Sex Before Marriage


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
What do you think about sex before marriage?

I personally, think it depends.

Hormonally, a lot of people want to have sex before marriage, it's hormones though, you can't control that. But, it would be a lot smarter to wait until after marriage, some people just can't control it.

I personally don't have any plans yet. I'm not just going to randomly have sex but I may not wait until marriage, it just completely depends when I'm ready :wub:

Your view?

To me, I believe you can have Sex before marriage. :p

I'm adding on. I didn't explain my point at all xD

I've never Been Religious. To me, having sex before marriage never seemed like a problem. I know I'm going to have urges, and in my opinion, there is nothing to stop me from having sex when the time comes. If I truly love and trust the person, what do I have to lose?

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I really shy away from answering this question.

I have a religious obligation to wait until marriage to have sex. Sex was created to bond a married couple.

Personally (and perhaps hormonally), I feel as though I cannot wait until marriage though. So I settle for telling myself that I'll wait until I'm ready and I'm with someone I love and trust.

Silver Ring Thing is a great program, but it honestly astounds me the way it brainwashes kids from the realities. A lot of my friends have purity rings. But... oh goodness. We were writing MLA controversal essays in English this year, and my friend Jess was writing her paper on her opposition to pre-martial sex.

Me, Jess, and Jazzy were in the hallway talking about her papers and Jess talked about how you can get STDs and get pregnant if you have sex before marriage. I pointed out that those things can happen after you're married as well, and they both looked at me like I was insane. (They both have silver rings.)

Seriously! Just because you are MARRIED doesn't mean there aren't any risks involved with sexual activity! Silver Ring Thing is a GREAT program, but they need to get the facts straight. And sex before marriage CAN be safe, if both you and your partner get checked for STDs before hand and use proper contraceptive.

Okay, now that I got that little rant out of my system...

I believe that generally you can have sex before marriage, so as you're not whoring around and you use proper protection.

But personally? I don't know yet. I'm just going to wait until I'm ready and with someone I love, and then see where it all goes from there.

I know it's a religious thing, but I don't see what's so bad about it. Call me shallow, but a big part of a successful relationship is whether you're sexually compatible, among other things, of course. I think this is a good thing to find out BEFORE you get married. STD-wise, if your partner has STDs, they have STDs, regardless of whether they're married to you or not. So don't go around having sex with everyone you see, but if you're in a serious relationship with one person and one person only, and you really are in love with each other, then sex is sex, it doesn't matter if you're married or not. I have no idea if I'll have sex before marriage. It depends on who I'm with and if I really am commited to and in love with them. To be honest, I don't really understand the logic behind purity rings. If it's against your religion, fine, just don't do it. If it's not, then what's the big problem with it? If you really are strongly opposed to sex before marriage, you shouldn't need a ring to remind you not to do it. I think a lot of people just have purity rings because it's the "cool" thing right now. Sorry for rambling on and on, just wanted to share my opinion.

To me, I believe you can have Sex before marriage. ;)
I'm adding on. I didn't explain my point at all xD

I've never Been Religious. To me, having sex before marriage never seemed like a problem. I know I'm going to have urges, and in my opinion, there is nothing to stop me from having sex when the time comes. If I truly love and trust the person, what do I have to lose?

Just have to be safe tho =]

Otherwise,NP =D

I wouldn't wait. Quoting DH "You wouldn't buy a car with out taking it for a test drive"

But I don't think you should go around screwing who ever, when ever.

I'll lose mine when I find someone I can trust and have known for a while.

I believe you can have sex before marriage because thats what we was made for to have sex then produce offspring. now i am not saying go around having sex every day 5 times a day im just saying we were made to have sex and make a new generation. and personally if i get the chance i am gonna have sex but if whoever dont whant to get pregnant then i will stop that by using a condom. this is my true view about having sex before marriage.

I've had sex before marriage. And i don't regret it, because it was to someone that i trusted my life with.

It's your own choice, but i couldnt wait.

You wanna have sex? Go for it.
That Remind me of what My Mom told me what My Grandma told her when She [my mom] was like, 11. She [My Mom] asked my Grandma what Sex was, and My grandma just told her "Go Find out for yourself"


In My Opinion, I could care less what age teens have sex, as long as they're careful.

I'd actually rather have sex before marriage. Say for example, I meet a guy, We date, Fall in love, have Great sex. We aren't married. But then we break up for random reasons, And I decide to marry a guy. And The guy I Marry turns out to be dull in Bed. [in Other words, Instead of waiting to get married, I want to know what sex is like. Instead of wondering if I might end up spending my life with a sack of potatoes in the hay. I think in order for a relation-ship to work, There needs to be love of course, But a couple should also be able to make love]

Sorry if none of that made any sense.

I believe you should have the choice to do what you want with your body.You wanna have sex? Go for it.

I'll have sex when I want, where I want, with who I want.

And I won't be pushed into it because it's impossible to make me do what I don't want to.

That Remind me of what My Mom told me what My Grandma told her when She [my mom] was like, 11. She [My Mom] asked my Grandma what Sex was, and My grandma just told her "Go Find out for yourself"
That's actually funny because my mom's friend asked my mom if we had "the talk" and she was disgusted when my mom said no, then proceeded to ask her, "Well then how did she learn about sex!?"

My mom's response, "The same way I did."

So I guess my grandma never had "the talk" with my mom either XD

That's actually funny because my mom's friend asked my mom if we had "the talk" and she was disgusted when my mom said no, then proceeded to ask her, "Well then how did she learn about sex!?"My mom's response, "The same way I did."

So I guess my grandma never had "the talk" with my mom either XD
I never had the talk :D I learned the old fashioned way, From South Park ;D

Okay to get back on topic:

I kind of agree that having sex before marriage is okay because you have urges and stuff, but something I hate about it is pressure. Sometimes people either try pressuring you into it when you're not ready, or even the fact is you think you are ready but are afraid that if you do have sex you'll be known as a "slut".


And also, this is my opinion, but I think breaking your virginity should happen ata certain age or something.

I dunno whats up with that, its like a really weird thought that comes to mind,lol.

^I actually just made a topic on that xD

But pressure just plays a huge part in decision as well as physically and emotionally ready.

I dunno - Personally, I think it depends on trust and maturity.

I guess you'd have to trust the person you want to have sex with, otherwise what would happen? D:

And maturity. Unless you just wanna do it cuz you can. Or something.

I dunno xD

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