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I say strange things in my sleep. But I'm never aware why I say the things I happen in my sleep, unfortunately. I wish I could remember my dreams more often. Well, once I did. But I don't want to explain all of it.

once I said, "the book of doilies". Well, it makes sense. I mean, I've always had a (semi-secret in non-virtual world) love for doilies and handkerchiefs.

I'm a pretty sound sleeper o_O

But one time I said in my sleep ( my mom's friend told meh this ) " never salt your food before you taste it "


My brother said that I talk sometimes. Once I said "Meatsticks". o_O

Random: I woke up once playing air guitar in my bed. O.x

I sleepwalk, my Mum wants to see a docter about it o_O.

Sometimes, I get up in my room, walk to my door, open it and then come back in. My mum told me this, but she was pretty scared as my room is right next to the stairs and she was scared I'd fall down.


P.S High light below this V

As if

I once sleepwalk-ed downstairs, when the light was on.

And my mum opened the door and said what are you doing?.

I said im turning the light on.

My eyes were open, but I wasnt awake, it was scary.

Apparently when I was staying with my nan's, I went outside and almost went to the toilet on her plant o_o

A few years ago I used to sleepwalk. Once, apparently I got out of bed, walked down the hall, down the stairs, into the recroom, back UP the stairs, into the dining room, back the hall, sat on my parents bed, said something, and went back to my bed xD. So I guess I used to sleeptalk too, even if only once.


I don't do anything...except grinding my teeth. My teeth are all gone (obviously), so I have to wear a mouth guard. I already have enough teeth problems. =P

I don't do either of them, but I grind my teeth at night. Dx
I had to sleep with someone that was moaning in their sleep. It was terrible! Thankfully I went back to sleep after I woke up from the moaning.
When I was little my teeth would do that to! My grandma said she could hear them and she'd have to hold my mouth. I don't do it anymore though xx]

I don't do either of them, but I grind my teeth at night. Dx
I had to sleep with someone that was moaning in their sleep. It was terrible! Thankfully I went back to sleep after I woke up from the moaning.
That's why I never let people sleep in my bed with me XD

One friend smacks her lips, grinds her teeth and groans, a few of them have been blanket hogs, one smells really bad, and the others snore.

Snoring is easy to deal with because I roll over and slap them without thinking about it.

When I was little... I'd sometimes scream in my sleep. ._. It was creepy. Now I just mumble and occasionaly walk into the guest-room and fall asleep in there.

One time (dad told me this) I went into the kitchen got a paintbrush and then he came out and said WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING and i said going to pikachus house to eat the batmitten racket and he was like WHAT and then i said we are going to do backflips in the garden

I sleep walk, and sleep talk! Most of the time, when Im sleep walking, Im sleep talking. Other times, When Im sleep talking, Im sleep walking. So, Yeah. Last night I got up and told my mom I had something stuck in my arm. It was cause I fell asleep ontop of my arm, and it fell asleep, and I dreamed that I got something stuck in my arm. My mom told me about it this morning! =P

I sleeptalk, and it's really clear too. One night I guess I must have been talking to one of my friends in my dream because I sat straight up and started talking all excitedly and really clearly and then just lied down and went back to sleep. O__o Weird. I was sleeping with my parents that night too.


I really don't know if I do. Its posible because I have went to sleep in my bed, but I wake up on the couch o_O I don't think I do, but I can't say for sure.


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