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Mine is mostly about what i like: Club penguin, tamas, my tama and club penguin websites and how many tamas i have! and the most important KUCHIPATCHI RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S Locky i like Spongebob to!!!

Hope i helped, and have a great tama-talking day!!!

Mine is a smiley face, a heart and the chorus of the song Fabulous from High School Musical 2.

In my signature mine is saying who my best friends are, how to feel my wrath, and then my stats. xD Thats all.

mines abaout how badly i miss josh. he probablly thinks im a jerk. but i wish he could see that i made a misktake and all people 2. its about that song by faith hill, 'if my heart had wings'

Mine's basically about my sci fi passion and my obsession with doctor who..

XD If I could post images though, I'd have this signature I made for other forums in it..


or my timelord self one in it..



In case your wondering, I'm running away from the high council, because I don't care to be in it..

*perfers time travel*

Mine, is just a link.

And Lyrics to My fav song by Miley Cyrus.

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