of trucks to.

When its really windy and me and my mom are driving next to one on the highway and they start to wobble and look like they are gonna tip is when I get a little scared.

But I dont think that my fear is as big as yours :)

Hmm..not trucks, but i've had a bad experience with buses. We were waiting for the traffic light to turn green in this big jam, and we were next to a bus stop. A bus was right next to us, and he was like blind or something, because he was gonna come out, he had his blinker on. IN THAT HUGE TRAFFIC JAM! Then he TRIED TO DRIVE INTO THE JAM WHERE WERE! But then the light turned green and we quickly changed lanes and sped away.

I'm scared of........ seagulls. lol, that's random, but I'll tell you why. When I was little I was eating fish and chips at the beach and a seagull came and bit my finger coz it thppught it was a fish finger or something. Every time I see a seagull I put my hands in fist with my thumbs on the inside. It's just instincts. And I'm scared of heights. I can't even get on top of monkey bars without shaking!

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