Something that belongs to you.


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My teddybear I've had...forever. it went with me when I had a surgery as a kid, and if I lost it, I would die.

My guitar I won from MuchMusic. Signed by some of my idols.

My camera/all my pictures. They're all memories I wouldn't get back otherwise.

My MP3 player. Music is very important to me.

EDIT: Clarifying xD

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Actually, probably just Sooslik.

All my toys are amazing, but Sooslik is my own special thing that I made myself. He's been lost, he's been wet and he's been ripped. He survived everything. My special survivor <33333

My sanity. My mind.

For real? My shortness and slimness. I'm afraid I'm going to have a growth spurt, and I'm afraid of getting fat. D:

I never want to loose my family or friends, either. Or my faith.

But material wise? Probably my iPod. :]

I'm saving up for a good digital camera. And hopefully when I get that, I'll add it to the list!
Oh my goodness! How could I ever forget my guitar!

I love my guitar. I play it everyday. I'd die without it. ;_;

my first account on neopets...oh wait...I already lost it! I got scammed :) :D :p

4th grade memories. a very very very good year.


[SIZE=7pt]-My CP[/SIZE]

-My Tamas

-My Stuff toy Witch(It's Cute)

-Biology Room(Eeek.Eeek.Eeek)

-My Yamto Nadeshiko CD

I don't ever want to loose my drumsticks, my black and white plaid ear hat, my iPod, or any of my comic books.

They keep me sane.


My family.

My friends.

My iPod and this thing that I keep all my music files on--it's like a gigantic USB. It also has half my pictures on there.

My laptop--all of my writing is on here. The other half of the pictures are here.

My Harry Potter books. Honestly, those 7 books were my life. Those were the books that made me love reading and writing and the basis of all my literacy.

My keyboard.

My camera.

My music binder--it has cutouts of people who inspire me and songs and poems and whatever else I've written as well as snippets from songs I adore.

This stuffed monkey my mom gave me when I was four. He has a simple name. He's named Monkey. Monkey used to be my aunt's, then my mom's, mine, and I'm gonna give to my daughter when I have one.

My friends. <3

My laptop. I'd die.

Other stuff too, but I can't think right now O:<

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