Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Kuroko said, "I'm sure of it." then he turned the handle, and he disapeared. He was in a blank space, everything was white. eh became disorientated and blacked out in this strange dimension.

As soon as Marak stepped into the white, she blacked out also. She could hear kuroko, so she was sure sure he could hear her. But, just in case, she used telepathy. safe to go out, huh!? she said loudly.

I'm sorry, i thought it was, now what do we do? I can't teleport us out when i'm blacked out. Are we trapped here forever? kuroko said in his mind, he tried to move, but he couldn't.

I don't know.... I've never blacked out like this... I can barley reach my telekinesis, and not enough to teleport myself, let alone both of us. I don't know what to do now.... but we can't be trapped forever, can we??

REI-CHAN!!!! GET ON DEVIL'S HAND, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marina felt her bracelet buzzing, she looked down at it and pressed a button. in an instant she was whisked into another dimension and saw kuroko and marak, choking and become unconcious because of the lack of oxygen there. "hey! what are you doing in MY dimension?" she said playfully. she grabbed them both and pushed the button on her bracelet again, soon they were back in the third dimension.

Being back in their own demension, on her bed she flopped down. "What...Just....Happened??" she asked kuroko, breathing in air. She realised that in the demension that they were in a couple minutes ago, there was no oxygen.




Personality:calm,quiet(Most of the time),mysterious

Looks:Short red hair,blue eyes,tall

Outfit:Black shirt,blue pants,a red bow in her hair

Power:she can control electricity

Birthmark:her birthmark looks like a angel and its in her neck


kuroko gasped for air, "I...don't...know...who...what...saved us?' he said in between gulps of air.

Kiku got a gun, and followed.

Nell did too.
Uriah figured he shouldn't cause Lumina even more trouble by leading Kiku-with-a-gun to her house, so he redirected his course to the woods.

Ship landed on Earth.

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Sally was dressed as Hannah Montana. "Why am I doing this, again?" she asked Lumina.

Lumina said, "To manipulate the minds of the impressionable children."


Never. Ever. Walk in on your best friend's mom in the shower. D8

Naked old people are scary.

XovoX was still miming.

Eli was high off catnip.

Shadow was still still still bored. He decided to go to town, so he did. He started walking along the sidewalk, looking around.

:3 nya

Kuroko gulped in a fresh breath of air. "If it was a person why wern't they suffocating like we were?" he said taking more gulps of air.

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