Tamagotchi iD L in English


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hi guys really sorry for the late reply! I've been really busy! but anyway I have actually got another english purple ID L, that is still in brand new and unopened in the packaging. I'm putting it up for sale over here >> https://www.tamatalk....hi-id-l-purple/

as for the photos of my id l that you all have requested, here they are! their conversations are super cute haha!<3





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so yup mine is the pink one on the left, and the purple one on the right is the one I'm putting up for sale:)


will upload more screenshots when I'm free! my pet is sleeping now so i can't do anything hahaha.

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Oooh... that looks so good... The english is not too bad~ And as you said, their convos are pretty cute~ I'm excited to receive mine in the mail~! :D

Hi, i just got my Pink Tamagotchi ID L from ebay and turns out that its in english!!

The packaging has the BANDAI logo on it.

It even includes a piece of paper from Bandai (HK) Co., LTD, providing me a QR code to complete an online survey. The QR code works, however the code number of my product which is required for the completion of the survey seems to be incorrect when i type it in:/

There is also a full english manual of the Tamagotchi ID L.

The back of the tamagotchi states that it is made in china.

Everything including the features, physical appearance, manual, looks just as what I have seen online or on youtube videos. The tamagotchi is working fine as well!

Except that, i have not seen anyone online claim that they have an english tamgotchi id l! May I know if it could be a fake?? ): ):
what seller did you buy it from?! :eek: i want one

what seller did you buy it from?! :eek: i want one
really sorry I won't be able to disclose my seller's name! but anw I have gotten his remaining few as he has got a very limited number, so you can buy from me instd. you may pm me if you're insterested!:)

Not to say any of the PPs are liars but there are some pretty good hackers and whatnot. However, you have a point, with the amount of this "hacked" ID Ls, it's much more likely that it's legit. I'm just always skeptical about things. :p Did anyone mention Bandai making an announcement?

Not to say any of the PPs are liars but there are some pretty good hackers and whatnot. However, you have a point, with the amount of this "hacked" ID Ls, it's much more likely that it's legit. I'm just always skeptical about things. :p Did anyone mention Bandai making an announcement?
I don't recall myself Bandai Asia making announcements about things --- their releases just pop out from out of nowhere.

But if this is not exactly a release and is a "hack", we still have to find out who did it and how.

But judging from the pictures and video that's starting to come around, it's more likely that it is a release.

I would prefer a hack though, so we won't have to buy another one instead of trying to track them down.

Unfortunately we have very little information right now. The least we can expect is that they would start popping out like mushrooms within the next few days or weeks.

If they don't want to post the eBay seller where they got it from, then we have to look for alternates.

I made arrangements with my friend who lives in Singapore just to get a hold of one.

I'll keep you guys posted on whatever stuff I could find out.

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Interesting either way, I agree. Though I do love that it is in English, I like the original Japanese better. Since the text was originally in Japanese, the spacing of the English stuff is a little weird but not completely obnoxious.

I do hope we get more info soon.

According to the person who posted the video on YouTube, it comes in the white packaging as we suspected.

I'm currently trying to find my way around the Chinese site along with people from TZ who were able to place their orders.

If I can manage to pull this off, we can use this to help other people who would like to order from there.

Hey I live in the US. I just ordered an iD L on Amazon on August 18th from seller Tokyo Japan Shop. It should arrive sometime this week or the next week or so. I am anticipated to see if it will be in English! Also I have a question. I forgot who it was. But someone stated that eBay was the only place left to get an iD L. But I just ordered one from Amazon !? Why didn't they mention Amazon?

Ow ichiro that would be so great, i would like to order one, but i don't get it at all!!! >_>.

What do you mean you dont get it at all?
As you may have observed from the discussion in the previous posts, the site where these English iD Ls are available are in Chinese.

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To order from this site: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15636517749&ali_trackid=2:mm_14507416_2297358_8935934:1345217936_3k1_786103316

You need to first sign up~ Just like ebay or any other site, you gotta make an account. You can make one here: https://member1.taobao.com/member/new_register.jhtml?from=login&ex_info=&ex_sign=

It goes:

Account Name:

Password (underneath it will tell you if it's weak or strong)

Confirm Password

Verification Code (the image that shows up, enter it in... you might have to click the box to write it before the image pops up)

Hit the Yellow button and the next page is simply your email address... Put that in and click the button... Then check your junk mail... it might take a couple of minutes, so give it time. Then click the link to confirm your account, and there you go~

I dunno, I could give more instructions on how to actually purchase it... but, it's not too hard to figure out if you have Google Chrome translate it for you... :T Just remember that you might have to contact the seller so you can pay for the additional shipping (since the default shipping you can choose from seem to ship locally)

I also just noticed.... that that seller is now selling the White tama... and he has 156 tamas in stock (before, it was under 10)... Glad that he got more~ :D

I was able to make an account, but it gives me $30 shipping for overseas and there's no other option.


That's weird. -_-

68+185 Yuan = approx CAD$ 86 :(

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