Tamagotchi Connection V5.5


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I saw a chinese or japan website with the v5.5 info.. i was pretty lost :wacko:

But i saw the images, i hope it comes soon :( :furawatchi:

I was just saying that you don't need to buy Tamas and that luckily Ban Dai hasn't sold Tamagotchi to someone who will make it look bad.
I love Tamagotchi!

And I agree, Tamas do come out too fast.

Again, you don't need to buy the Tamas.

Not everyone bought a V2 and V4.5 amongst my friends. Yet they still enjoy Tamas.
i was unlucky and i thought they were ending it at v1/v2/v3/v4...

i now have

2 - v1

2 - v2

2 - v3

1 - v4

0 - v4.5

3 - v5

and im already saving for a v5.5

(i dont know how many!!!!)

i was luckily smart enough to not get any v4.5



Try reading the topic...

Bandai seriously needs to stop with the half-versions.

We don't need doubles of tamagotchis we already have with tweeks. After the mess they made with the V3, I'm amazed the versions after actually sold.

I wish they would just make one new tamagotchi a year. Have a whole year of planning and designing before they decide to just throw random features into their toys.
What mess with the V3's?

That explains why i didnt get the version 4.5 sooo much!

I have had a version 1, but lost that ages ago :eek:

I have four version 2's

I have two version 3's

I have two version 4's

I never bothered to keep the version 4.5, it ended up being literally the same so I gave it away to my friends lil' bro'.

I have a version 5 and like the above post, it's just improvements, so I may just miss out in buying the 5.5 like I did with 4.5

I ended up regreting buying the ver 4.5, I don't want to make the same mistake, so I advice all people that are considering to buy it, to research it and actually see wether it is worth it. ( I should have done that! :D )

You could even wait untill someone has one and put's up a log, read it and consider wether it is the one for you! :)

I don't hate it! On the contrary,I ♥LOVE♥ Tamagotchi! But,excuse me for thinking that they make new Tamas 2 fast,excuse me 4 having an opinion and speaking out. :huh:
I personally quite like collecting tamas, its real fun and enjoyable. Who knows? Maybe they will be worth tons in the future!

You dont have to stop buying them if you feel upset about the generations continously flying by, you could just wait a couple of months until youre ready.

People should always tell what they suggest, so dont get upset if someone disagrees because everyone is different.

OMG i am sooo behind the times lol, the latest one i have is a v4.5... ok what i dont get is why they are making a new version right after 5 came out, of corse im going to save up for both but..... i wish they gave it like at least six months to wear down... i mean REALLY we JUST got them (v5) at our wal-mart, like a month ago
You dont have to buy them, Im quite happy that bandai is working their heads off just to give us some new ideas.

To some rebels of the .5 releases: Its just improvements and new, wacky ideas (not very wacky though). You know in school where you run a check through your tests and then some of your answers are actually wrong even though you have checked? Thats just what bandaii is doing. :huh:

Quote PostLiz912

The only reason Bandai is releasing a Tama5.5 is because they messed up the V.5 my cousin just bought one and she said they forgot to put a PAUSE on it!

Way to go Bandai!,

it would be very easy to reply with some sarcastic, nasty comment about this, but i won't. i will only say this: perhaps it would have been logical to read the instructions manual (i read it ALOT), and then your cousin would have known that the function called "TRAVEL SHOW" in the eighth icon (TV icon) replaced the "PAUSE" function. i feel that "TRAVEL SHOW" is a far more relevant thing than "PAUSE". it entails your tama going on a vacation, as opposed to earlier versions, where your tama floats in the middle of the screen in suspended animation with the word PAUSE right under the tama in capital, pixelated letters. the only downside to this is that the "TRAVEL SHOW" function takes about seven times longer than the "PAUSE" function to set up and therefore, might get you in trouble if you were asked to do so.

i've probably gone on a tangent... i'm not really sure if the v5.5 is actually going to come out in north america, and besides the different families, i wonder what will change in the v5.5. i don't think it will be very much.

:lol: :lol: :lol: kutchi999 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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FYI, Japan has had the royal famitama avalible in japanese stores sins Nov. 16th 2007. :D
Actually, that's how long they've had the Famitama (which we know as the V5).

The Famitama Royal came out this March.

And we won't be seeing a "V5.5" until the summer.


After thinking about this for a while I realize that I think BanDai should have stopped with the V3. The job and school things is just going way too far. And then there was a .5, how dumb. Now families? What else? Now I have a V4, and a V4.5 and I did enjoy them but V3 is defnitely my favorite.

So I'll probably buy a V5.5 but it will only be because I want to expand my collection.

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I don't think I'd like V5.5/Royal Famitama. I never liked the idea of ".5" anyway, and I didn't like Uratama before because I didn't like Ura Mametchi and such. The only thing that would convince me to get a V5.5 is if Mimitchi and Ginjirotchi were in it, and if somehow they made Tamatchi and Kuchitamatchi back in, and in there rightful place as teen.

I don't think I'd like V5.5/Royal Famitama. I never liked the idea of ".5" anyway, and I didn't like Uratama before because I didn't like Ura Mametchi and such. The only thing that would convince me to get a V5.5 is if Mimitchi and Ginjirotchi were in it, and if somehow they made Tamatchi and Kuchitamatchi back in, and in there rightful place as teen.
i'm with you. i find that the .5's are never actually as good as the originals. i had a v4.5 and it was not enjoyable. the v5 is my favourite because your tama does not have weight (i know that's not how you spell favourite in america, i'm from canada).

:p :D :lol: kutchi999 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The only reason Bandai is releasing a Tama5.5 is because they messed up the V.5 my cousin just bought one and she said they forgot to put a PAUSE on it!
Way to go Bandai!,


*binary: by now we all know there really is a pause in the V5. We don't need another reply saying "Yes, there is a pause. It's the travel show."*
you know, there is a pause. the pause is the travel show... i dont think ur cousins read the instruction manual properly...

Bandai has gone crazy. how could we catch up with that? next time maybe we'll have to take care of one tamagotchi with one finger,,,

megaman23FYI, Japan has had the royal famitama avalible in japanese stores sins Nov. 16th 2007.
i know i'm not a mod or anything, but some people might find FIY a little offensive, and it might be a good idea not to use it. i know that when people say FIY to me about a post, it makes me feel inferior and unintelligent, so you might want to stop saying things like that.

:D :furawatchi: :lol: kutchi999 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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