Short Stack.


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Thanks Ezzie x]

Planets is actually really cool, and I think I like it how Stack's doing something different. I'm getting the Planets single as soon as it's out.

And guess what. The 2nd album is going to be released a day before my birthday :)

Everything's been so positive with SS lately, but I just want to point out that Shaun looks kinda fatter than he did last year. D;

I heard of them along time ago, but finally listened to them today. AWESOME! They are really good! My favorite song of them from what I've heard so far, would have to be Princess. ♥ They are really cute too! I'm going to listen to them more now. XD! Tata for now........ ?

^ Aha, if not slightly strange. But yes, I like it.

Keeley likes Planets. <3

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I agree with both of you. It was very much less Short stack but at least it wasn't as bad as I expected. Teehee, I find it rather addictive. I'm always singing it...

I met them on Thursdaaaay!

I bought a bunch of flowers for Shaun at the last minute and he said it was the nicest thing he'd gotten all day. After they signed my poster-thing I told Shaun a bit about how Short Stack has helped me through so much crap and he was really nice and sympathetic and he gave me a hug. Then we got a photo and I hugged Andy and Bradie too <3

I think the single is really different and experimenting with everything has really done Short Stack some good.

'Tis all for now.

Maria, you are one lucky girl right now.

I wish Shaun gave me a hug.

And Andy

You looked gorgeous in that picture btw. :)

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Short Stack are here to stay. I'm sure the new album is going to be really good, and it'll prove that SS aren't just teenage boys who have cool hair.


I haven't got Stack Is The New Black (because I've been unable to find it) but I have the Planets EP. I've met them AAAANNDDD have a signed poster.

Yeah. I love them.

Oh and I hugged Andy/or he hugged me.

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Who's seen the music video to Planets? I thought it was awesome!
I found it a bit freaky at first but it came on tv heaps, and I grew to it, and now I love it!

I'm a bit unsure of how much I still like Short Stack. Almost everyone I know completely and utterly hates them, and to be honest, I can see why.

eh :/

I don't like Short Stack's reputation at the moment, if I say I like them, people will automatically think worse of me and yeah. I guess I'm just growing out of them and finding new, better music.

LOL, everyone seems anti-Short Stack at the moment. I still like them. I need to listen to wdtaddh...

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