Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Nekro gently picked cecilia up and set off to look for kinsey

" lets see what he's up to"

he used the ball to summon an eye of kilrogg near leslies house, "ah...he's looking for us..but i dont sense any intent behind it.."

Cecilia closed her eyes, but she didn't want to sleep.

Kinsey's heart sank.

"Any reason behind it?"

Amiee smiled. "Alright then." She pulled out her gun. "Hands where I can see them!"

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Nekro kept humming and searching

Shadow clicked his fingers and the view switched completely, "the only aura im picking up from him...sadness. I guess he's realised that what he's done has cost him everything."

Cecilia opened her eyes. She sighed, about to realizing it was no use to fight her tiredness. She closed her eyes again and snuggled close to Nekro, then falling asleep.

Kinsey nodded.

"He isn't having me back. I should get back to why I orginally came to this place in the first place. My job." She muttered, going to the doorway.

Nekro smiled slightly

"well your decision is yours at the end of the day...but what about cecilia? she cant grow up without a father figure."

he stamped his foot at the last two words, authority ringing in his voice

Nekro kept searching, his heart feeling very heavy though

Shadow shook his head and clicked his fingers, blocking the door with 3 shadow hands, "i will not have nekro moping around cus of all this. If it's because he's felblood then i have a way to turn him back, otherwise you can go back to whatever and cope with cecilia by yourself..and have to answer whenever she asks where her father is"

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