Sneaking tamagotchi into school


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I don't think I could sneak my tama into school

-I have a tama go thats too big to fit into my pencil case

-I don't like going to the toilet in class when I should be working

- I have an extra strict teacher this year

- my reputation is ruined if my friends see it

-I can't leave it in my bag my friends might see it

- changing the time is way too fiddly

if anyone knows any way to sneak my tama in pls PM me about it thanks!

It was only a few months ago when my tama first beeped in school. I snuck in my iD L (not a good choice, by the way) and I forgot to turn off the sound. My principal came in to watch us do some oral reports. Someone had just finished, and the room was silent. That was when my tama beeped. (On high volume!) Everyone in the class knew what it was. They didn't say anything. They knew I'd get in trouble if they did. My principal and teacher just assumed someone forgot to turn off their phone, and it ringed. But as soon as the principal left, we all burst out laughing. Not at me, but with me, because most of them, at one point, had experienced something like this. (But most of them not with V-Pets.) We were in homeroom, and my homeroom teacher is pretty easy going, so she just went along with it.

This is hilarious. All throughout school I managed to never get caught with a tama. I always had it in a sweater pocket on the side that the teacher wasn't on. ALWAYS had sound off. In HS when it would come out of my pocket you'd hear, OMG is that a tamagotchi?! lol and then people would want to see it. I never listened if someone made fun, but thenagain I have always been like that.

In HS right now... and it is hilarious when I have it just sitting on my desk and somone walks over and goes: OMG that isn't a tamagotchi is it?! it's hard to care when people try to make fun of you. :] I have never never had trouble with getting it in school. no-one really cares, and I have my iDL and V4 out sitting on my desk a lot. It's so funny the teacher sees a phone, they flip. they see my tamas, they don't give it a second glance. ;] ah well. this other girl who has a V4 brought it to class once and it felt nice to know somone else was chilling with their tamas. I never play with it in class of course. I just keep an eye on it, and if somthing urgent happens then I pause it.

Ha I always played it in HS while in class. I was a straight A student so the teachers I had never gave me trouble for much of anything, not even an occasional text. I always had the sound off too so that helped I imagine. I am one to keep the hearts filled so I knew the times when they would drop and I would grab it out for a second or two and fed or played. The older tamas games were fairly simple and I didn't need to watch the screen to win :p I had it under my desk most of the time in my left hand, while I wrote with the right lol.

I've always taken care of it between classes, and just kept it hung on the coathooks in my locker. None of my classmates really care, that or they think it's a phone!

I take my Tama-Go into school, and my teacher, Ms. Swartz, she says that i'm not allowed to bring toys into the school campus, so I hid my Tama-Go into my jacket (with the sound off), and I didn't get in trouble AT ALL. But when the school day ends, I play with it.

I'm Currently taking my 2 iD L's and 2 V4.5's to school and i haven't got caught but considering that my school allows you to listen to your iPod in the hallways and in class so you can have your phone out and no teacher really cares. Since we're allowed to have all that i just act like i'm changing a song or lookingg at the time, tending to Tamagotchi.

I hide my Tamagotchis in my shirt with the sound off. When I'm writing I hold the book up so it looks like I am writing/reading but I am actually using my Tamagotchi.

Hello! I want to sneak my tama in my pencil case,but I fear for it! Everyone knows I obsess over Tamas!!! What do I do? :huh:
i snuck mine (iD L..) in my pencil case and had absolutely no problem. sure, i looked a bit odd taking so much time to find a pencil, but nobody noticed! xD i won't do it again, though, too much stress and fear for my tama. -_-

i make mine sleep by changing the clock, and i leave it at home.

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"Real tamafans" Know how to keep their tamagotchis hidden. Also, in my opinion, bigger isn't always better for tamagotchis. Try fitting a Tama-Go in your pocket. See what I mean? :)

haha i haven't had an embarresing moment because i just started bringing them this year... Ive had some close calls. my teacher started walking to my side of the room. I was playing with my tama though so i didn't notice till he was in front of me. Lucky i pulled it away quick enough.

I remember when Tamagotchis got popular 15 years ago. Everybody had one and somehow snuck them into school. The middle school teachers would take them away if you weren't too careful. I would always keep mine in my pocket where it was nice and safe. Now, 15 years later and I'm a 26 year old designer so I don't have to worry about school anymore. Unless I want to go back to college to study more, but that's not going to happen any time soon. :lol:

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Maybe in 2nd or 3rd grade, I had this thing called virtral pets and I told the teacher I had it and she took it off me. At the end of the day she gave it back 2 me and guess what I saw on the screen... it was dead! :eek:

Hey how do you put the sound off on the tamago? Because iam abit scared leaving it at home just in case it dies! Because you are at school for 7 hours and 30 minutes at my school so yeah

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