Silver Mist Wolf Pack


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Grace couldn't help but turn her lips up into a small smile. "Well, may I ask you your name?" She asked and glanced at Chloe. Once she looked, she moitoned for her to come over to the two of them. "Our alpha is a great wolf, she'll no doub let you stay with us." She added and sat down, her tail flicking back and forth slowly.

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"I'm sure she is if she let a lovely lady like you into the group. My name is Sterling. It truly is a pleasure to meet you."

Chloe saw Grace motioning for her to go over to them, but she was still busy with Alexa. "You can handle it," Chloe mouthed and winked.

Grace giggled lightly and returned her gaze to Sterling. "Well, the alpha said I could handle this one. I don't see why not, so you can join our pack. Would you like me to introduce you to the rest of the pack?

Alexa scratched the ground with her paws, she didn't have much to say.

Sterling bowed gracefully, his piercing crystal blue eyes locked on Grace's. "Thank you lovely lady. I shall be forever grateful to you for such kindness. I would love to get acquainted with everyone." He grinned.

Chloe, starting to get somewhat frustrated with this unresponsive she-wolf, sighed. "I can't help but to think you're ignoring me. If you do not want to stay, then you can be on your way. If you wish to stay, then say so. I'll ask you once more. What is your business in Silver Mist?"

Grace smiled and led him towards the clearing. She first stopped by Cooper, Julien, and Jack. "Sterling, this is Julien, Cooper, my brother, and Jack, my son," Grace said and nodded to each wolf as she said their name. "Julien and Cooper, this is Sterling, he's obviously new."

"I do not know, miss," said Alexa, she was only a puppy and had never done this before.

She was getting more shivers every word Chloe said.

"Chloe, anger shall get you no where." Svetlana said, clearly amused. She had suddenly vanished for a few suns [days] with no explanation or farewell. She was slightly surprised when no one camping looking for her. It didn't really matter to her though, she wanted to be alone.

ooc: dude, I totally forgot that Alexa was a puppy. D: Sorry Jadeie. My bad.

Sterling gazed at Julien. "The pleasure's all mine, I'm sure," he said and grinned. "This seems to be a fine pack you have here." He looked into Grace's eyes. "Very fine indeed."

Chloe looked at the pup and smiled. She pitied the poor thing. "It's alright dear. You can stay. We'll have to situate you with a stepmother."

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Repost: Sterling gazed at Julien. "The pleasure's all mine, I'm sure," he said and grinned. "This seems to be a fine pack you have here." He looked into Grace's eyes. "Very fine indeed."

Chloe looked at the pup and smiled. She pitied the poor thing. "It's alright dear. You can stay. We'll have to situate you with a stepmother right away."

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Alexa growled, she would not have a stepmother as she still had feelings for her mother.

Lmao. Or Cooper ;D

If a wolf could smile, Grace would have been. At that moment, Jack woke up and stumbled over to Grace. He looked at Sterling curiously and sniffed the strange new wolf. Grace pawed at his rear to get him to sit down. "Jack, this is Sterling." She said softly and licked her pup's head.

"He's absolutely adorable!" He exclaimed. He always had a weakness for little ones. Oh how he wanted pups of his own. "Hello there lad. Are you being good to your mum? Hmm?"

Chloe cocked her head as the pup growled. "Don't you want someone to stay with? Who's going to take care of you sweetheart? You need someone to look after you if you are going to stay. I won't have little ones running around without a guardian." Chloe smiled.

Lolol I should xDDD

Kkjhsdkkf but with whooommm?

Julien looked at Cooper, who had been silent the whole time and seemed to have zoned out. He prodded him with his paw, "Cooper, it rude to ignore new friend!"

Skfjfvhkkdfjhvkk I have to go for the night Dx I'll be on most of the day tomorrow if I can.

Grace giggled softly and watched. Jack jumped up with delight, unable to stop his tail from wagging. He loved getting compliments, especially on how cute he was. "I'm being good!"

"Oh be quiet, of course you've been good. You've been asleep all day." Cooper chuckled and licked his nephew's ear. "It's nice to meet you Sterling," Cooper said and smiled at the wolf.

Jack turned around and pounced on Cooper's head. "I was tired!"

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Julien giggled at the pup as he lowered his head to his paws. Basking in the sun was making him tired and he was finding it rather hard to stay awake.


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