Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Aurora watched as d0g moved around in his new body. She had to stifle her comments about how adorable he was, how precious he was, etc etc. She scooped him up into her hands and said to Zurui, "How long do you think it'll take to build the new body?"

She wondered how Ophelia would take her father's new size.

Ophelia wiped her nose again before leading Luna inside the house. "Daddy went all rusty, and mommy went to get help," Ophelia explained before sitting in the armchair and opening a huge book. "I like reading big books. They're my favorites," she said intelligently.

Zurui glanced over at the pile of parts, "Hmm... A few days, maybe a week? If I work fairly determinedly for that time."

Luna went inside and sat on the arm of the chair Ophelia had sat in. "Awww, don't worry. Your dad'll be okay soon, alright?" she smiled at her, "What's that book about?"

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Zurui could tell. He sighed, "I get that, d0g. Not to be rude or anything, but unless a body like your old one falls out of the sky, you're going to have to wait." he said, "I'm sorry."

Zurui smiled, "Thank you." he said, "Do you have any blueprints or anything of your old body that I can work off of?"

Ophelia wiped her nose again and said to Luna, "This book is about the discovery of ancient civilizations and the subjugation of the native peoples."

Aurora couldn't help but laugh a little bit at d0g, but quickly contained herself, clearing her throat softly. "Well, there should be some blueprints at our house, or in BB's workshop."

Luna blinked, "You have... a nice vocabulary!" she grinned, "What's your number one favourite book?"

"Do you think you can get them to me?" Zurui asked.

Aurora said, "Of course I can, it's no trouble at all. And d0g, I gave him blueprints because I know he can keep up with them, along with all of his other blueprints and designs. Now, if you would follow me please." Aurora started walking, holding d0g in one of her hands.

Ophelia said, "My favorite book? Hmm... I would have to say "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare". It contains all of his plays and writings in one nice volume." She closed her book and stared up at Luna. "So... what is it you tend to do for enjoyment?"

Zurui did as told and followed her.

"Ummm.... Well. I like to cook, and be around people. And hike. Anddd... That's all I can think of at the moment." Luna smiled.

"Maybe he could help me make your new frame, then?" Zurui asked, "It'd take less time that way."

Eponine was sweeping the floor in Stacey's apartment, not used to just letting small things like that go. It was just part of her nature as a once-debutante to want to make things spotless. She eventually stopped, telling herself to relax. Sighing softly, she went over to Stacey and wrapped her arms around him. "So there's a big party tonight at my father's company. Would you go with me?"

Arianna was running around, carrying Kate, laughing. She had been getting so big, with ringlets of dark red hair, closer to brown, and her big green eyes always big and alight with childish curiosity. Looking over at Akadou, the toddler squealed and reached out her arms, a drooly grin on her face. "Well, I can see that she's a daddy's girl," Arianna remarked as she placed Kate in her fiance's arms.

BB poked his head out the workshop door and spotted Aurora carrying d0g. "...What happened? Why are you bringing a little toaster here?"

D0g threw a fit at this. "TOASTER?! See what i mean?! I am not a toaster, good sir!"

"You do sort of look like a toaster." Zurui sniggered. Which is OoC probably but you know. "It's d0g. His body got ruined and we were wondering if you could assist me in repairing it?"

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