Seroius cofersation about Vegetarian


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I am wondering what is the big deal with Not eating even Ice Cream? Vegan's don't eat anything that come from Animal's just because of the Food Chain? We need the protein to live...
I see the deal with Vegetarians, they respect Animal rights. I tried to become one, but I can't resist eating Meat. Meat is like Crack, addicitng.

It's like...Imagine the addiction of Cigs, pot, salty Crackers, and candy...BUT imagine them all...COMBINED! > :D Bwahahah~!


I could never live without it! Muahahahah~!

But literally. If I had to go a month without meat, I'd seriously go crazy. X_X"

lol...I'd eventually start eating anything moving. O.O" lmao. Just kidding, just kidding. x]

Actually, That is quite the opposite. The animal is not killed quickly and painfreely. The way some are killed a QUITE disturbing, so for the sake of whom ever may be reading it, I will not post it here. BUT if you would like to know, PM me.
Biblically specking, it’s not a sin to be vegetarian or for a person to eat meat. I like eating meat myself, but I have respect for vegetarians too. As long as they don’t swipe my hamburgers!!!!!

Anyway, all animals aren’t killed humanly. But not all aren’t. Some (I want to say most but I don’t know) are killed in the most humane way possible.

My uh (boy are people going to hate me) Husband wanted to be his own boss and decided to go into the rabbit meat industry (no lie). It was really hard for me at first because rabbits are one of my favorite animals. But I loved him…. And we did it together. We don’t do this any more, but I can tell you that our rabbits where killed humanly.

It’s wrong to just kill for sport though.

Ps: I have 3 pet rabbits now, 2 of witch are my pride and joys! They are 6 years old!!!

PSS: Don't eat corned beef, THAT is not humane. They starve the poor cows to death!!!

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I'm vegan.Salad and nuts.

No food products that some from an animal. Milk, butter, etc.

I do have to take vitamin supplements to keep my iron and protein up, since I am a growing girl, my blood needs iron.


It's good, a bit annoying, but good <3
;) I have a question, why don’t vegetarians eat milk, butter, cheese and that other stuff? It doesn’t hurt the animals. :wacko:

;) I have a question, why don’t vegetarians eat milk, butter, cheese and that other stuff? It doesn’t hurt the animals. :wacko:
I'm not sure. I guess it separates being vegan from being vegetarian.

Being a vegan was the only option for me, since I don't really like milk or butter. Cheese is okay but it makes me feel a bit sick.

I like it and can honestly say, I don't miss meat. The odd craving for a humburger makes me feel really good because it used to be all the time.

I just can't eat the fluffy sheepies or little cows... Anything like that <3

I am a vegetarian. I'm proud of that.

I think that we don't have to eat meat. If we were loins or tigers, yeah, we'd have to, but we have the choice.

Vegetarian's are healthy, just as healthy as meat-eaters.

I'm going to stop the world eating meat, but it will take lots of time. But nobody here would understand.

I don't care what anyone else thinks of me, because personally, I will not talk, tolerate or even make friends of somebody who consumes animals.

It's my choice and I think eating meat is wrong.

I'm a vegetarian and I do it because for me everytime I see meat I feel like I wanna puke.Also I just don't like the fact that we have to eat dead animals in order to live.Of course I still have dairy products like eggs and milk because it dosen't hurt the animals,its their job to lay eggs and give milk.Just like it's ours to bring more humans in the world.And some people see a vegeterian diet as a way to show their respects to God.Another reason I eat that way.Nobody says you have to choose between meat or fruits and vegatables.Whatever feels right for you.

I'm going to stop the world eating meat, but it will take lots of time. But nobody here would understand.
o_o That'd be impossible, since meat eaters like me wouldn't even stop eating it.

... I'm going to stop the world eating meat, but it will take lots of time. But nobody here would understand.
I don't care what anyone else thinks of me, because personally, I will not talk, tolerate or even make friends of somebody who consumes animals. ...
Thank you for your input to this discussion ;(

The first part of your post demonstrates that you have unrealistic expectations and goals, but that you are unlikely to accept advice or learning from anyone on TamaTalk.

The second part of your post demonstrates that you have not properly understood the general site rules on TamaTalk requesting all posts to be polite and respectful, nor the rules specific to this particular section which is for mature and sensible discussion.

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Until then, I would ask that you take some time to read through the site rules.

Thank you.

