Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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kaya was running with the horses she like when she got to ride them what a great first day don't you think

ooc: Okay, Sports_girl, rp means Role Play, And I have no idea what is happening in this now, so Lyrical, can you explain?

what? I didn't quite understand that, so can you spell with periods and stuff? please?

ooc: Sorry. double post.

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ooc: Um~ lots of stuff.

Generally theres alot of different plots going on at once.

Like, Blank is in jail, there's a love triangle going on, Aaron and Uriah are bugging eachother like usual... its very rare we have things with more than two people in them. It makes it easier when some people aren't on.

Basically, just jump in and start something. Most of us have ten billion characters by this point xD

Lotte threw a clump of dirt at the wolves. "Haaaaaay. Not cool, you guys."

Blank said, "Do I get a phone cawwwwww????"

The guard stared at Blank as if he was nuts.

Blank was all, "Wiiku! You've come to wescue meeee~~~"

The guard said to Riiku, "Uh... sure..."

when she went walking she saw somebody it was her crush stone her heart started pounding faster and faster she allwaysed hoped stone would ask her out but she didn't even know if he knew she liked her

i mean him if he knew if she liked him and if he liked her back well find out what he says when they see each other

Riiku sighed. "What did you do this time?" she asked, sticking her hand through the bars.

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she pasted stone and they talked but she was to scared to tell him how she felt.but the hopes she can tell him soon.they are now in a club together so hopfuly things can go on from there she hopes.

Riiku sighed. "What did you do this time?" she asked, sticking her hand through the bars.
Blank said, "I went to a pawty, and den I gots a soda. But den I wokded up hewes..."

Blank said, "...I dun wemembew who'd pawty it was. I just wemember dwinking my glass of spwite..."

"I can assure you whatever you DID drink, it wasn't sprite. You're wasted." Riiku said, sighing.


Riiku looked at the guard. "Ummmm~~ mister~~~ Can I take my friend here home? He promises to be a good boy~" she said, using her charm-ness.

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