Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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"Grace~ Come join Cooper and moi~!" He called, his tail sweeping across the ground, kicking up dust in the process. He shrunk back a bit when Aire walked by, coughing and choking on the dust as he glared at the foreign dog.

Shelly laughed at Prince then smiled up at Chloe who had woken from her nap. "Ms. Chloe! You won't believe it!" Shelly beamed. "This fellow here, Prince, just asked me to be his mate! I'm so excited!" She jumped around then suddenly stopped, realizing she probably shouldn't have done that. "Isn't it exciting?"


Alexa, shocked at all these wolves in one area. Alexa ran away, her chances had gone if she had tried to attack.

Alexa ran into a cave and drank some water from a puddle inside, this had been her home for many days now.

OOC: Listen, I'm just trying to somehow get into this role play, its no use on killing my spirit.

Chloe's heart was struck with a sudden jolt of pain. (Or was it jealously?) Many years had she longed for a male companion to love her and start a family with. Seeing her brother fall in love, and now members of her own pack, well, it was hard to watch knowing that Chloe was barely close to doing the same.

"That's wonderful Shelly," Chloe said and forced a smile. "I hope you two will be very happy together. May you be blessed with many pups."

(Jadeie, you are already in this roleplay. The others aren't trying to kill your spirit. They're just trying to help you out by giving suggestions, although it might seem differently to you.)

Shelly could scene something was bothering Chloe by the tone in her voice, but--not wanting to butt into her personal life--she decided it best not to say anything. "Thanks." Her urge to ask if Chloe was alright was getting the best of her and she almost blurted her questions out without even thinking. No. She thought. Get a hold of yourself Shelly. She smiled at Chloe hoping to make her feel happier than she "seemed", then walked back over to Prince.

Chloe sighed. She hoped that she hadn't brought Shelly down. She tried her best to hide her feelings, but Chloe couldn't help but think that it was obvious how she felt. She really was happy for Shelly, but it still brought her pain just the same. [Ha ha, rhyme moment]

Fang could see something was bothering Chloe, and, being her brother, he knew exactly what it was. He went and sat by his sister, hoping to be of some comfort to her. "You alright?" he asked. Chloe looked at him with sad eyes. "Yes. It's just hard watching others fall in love." Fang nodded. "I know Chloe. The right guy will come along. You'll see. And when he does, all that waiting you did will be worth it." Chloe smiled slightly. "Thanks Fang. I love you." He grinned and swatted Chloe's backside with his tail. "Anything time sis."

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Alexa watched the pack from a high rock, seeing that they were a group.

"I can't believe they dumped me," mumbled Alexa, referring to her old pack.

She stared again, wishing she could be in a community instead of n her own.

Fang walked casually over to Prince. He wanted to get to know him a little more. "Hello, I am Fang," he said. "Chloe's brother. Congrats on the union with Shelly." [Ha ha, I wanted to call it marriage, but these are wolves lD] "She's a keeper."

Chloe breathed in the scent of an unfamiliar wolf. She pivoted her head over to the cliff on which Alexa was standing, watching over all of them. "Hello up there," she barked. "Might you come down here so I can talk to you instead of you standing there spying on us?" she asked with a laugh.

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Alexa decided to make a move and jumped off the rock into their territory.

Alexa stared at the wolves before jumping into a nearby bush.

Chloe marched up to the brush in which Alexa had just fled. "Come out sweetheart. I am no threat to you. my name is Chloe. I am alpha of this pack. What is your business in Silver Mist territory?"

Cooper yawned and watched as Grace shook her head slowly. "Not today Julien, sorry." She said and bolted in the direction of the buffalo. She was suprised to see Strobe there, but she didn't bother him.

Cooper could see the hurt in his sister's eyes, but he knew better than to follow her. Even if she had Jack, her adopted son, she was still missing something that she needed, a mate.

Name: Sterling

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Male

Personality: Sterling is very suave, a real classy gentleman who is polite and very charming. He desperately wants a family of his own and many pups.

Rank Wanted: Fighter/Warrior

History: He is a British wolf brought over in a ship from the UK and released into the wild after spending a few years in a zoo.

Crush: Grace

Mate: None yet

Pups: None, but wants them very much.

Looks: Sterling is pitch black from head to paw, except for a single silver stripe going through his right eye. His eyes are a piercing crystal blue, very deep and filled with emotion.

"I don't know," Shelly replied to Prince, not really sure what to do next--which her expression on her face probably told it.

Fang walked casually over to Prince. He wanted to get to know him a little more. "Hello, I am Fang," he said. "Chloe's brother. Congrats on the union with Shelly." [Ha ha, I wanted to call it marriage, but these are wolves lD] "She's a keeper."
"I know, huh?" Said Prince. "I'm so happy."


Jack stumbled out of the den and trotted over to Julien and Cooper. "Where is mommy?" He murmured and ploppeddown next to Cooper. "Mommy is out for a walk. She needs to be alone for a while." Cooper said softly and looked in the direction she left in. Jack didn't question him, he only fell asleep once more.

Grace curled up next to the buffalo and stared up at the sky. She sighed softly and pulled her tail up over her eyes and tried to relax her body. The small wolf was an odd sight in the middle of the forest/plains.


-gasp!- he's lovely. :D

"Come out," Chloe whispered. "I won't hurt you. What's your business here?"

Sterling appeared out of the brush, his glossy black fur shining in the sunlight. He was bold for sure, coming so quickly into the territory of a foreign pack of wolves, but he knew no better. Being practically raised in a zoo, there was no such thing as territory among the wolves there. They were territorial at times, yes, but he did not know anything about being cautious around foreign packs and their literal land territory.

Chloe saw Sterling out of the corner of her eye. "Grace, could you greet him for me?" she asked. Wow, he's a handsome one. Chloe thought to herself and turned back to Alexa.

Fang grinned. "I hope you guys are very happy together and have lots of little ones. I can't wait to make Dawn my mate," he said and looked at Dawn with big, love-sick eyes.

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Grace uncovered her eyes and stood up slowly. She trotted over to Sterling and her eyes widened slightly when she noticed how handsome he really was. "Hello, my name is Grace. What is your buisness on our pack's land?" She asked, her voice nearly expressionless as she watched him curiously. She wasn't looking for an argument with anyone, she really just wanted to curl up in a hole far away from here, but she did as Chloe asked. His eyes intrigued her, but she didn't want to get caught staring into them.

Sterling looked down at the small wolf that just spoke to him and grinned. "Hello miss," he said with a deep British accent. "I just happened to pass by and was curious about your group here, so I approached. I was even hoping, if it is not too much to ask of you, if I could stay. You see lovely lady, I am alone and have no home." He couldn't help but stare. This she-wolf was terribly cute. Sterling was definitely attracted to her.

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