Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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Theres going to be a New Tamagotchi in Japan but not in America? wow this sucks Bandai needs to make a tama like I have a idea how about remake the p1 or p2 and make it color THAT WOULD SELL
Tens, perhaps hundreds of TamaTalkers have been having that idea for years and BanDai hasn't. We are obviously a lot better at marketing than them - there are enough health and beauty products already, and they are silly and overpriced and overrated. Why doesn't someone make an educational, fun game for all ages that will sell too? Why is it everyone thinks only stupid overpriced perfume will make any money? Why is it almost everyone in the UK and USA is overweight but they still buy loads of beauty products? Why is it every time someone comes up with a good idea it gets exploited and turned into a meaningless fashion brand? The answer to this question is that our society is too developed for its own good and kids like us can do nothing about it. It's people who want to exploit others who get any say. It's people who want a fun and affordable hobby who get ignored. No prizes for guessing which one of those TamaTalk is.

What BanDai and Sync Beatz are doing is not trying to create something new for Tamagotchi's biggest fans - far from it. The way they see it, the current fans are mostly kids with hardly any money who get teased at school for having an unfashionable toy. Does a brand become popular when that is their fan base? No. So they aim to leave us old fans behind and attract new ones, fashion-conscious young women who will spread the word of Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. All companies want to attract people with three things: Money, popularity, and silliness. Money because then they can buy stuff. Popularity so they can spread the word of the new fashion. Silliness so they can be exploited and spend a lot of money on overpriced make-up. Those three things are precisely what current Tamagotchi fans DON'T have. And that's what Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. is doing. Filtering out us unfashionable kids and pulling in self-conscious women.

Theres going to be a New Tamagotchi in Japan but not in America? wow this sucks Bandai needs to make a tama like I have a idea how about remake the p1 or p2 and make it color THAT WOULD SELL
No it wouldn't...Some people, like me, don't like vintages. Besides, TamaLIFE is all about vintages, so making a color based on a vintage would seem to support TamaLIFE. <_< I want NEW Tamas, not remakes of old ones XD

I haven't heard much more info on this, like exactly what stuff there will be and when.

To be honest, I'm not really sure how to react to Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. The release of the Tama-go was one of Bandai's last attempts at reviving the community, after the Tama-go's failure to be popular, I think Bandai just gave up. They are really on their last legs here letting Tamagotchi be licensed to Sync Beatz. I think that they were taking a turn in the right direction to go back to the older versions of the Tamagotchi, but with clothes, furniture, and make-up? Fans definitely won't be satisfied with that. But I don't think there is much Bandai can do about it. If it doesn't bring in money, then what is the point for them? After all in today's community, keeping their faith in a product that isn't a money maker is worthless. To be straight, I had given up on Bandai long ago. After the release of the Music Star, the popularity really plummeted. I mean they don't even sell them at Target anymore, I used to always see them there. And giving away merchandise every year at our community festival, they are probably just getting rid of them. (Not that I mind really, I like to take tamas off their hands.) I am a saddened to see Tamagotchi treated this way, but I'm not sure Bandai can do much about it, although they could surprise us with something new someday (I hope). So I am outraged as many of you are, and I really want a new toy to be released, but this was pretty much to be expected.

I personally don't blame Sync Beatz nor Bandai for this weird concept. Bandai seriously needs to do something to re-market Tamagotchi into the market again, while Sync Beatz basically specializes on lifestyle products and not toys.

The thing I find questionable is Bandai's choice in giving license to Sync Beatz for the Tamagotchi brand. I think both are good companies, but not the right chemistry, if you get my drift.

I wish it was a new tamagotchi.

I hope this goes well enough for them to make a new tama but not forgetting boys.

I don't get what Bandai was thinking, why not just make a new Tamagotchi toy? Or perhaps an ENGLISH iD L or Plus Color?
Why not waste thousands of dollars producing or developing a $40-50 product nobody will buy? Because Bandai US has already been burned twice by the Tamagotchi brand (thrice if you count the end of the Tamagotchi fad around 1997-1998). With this deal, at least Bandai US won't lose more money of this fails.

