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[SIZE=14pt]I hope I don't sleeptalk... Especially if its about a boy.....X3 Or especially my scary trumpet dream! O___________O [/SIZE]

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omg, lol, i sleepwalk and talk. here, i'll tell you one

It was.. i dunno, maybe a month ago. and i went down stairs. my dad is like "hey J ( my nickname ) what are you doing?" and i'm like " where is it " and my dad is like " where's what? " and i'm looking around, saying " where is it!!!!!!!!!!!! " and my dad is like what? the bathroom? " and i'm like, umm, uhhh... ( and i went like, brain dead ) and then i'm finally like, yeah! so, i go in, and i take like, 20 minutes, and then walk back upstairs to my room. the end!

oh, and my dad does too! i'll tell you a story ( and, i have a bathroom connected to my room )

it's 4 o'clock in the morning, and my dad walks to my bathroom. i ask " what are you doing? " he's like " taking a shower " and i'm like " at 4 in the morning?!?!? " and he's just like yup

so, he goes back to his room, and a minute later, comes back, and turns on the bath tub water. then he walks back to his room, and back to my bathroom, turns the water off.

and i'm like, " why aren't you taking a shower, you said you were! " and he's like " it's too early " and walks back to his room.

i have many stories lol

oh, my dad tells me every morning if i did sleep walk, btw.

oh, and i don't let people sleep with me either. i still do sometimes, but yeah. i am a bed and blanked hog. sometimes, when i sleep with my friend hannah in the same bed, we will take each others pillows, kick each other, fight over the blanket, and push each other o_O i know, i'm really odd.

my friend megan mumbles "hamsters hamsters" in her sleep, or stuff about rodents. she just got a dog. wonder what she'll talk about now o_O

I don't do ethier.But my friend does.One night,she was saing stuff like she was talking to her crush or somthing.Then she took off her cloths and said"kiss my p***** and she was a girl :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

yeah, both, but not a lot of sleep walking. i got down off of my bunk bed once, and went out to our kitchen, got the car keys, and was about to go ou thd door when my dad grabbed me! I sleep talk a lot though!!!!

Yes, both. Apparently, one time when I was sleeptalking I said "No no no don't don't do it it's too dangerous leave no stay come back". Every night, I walk to the bathroom, use it, go into the den and say "Why did you pour water on me?" and then walk back to my room and go back to bed. I do that every night in the summer. In the school year, I do it every other night. One time I said "What happened to my burnt pancakes?". It's wierd.

When my mom was little, she always spent the night with my Great-Grandparents on Fridays. She used to sleepwalk so bad that they put a huge lock way up high on the front door so she wouldn't walk outside to their pond and drown. I think I'm about to get carpul tunnel XD Be back later!


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I don't do ethier.But my friend does.One night,she was saing stuff like she was talking to her crush or somthing.Then she took off her cloths and said"kiss my p***** and she was a girl :)   :kuribotchi:   :furawatchi:   :hitodetchi:
[SIZE=14pt]xDD Thats gross and funny... I'm guessing she had a dream about.. *Cough* [/SIZE]


I once spoke in my sleep! I said "No Carrie...You can't have it.." Becuase Carrie wanted to steal a big sized almond I had. xD

heehee i sleepwalk.. a couple nights ago i got up and my mum asked "Where are you going?" and im like " where am i going? where am i going?" LOL ^_^

I sleeptalk


In fact, me and my sister shared a room last Christmas (because My aunt slept in my room) (we slept in my sisters bunk bed) and so we were like "Lets stay up all night and when we hear somebody putting gifts down under the tree/in our stockings, we can wait until that person goes back to sleep, then lets go look at them." We agreed. Well I fell asleep reading. But my sister stayed up all night (almost) and she heard me say "pickle."

And other times I have talked in my sleep. My brother actually started sleepwalking. And he's six. But like two years ago, he slept walk in to the backyard.

Last night. My sister was awake and I was talking. I was sitting in a corner, repeting

"It's okay sweetie, don't cry, don't cry."

And I woke up in the corner. My sister took a picture of me with my phone o_O

I looked quite mad xD

[SIZE=11pt]I don't sleepwalk/talk, but my brother claimed I was sleeptalking one night. [/SIZE]


This is what I was saying: "Flowers... flowers... flow-flow-flow-flow-flooooowwwweeeerrrrsssss." And I was supposedly talking to my dad at the moment. "Flowers, daddy?" I was only about five.


Lawl. xDD

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lol ppl, here's one when i didn't sleepTALK, but i slept walk.

Ok, this was a few months ago ( and i live on the top floor )

i was asleep, and i got up, turned EVERY SINGLE light on in the house ( even the light switch for out side! OO ) even in my parents room, and my parents bathroom ( which is connected to their room same with mine ) and my mom is a light sleeper, and she didn't wake up, and when she woke up, she had to turn every light off!!! *lol*

I dont anymore. When I was little I used to sleepwalk into my parents room and mumble words xDD

I was at a sleepover and my friend said I HAFTA PEE and i was awake and i though she was to and i was like then go! and she said but my butts too cloged

I don't understand how anyone could walk and still be asleep! XD But I think I do sleeptalk a lot. When my family's on vacation and we stay in a hotel room or something my mom always says I mumble in my sleep. A long time ago, I was in a hotel room with my mom and I was dreaming about the crush I had back then. When I woke up in the morning my mom said I had been sleeptalking and I was terrified I had said something embarrasing about my crush! xDD But she said all I said was something like "Come on now, I'm in in a hurry." o.o Once my mom woke me up for school and I was still asleep. Apparently she heard me say "I don't want to see the electronic divas" and "Oh, is that 27 divided by 22?" XDD So I bet I sleeptalk all the time, I just wish I could hear what I'm saying. =P

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