Everyone plz STOP BEING RUDE to the person who started this topic! ^_^ Being a vegetarian can actually be good if you eat the right foods. If she wants to be a vegetarian, that's her choice. Dont be mean to her. If you want more info on vegetarianism, go on the google and search it.

Ok, ppls dont be mean to her just because she's a vegetarian.I'm not a vegetarian and I'm not critisising them. Being a vegetarian can actually be good if you eat the right foods. I'm doing a project about it at school so I know a lot about it. Feel free to pm me about it. ^_^

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I'm going to stop the world eating meat, but it will take lots of time. But nobody here would understand.
Sorry to burst your bubble.

You cannot stop the world from eating meat. At all. someone tried to say that at TT and it was shot down. Not everyone can eat soy, nut products or tofu due to food allergies. I am also pretty sure people with a budget don't want to afford vitamin suppliments.

Many countries also eat meat as part of their diet and such.

I respect Vegetarians, but I am not one nor will ever me.

So you won't talk and make friends who consume animals? That's somewhat rude and illmannered. I thought Segregation ended. It makes you seem rude, much like a kid telling his friends that he won't be friends with kids who wear green shirts.

It shouldn't matter what a person eats. If a person eats meat. It's their buisness, not yours.

Thank you for your input to this discussion ;(
The first part of your post demonstrates that you have unrealistic expectations and goals, but that you are unlikely to accept advice or learning from anyone on TamaTalk.

The second part of your post demonstrates that you have not properly understood the general site rules on TamaTalk requesting all posts to be polite and respectful, nor the rules specific to this particular section which is for mature and sensible discussion.

I am sure you will be welcome by all TamaTalk members to participate in this and other threads should you wish to re-consider your attitude towards constructive debate.

Until then, I would ask that you take some time to read through the site rules.

Thank you.
They might seem unrealistic to you. ^_^ Maybe to everyone here, but I do not care.

Also, Crikeys, my goal is not impossible. I am not going to use sick websites and force people to be vegetarians. I'm going to keep myself to myself, but still get my goal and my dream finished.

Also, my post was not not following the rules. I didn't swear and I kept polite. I might have expressed my feelings for meat eaters, but that's all.

Everyone on this topic, probably thinks I'm crazy and odd, and being totally unreal, but I am not. It might seem that way, but it is not. I am not going to let myself get angry like with the other topics about vegetarians, so my post, was ok.

I don't care what any of you think of me.

Tama Skye, it's still rude. VERY rude to say you won't be friends with meat eaters. I will contine to eat meat. So will Crikeys and others as well.

Like I said, I have respect for Vegetarians, but not rude ones who ostrichise people who eat meat, because it's "terrible to eat a cute animal". Many cultures eat meat in their diet staples. You can't stop them. You can't force people what you want to do. That's somewhat an act of communism.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

You cannot stop the world from eating meat. At all. someone tried to say that at TT and it was shot down. Not everyone can eat soy, nut products or tofu due to food allergies. I am also pretty sure people with a budget don't want to afford vitamin suppliments.

Many countries also eat meat as part of their diet and such.

I respect Vegetarians, but I am not one nor will ever me.

So you won't talk and make friends who consume animals? That's somewhat rude and illmannered. I thought Segregation ended. It makes you seem rude, much like a kid telling his friends that he won't be friends with kids who wear green shirts.

It shouldn't matter what a person eats. If a person eats meat. It's their buisness, not yours.
I do not care if I seem rude or illmannered. That's me. I will not ever make friends with a meat eater, because I truly love animals. Every single one. To me, maybe not to you, making friends with meat eaters is like forgiving a murderer who killed your child.

And my goal is not impossible. I'm not forcing people, not begging or even asking. I'm going to achieve it. ^_^ Also, people can eat many other stuff that tofu and nut products. Fish, beans, that sort of thing. And before anybody says that fish are animals, I believe they are not.

I would appriciate if somebody believed in me.

Tama Skye, it's still rude. VERY rude to say you won't be friends with meat eaters. I will contine to eat meat. So will Crikeys and others as well.
Like I said, I have respect for Vegetarians, but not rude ones who ostrichise people who eat meat, because it's "terrible to eat a cute animal". Many cultures eat meat in their diet staples. You can't stop them. You can't force people what you want to do. That's somewhat an act of communism.
Ok, maybe it is rude. But does that matter? It's my personality and if that's how I want to act, I shall.

Also, I will not force people. It's unknown to anyone now, but I have another way of getting my goal done. No force, no sick websites, no controlling. I will never ever do that, so I would appriciate it if you stop acting as so I was.

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