Successful Mating


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Active member
Jul 31, 2005
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I've seen alot of questions lately about mating V2's and V3's and it can be done! Mine mated yesterday. Both were 6 years old. You just have to be patient connecting them.

Make sure they're friends first and then the hearts will be added. Before you know it, they'll be bouncing babies.

Also, when connecting, to make sure presents are given, press the B button of the tama you want to be visited. Most times this trick will work. :furawatchi:

so do u no if ur tamos hav to be 6 because my friend said u hav to be 7 or something, and do u no how old they hav to be before they die, because they hav kids

when connecting, put your version 3 as others and your version 2 as V1. then they should be able to connect. :angry:

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Yeah, my v2 and v3 got married yesterday too ^.^

Pyonkotchi X ChoHimetchi :angry:

i'm not sure what you mean "how old they have to be before they die" but mine were both 6 and had babies. :angry:

i'm not sure what you mean "how old they have to be before they die" but mine were both 6 and had babies. :p
:p [SIZE=14pt] :p he means that after the babies are born how long do the adult parents ahng around before they die!? :) :p [/SIZE]

oh! just a whole day after they are born. and they don't die persay. they just leave.

:lol: Whgen my v3 nad my friends v2 coneccted do the have to be the same age or something?
nope! i'm pretty sure it's just like connecting any other tamagothis. as long as they're pretty close in age.

My v1 and my v3 mated- twin baby girls. all connectable tamas can mate.

mine died like last night not i have a toddler but love was with this girl <_<

mine mated yesterday. and it's only 4 years oldd.. don't think the age reli matters that much as long as ur adult. wut i did was to keep on giving presents to each other.

<_< + :unsure: = adorable babie!

I just got a tama v3 yesterday, an I've been looking since december! Happy! B) My dudue are sooo cute! They are a mizutamatchi boy named Jodi and a tamatchi girl named Joy! So CUTE!!! I have a pink ice cream and blue waves tama. :) :angry: :D

They die when they get to be 15 or older or they have a baby and die in 24 hours.

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