Tama Keepers? Carriers? Cases?


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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2005
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Greenville, South Carolina
[SIZE=8pt]After my Tama paused itself while in my purse today, I want a carrying case of some kind. Preferably, I'd like a cute, stuffed one, or a hard case. But at this point, anything. [/SIZE]


Anyone know where to find such things for the Tamagotchi Connection 2?

ebay...i don't think they have then in normal stores

I use baby socks from the infant section of Walmart or Target. Pink/purple for girls and blue/yellow for boys. I helps to remind me of what sex my tamas are if I have multiples going.

I made my Tama's case even though it was pink and my tama was a boy....but he didn't mind..plus I only had one at that time! I'd say the best way to go is making your own cause then they don't have cheesy logo's or anything

I use baby socks from the infant section of Walmart or Target. Pink/purple for girls and blue/yellow for boys. I helps to remind me of what sex my tamas are if I have multiples going.
That's a really neat-O idea to use those short baby socks!

There were soft carriers made but they were sold back when the TamaPlus was out. I got a few but they are very hard to find now :mellow: They also just feel weird to use in the summer. :eek: They are like a jacket for your tama. You can use the Osu/Mesu hard cases IF you can find them on ebay. They are the right size for these new big tamas.

But yeah! baby socks. You are so creative!

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