stupid things


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
i got real drunk at a school party (someone put alcohol in the punch) and i told the teacher that i baked bran muffins and wouldnt give her any because i was trying to fatten up the class geek so i could make him into pie what have you done??

EDIT: when i was 3 i almost killed my brother by get fly and bug killer and stuffing the whole lot down his thoat and leaving him for the dead and he was only 1 i did it because i wanted him to shut-up his crying but didnt know what the out come would be mum took him straight to the emergany room

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Oh my gosh!

How old are you?

This gurl in our Homeroom brought beer to school & got drunk.. o_O She got expelled. And she was my FRIEND.

(Well, before she got drunk.)

SO scary.

Umm... I'm a lil' angel! :)


there was this one kid who was playing football at the park and ran into a steet light.

Oh my gosh!How old are you?

This gurl in our Homeroom brought beer to school & got drunk.. o_O She got expelled. And she was my FRIEND.

(Well, before she got drunk.)

SO scary.

Umm... I'm a lil' angel! :)

im 12 but some one put a few bottles of vodka in the punch. another thing i did: i was talking to this guy and i walked into my teacher without noticing it was her and yelled at her (alot of bad things i do envolve teachers)

i got real drunk at a school party (someone put alcohol in the punch) and i told the teacher that i baked bran muffins and wouldnt give her any because i was trying to fatten up the class geek so i could make him into pie what have you done??
I really hope you got suspended or long-termed for that.. Even if it was an 'accident' it's still illegal. Not to mention you can taste vodka through anything.

I never believe anything dealing with drinking alcohol is an accident. No matter how much other liquid is in an alcoholic drink, you can still smell and taste it. After the first sip you should have thrown it out and told a teacher.


When I was 10 I ran to get the door at my grandparents house and tripped and slammed my head into a railing x.x

I can't think of anything else stupid that I've done recently.. I know there are at least one or two things but my memory is shot at the moment.

I accidently mistaked someone else for my dad once.same happened but i mistaked someone for my mom.(i know,i'm an idiot)

Hey, if you guys did this acidentally, you made a mistake, and in the end, you should be happy because you

learn from your mistakes!

Here is my mistake to celebrate about:

I was playing on my PS2 just after the carpet was shampooed. It was up on the window sill. I pulled the controller and bang!

It hit the ground. I tried playing a game on it again, but apparently, it didin't read the disk, probably bcause the laser was broken.

We sent the broken PS2 to the Sony company in Australia, and eventually, it got reparied, or replaced.

Congratulations to me!

I really hope you got suspended or long-termed for that.. Even if it was an 'accident' it's still illegal. Not to mention you can taste vodka through anything. I never believe anything dealing with drinking alcohol is an accident. No matter how much other liquid is in an alcoholic drink, you can still smell and taste it. After the first sip you should have thrown it out and told a teacher.


When I was 10 I ran to get the door at my grandparents house and tripped and slammed my head into a railing x.x

I can't think of anything else stupid that I've done recently.. I know there are at least one or two things but my memory is shot at the moment.
I accidently drank half a bottle of beer because I thought it was fizzy lemonade. After I realized it was beer (I saw the 'Do not drink if pregnant warning." I threw it away.) It was in a lemonade bottle thing. Mike's hard lemonade. I guess I should have realized something when I saw it said 'hard'. I couldn't really taste the beer though. I was really upset for the rest of the day, and so far, it's been one of the stupidest things I've done in my life.

I jumped off my garage roof (I wasn't thinking, and thought it would be fun to roll down the hill), I keep calling my friends the wrong names, (I can't help that one.), I broke my ruler, and I got my teacher a little bit angry at me for saying I'm capable of killing one of my friends. I've done lots of stupid things. I try to think more about what I'm doing now though.

Drinking? Kids I am ashamed. :p

I remember being in Gym and we had to take off our shoes and I was so tired I acidently put on someone else's shoe. My bad. ^_^

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im 12 but some one put a few bottles of vodka in the punch. another thing i did: i was talking to this guy and i walked into my teacher without noticing it was her and yelled at her (alot of bad things i do envolve teachers)
>___> Did they catch the person who put the vodka in the punch?

Thats just plain idioticy. ^_^

Hmm.. I have done heaps of stupid things.. to many to mention xD.

Oh, but once I saw my friends class line up for science right?

And I thought I saw my friend so I ran up to her and started like, patting her on the back saying like "OH MY GOD! I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU!" Because she had a teacher that we all hate.. and then the girl who I thought was my friend was this girl I had never met before. >_> LOL It was pretty funny.


i went on my roof and jumped off.

i say its fun, but crazy,

i go on my roof, and jump off wen nobodys hoome...

thats me crazy cris

%%crazy cris%%

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I accidently drank half a bottle of beer because I thought it was fizzy lemonade. After I realized it was beer (I saw the 'Do not drink if pregnant warning." I threw it away.) It was in a lemonade bottle thing. Mike's hard lemonade. I guess I should have realized something when I saw it said 'hard'. I couldn't really taste the beer though. I was really upset for the rest of the day, and so far, it's been one of the stupidest things I've done in my life.
I jumped off my garage roof (I wasn't thinking, and thought it would be fun to roll down the hill), I keep calling my friends the wrong names, (I can't help that one.), I broke my ruler, and I got my teacher a little bit angry at me for saying I'm capable of killing one of my friends. I've done lots of stupid things. I try to think more about what I'm doing now though.
Eh. I can understand Mike's because I did the same thing when I was younger. Good that you tossed it early though ^^

Eh. I can understand Mike's because I did the same thing when I was younger. Good that you tossed it early though ^^
My dad once laced fish with this alchohal but he did it after he cooked the fish 'cause he thought flaking the fish would get rid of the alchohal and I said "Dad this fish smells like drunk..."

I did a pretty stupid thing. Once my friend said "Rachel you're gay." and I'm like "I know, right..." 'cause I wasn't really thinking. xD

I really hope you got suspended or long-termed for that.. Even if it was an 'accident' it's still illegal. Not to mention you can taste vodka through anything. I never believe anything dealing with drinking alcohol is an accident. No matter how much other liquid is in an alcoholic drink, you can still smell and taste it. After the first sip you should have thrown it out and told a teacher.


When I was 10 I ran to get the door at my grandparents house and tripped and slammed my head into a railing x.x

I can't think of anything else stupid that I've done recently.. I know there are at least one or two things but my memory is shot at the moment.
i didnt know what the punch was supposed to taste like and the guy got expelled

[SIZE=8pt]I smudged chicken sauce all over my face earlier. LOL. I videotaped myself. Well, my friend Ivey did.[/SIZE]
I remember when I was 8 or 4, somewhere around that , I think, I put my tongue in a beer bottle my dad had while dad was next to me, he smirked, I tried it and I shouted "EW! THIS TASTES LIKE JUNK!" and he started laughing like he saw something so funny and he died. O.O

I said "What?" then he looked like he wet his pants. After that he said "You should've seen the look on your face when you tried that!" O.O Lucky he doesnt remember that anymore. (thank god...)


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