Sex Before Marriage


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I think that sex before marriage is OK.

If you are in love with the person and emotionally and physically ready for sex then you can have it.

Just don't do it because your partner/friends/classmates are pressuring you into doing it.

I don't really think you should have it because it causes so many problems. They could hurt you and you could regret it. You could get pregnant when you don't want a baby, you could get STDs. Even using condoms you could still get it. I'm gonna try to wait until I'm married. It seems more moral & it's in the bible for a reason to help you out in life. I think it's okay if you're engaged though, because you're getting married anyways so who cares. But I think it's better to wait, even if you get tempted, just say you're not easy. I guess if you're ready, it's your own personal choice, you just have to know what you're gettting yourself into. 

and who said they would want give their husband a test before they get married, and if he's not good and bed, don't marry them: what if you really really loved him. then i don't think being bad in bed would matter.
You can still get that when you're married.........

^ Yeah. If your partner has already been sexually active [Which is quite likely] you can get one. Marriage doesn't kill STD's.

I'm still going to lose mine before marriage. Especially because in my perfect world I won't get married.

^ Yeah. If your partner has already been sexually active [Which is quite likely] you can get one. Marriage doesn't kill STD's.
I'm still going to lose mine before marriage. Especially because in my perfect world I won't get married.
What is that? Reproductive cells. Lol, its too risky for me to google it xD

I like to test drive the car before I buy it. bwahaha ^_^

I'm probably not going to get married, anyway...

I'm Muslim, so I don't believe in sex before marriage. Your body is a precious, amazing thing...not something that you just give to whoever wants it. Personally, if I had sex before marriage, I'd be ashamed to have sex with my husband because I'd know that he wasn't the only one.

In my opinion, it's just kind of disgusting. ;(



In my opinion, it's just kind of disgusting. ;(
It is disgusting if you do it all the time, but only once to me, isn't that bad. Everyone has urges, some we can control, others we can't. Sex is something that truly depends. Some people can control those urges, others can't. I think it's okay as long as you use safe sex ans truly love that person. I mean, we're all human right?

i think it's long as your are totally ready i see no problem in it

Just saying, I would rather have $#x after marriage I find that a little more right. But for you who want sex before marriage, it's your choice.

Hey, and another thing, I'm not getting married, I swear to God. NEVER.

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So you'll just live alone until you die...? O_O
Just cuz you're not married doesn't mean you're doomed to be lonely and depressed for the rest of your life. You could just live with someone or date or what evz.

I personally would rather not bind myself to someone for the rest of my life because I know that people change day by day.

Aside from that, I have a very low tolerance for other people's crap and from what I've heard, marriage requires a very high tolerance in that particular field. Pshyeah right.

The only happily married couple I can think of are my parents, so the odds aren't exactly good. :(

all religion aside it's still not a good idea to do that before marriage. just safer for your heart and health.

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