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Wow. Almost exactly 3-month bump...

I dunno... I guess I have the amazing ability to hurt myself... XD My entire right arm is in pain... It sucks.

Otherwise, no. It's very, very doubtful I would be gifted with some 'amazing superpower. XD

I can hear when a T.V. is on even if it's on mute.   :)
Yeah me too. But I don't think it's a superpower. x.x I don't think I have a superpower. But, I'm not sure. :p

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I can hear when a T.V. is on even if it's on mute. I can also write really fast. :)
Kids have that ability, they can hear extremmly high pitched sounds that adults can't. Someone made thats Frequency into a cell phone ring tone for kids! Because most teachers cant hear it.

I love having good hearing!

I can see into the near future sometimes, I can 'see' places were I'm not, and I can read palms.

I don't know about me but i can know when someone is coming and i can hear and see very well and sometimes me and my bff r pyschic and we know when something i 'vout to happen and + i can close my eyes and write in cursive perfectly or print!And I know when something is 'bout to happen.I also have tekesinis(how ever u spell it) and i can kinda read minds.


Well, I get deja vu at random times and when the phone rings, I can tell if it's my BFF :p

P.S. I forgot my other friend finshes the last words of my sentences :)

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I can only remember like two dreams i've ever had that did that.

My first one was this gremlin thing came into my house and screwed up my computer,and the next day my computer got a virus.

Also,one time i had a dream i met this weird girl,when she was hangin out with my best friend. The next day, a girl that looked almost exactly the same anded up in my group for science.

I also have deja vu alot,its creey//

(This is a 3 month I correct? Can't really say if it will/can be closed or not...)

I have two 'superpowers'. One, is beign TOO nice (though thats not really a superpower). Especially in school. I'm always nice to everybody, even when I hate somebody. And when somebody is being mean to me, but still wants to be friends, I always accept because I'm too nice not to. o_O

And two, I can float! Yes, I can levitate with ease. Wooo! (No jokes) XD

(This is a 3 month I correct? Can't really say if it will/can be closed or not...)
I have two 'superpowers'. One, is beign TOO nice (though thats not really a superpower). Especially in school. I'm always nice to everybody, even when I hate somebody. And when somebody is being mean to me, but still wants to be friends, I always accept because I'm too nice not to. o_O

And two, I can float! Yes, I can levitate with ease. Wooo! (No jokes) XD
cool i can kinda float.But i can like tell when somethin' is 'bout to happen like my aunt is getting ready to call...I just read into the future and it said at bible school well be getting wet alittle.and we'll be having lemonade.

I cann read into the future and read minds and i can kinda shapeshift and move really fast and telekinis(how ever u spell it)

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