Why not waste thousands of dollars producing or developing a $40-50 product nobody will buy? Because Bandai US has already been burned twice by the Tamagotchi brand (thrice if you count the end of the Tamagotchi fad around 1997-1998). With this deal, at least Bandai US won't lose more money of this fails.
So, no new tamas for people outside Japan? That stinks.
All this nonsense, and they can't manage to get distribution rights for the English Tamagotchi iD L we now know exists? On one hand, I'm glad the Tamagotchi name is getting out there. But on the other, much larger hand--err, so to speak--this is just not very exciting.

In the end, I do hope that a Tamagotchi revival is on the way for the North American/Euro market; however, I'm fairly certain that this isn't going to do it, not by a long shot. <_<

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I agree with StenoTim, HOPEFULLY the Tamagotchi names DOES get out there so that it may encourage Bandai to release a new Tamagotchi toy.

If they successfully raise enough attention, they may be able to get new customers, and then advertise for a new toy. I think Bandai believes there are not a large enough mass of fans would would buy a new Tama (even though look at the number of members on TT!) Honestly I hope that a new toy will be released by the summer of 2013, but it may just be wishful thinking.

First of all they can take their app and shove it. I don't care how good it is it's not a real Tamagotchi. Part of the appeal of Tamagotchi is it's like a real living creature. It can't be turned on and off. It's always there. It's real. A phone app isn't the same thing. It isn't even close. It's just a video game. I can get attached to Tamagotchi. I'd even talk to them and hug them. There's no way I'd do that with a freaking cell phone. Give me an actual physical Tamagotchi toy or nothing. A phone app would be sterile and soulless. It would have no heart. Don't lump Tamagotchi in with overrated garbage like Angry Birds. Tamagotchi deserves better.

And as for TamaGo and Music Star failing, that was more the fault of the designs than the actual Tamagotchi brand. Tamagotchi started out as a pet. That concept is what got it it's popularity. Trying to turn them into rock stars or whatever drifts too far from the original concept. I want to adopt a pet not manage a band. What's next a Tamagotchi who let's it's fame go to it's head, turns to drugs and alcohol and is then found dead in a hotel room somewhere? As for TamaGo, they shot themselves in the foot with that one. Having to spend extra money to unlock a lot of the content may have been a good idea on paper from a financial standpoint but it turned a lot of folks off. I never owned a Music Star or a TamaGo. I hated the rock star concept and I thought the whole having to buy additional figures was a blatant and pathetic attempt to squeeze more money out of people. And don't get me started on the fact that they never advertised the things.

The concept behind Tamagotchi is still sound. It could probably still make money if done right. The problem is that the past couple of models were simply NOT done right.

The clothes are an eyesore but I'm not against Tamagotchi merchandise. It's having Tamagotchi merchandise without an actual Tamagotchi toy to back it up that I find idiotic.

What's next a Tamagotchi who let's it's fame go to it's head, turns to drugs and alcohol and is then found dead in a hotel room somewhere?
Now, that sounds like what a Tamagotchi L.I.F.E. ought to be! :hanatchi: ...and I really love the Music Star.

I just think they're not willing to risk another flop by spending money on production of the toy units, themselves. It really sucks...but at least we have access to the Japanese releases (and now apparently the Honk Kong releases).

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You know, I honestly think they need some of this stuff, maybe not the cheap bath stuff or make up but almost everything has t-shirts. I have wow t-shirts and diffrent anime t-shirts. The fact that they are supposedly targeting 20-29 year old women is silly, I agree. I think they need to target teens to adults and both genders. I may be 25 but I think they need to have clothing for the younger generation who enjoy tamagotchi as much as the adults do. Now comeing from a retail bussiness aspect, what they are doing is right, they are trying to bring back the awareness, who knows they may come back with another tamagotchi in a year or two. We wont know till we see it. I am not saying to be happy about it or disappointed but this is what must be for tamagotchi to come back to the states. As for the smart phone app I think that is a wise way to go. I have apps, I would love to have a tamagotchi app on my iphone. And if they do come out with t-shirts I will proudly wear one, in a walmart at 2am and not act like an adult just for those looks... Ok maybe not but i will still wear it all the time, just like i wear my fruists basket shirt.

Honestly, I hope you all who are disappointed see why they are turning this way, since tama-go kinda did a flop they feel they need to try and bring the awareness back. I am disappointed myself, but I know this is just the way of life for the retail world.

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