Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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Someone might have mentioned this before but anyway... I found this on the tamagotchi l.i.f.e. website, und FAQ:

Will there be a new Tamagotchi toy in the U.S. anytime soon?

Bandai, the company responsible for the sale of over 78 million Tamagotchis since its November 23, 1996 debut in Japan, considers Tamagotchi a core brand and priority. Bandai is planning an exciting re-launch of Tamagotchi product timed to fit in with a dynamic new strategy.

I dont know if the 'dynamic new strategy' means the app, but it sounds interesting,,.


A little sneak peak for you guys. It's in color, and it looks like its the layout of the P1 and P2. Meh I hope it has more features, on the bottom it says "just like the tamagotchi, but better" or something like that.....hm......

OH and it's confirmed, they will be using the blue one as the app button. :)

- TamaTamatchi

Tamagotchi Life seems like an o.k. idea. It's kinda cute and I like how they're using all the original tama characters.

The app seems like it's going to be really cute, but alas, I can't take part in it. (way out of date cell phone and ipod)

Personally, I'm really excited about a "retro" styled Tamagotchi app. I'm practically glued to my iPhone because of work anyway...so it makes it extremely convenient (and fun!) to have an official Tamagotchi with me all the time.

Don't get me wrong, nothing can replace the original experience - and nor do I think BanDai is aiming to do that. But with demographic that Tamagotchi L.I.F.E is marketing towards, most of the people (and by people I mean girls) will be carrying smart phones. So it makes sense in my eyes. It's a cheap and efficient way to get a Tamagotchi back in the hands of mainstream consumers as well. This is the evolution of Tamagotchi in North America. We love our iPods, iPhones, Android devices, etc...and from a consumer sales perspectives, people are spending A LOT of money on apps so it works from a profit perspective as well.

I'm embracing this change. I won't ever use the app as a complete replacement for the experience of running a Tamagotchi, but the app fits my lifestyle much better than the original..and so again, I welcome this change. Let's be thankful that we have had the opportunity to buy the physical version of Tamagotchi to play with, to connect with, to log about, to add to our collection. Those are great memories that will last forever. And so with this change, lets be open to what BanDai has in store for us. Perhaps they will port a full colour version for us in the future (similar to gameplay on the ID L's and P's). Who knows? iOS and Android are amazing platforms to deliver these kinds of experiences to many people quickly and cheaply.

My two cents :)

I think it will be fun! I am a guy so the whole clothes and love stuff isn't my style but L.I.F.E. hasn't done anything bad, they are keeping us updated on tamagotchis and are having raffles and its centered in the us so I think they will be releasing a new tamagotchi in the us. I'm going to try out the app and at least give it a chance before I say it's stupid, where's the harm in that?

6 days until the Android release guys! :D (not thats really of any use to me... but whatever!) So by very soon they meant it!

I wonder if it will work on my "old" android phone, LG Swift from times when google play wasn't a thing yet...

And what the


do all us Tama-fans get if we don't have a FLAMIN' TABLET OR SMARTPHONE? HUH?! Why not release it as a video game or better yet, an actual Tamagotchi?! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH?! I hope THIS IS NOOOOOT the only Tamagotchi-related thing that Tamagotchi LIFE is going to release. I HOPED Bandai would release another Tamagotchi but it's just an APP with old characters that you can just get on a P1 or P2 anyhow!

And what the


do all us Tama-fans get if we don't have a FLAMIN' TABLET OR SMARTPHONE? HUH?! Why not release it as a video game or better yet, an actual Tamagotchi?! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH?! I hope THIS IS NOOOOOT the only Tamagotchi-related thing that Tamagotchi LIFE is going to release. I HOPED Bandai would release another Tamagotchi but it's just an APP with old characters that you can just get on a P1 or P2 anyhow!
Stop getting so butthurt about it, the target market for Tamagotchi L.I.F.E are young women, and virtually all young women have smartphones. So it makes complete sense that instead of busting out millions producing tiny egg shaped pieces of plastic, that they release a simple app that fits easily into daily life.

Tamagotchi L.I.F.E isn't aimed at us Tamagotchi fans, its aimed at young women who remember the original P1's, P2's etc. We want a toy, they want an app. Who will they listen to? Their target market.

And, just a note, you could run an Android Emulator if you're that desperate.

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I'm still not convinced but since it's free I guess I'll be downloading the app on to my smartphone. And then probably uninstalling it about five minutes later if it's not any good :D

You know what happens with toys that aren't going well in the marked? They are junked.

It's better to release an app and see what the reaction is at first. Maybe if they will become popular and the company will get a lot of money they will think about releasing an actual tamagotchi. Just because they are a company doesn't mean their every project has money to realise in.

You know what happens with toys that aren't going well in the marked? They are junked.

It's better to release an app and see what the reaction is at first. Maybe if they will become popular and the company will get a lot of money they will think about releasing an actual tamagotchi. Just because they are a company doesn't mean their every project has money to realise in.

I want to point this out to some people... You guys have always seemed to want to bring the vintage tamas back. They seem to be fufilling that old request that seems pretty active around the internet to me... For those who never played one, this is the cheapest way to make them again. Think of it as a testing app for those who are considering to buy an older vintage tama.

Yes.... Not everyone has a smartphone. Agreed, its a bit one sided. With Tamatown being gone now, it feels like they may have abonded the younger fans. I think they will present us with items we haven't considered. It can take a while to formulate/create things for the fanbase. Weather you are an original fan or a more recent fan, they don't seem to be giving up on us just yet. They are trying.

And what the


do all us Tama-fans get if we don't have a FLAMIN' TABLET OR SMARTPHONE? HUH?! Why not release it as a video game or better yet, an actual Tamagotchi?! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH?! I hope THIS IS NOOOOOT the only Tamagotchi-related thing that Tamagotchi LIFE is going to release. I HOPED Bandai would release another Tamagotchi but it's just an APP with old characters that you can just get on a P1 or P2 anyhow!
I completely agree, even though I have an Android phone. I'm going to download the app when it's released, and I don't think it will be as good as a real Tamagotchi. I can only think of one advantage, which is not getting teased at school over it. And that doesn't compensate for all the disadvantages of an app rather than a separate device.

If L.I.F.E. wants to stop getting hate mail, they need to tell us exactly what this great thing is we're waiting for. We've waited long enough for something good from BanDai America and they must have figured out it's not long before they start losing fans.

I'm going to download the app as well - they may be somewhat off-track with those clothing stuff (which I often criticize myself) but I support them in releasing at least a virtual pet-related product.

Even though I oppose this one as well (as we all wanted a physical toy), this effort of theirs - albeit little, is something I reckon that deserves our support.

Don't like it? The answer is simple - don't buy/download it. :)

In this day and age i dosent really make since why someone wouldnt have a smartphone, you can get a smartphone with a prepaid value data plan for $30 a month on tmobile, so, i dont see why people are complaining about it so much, find a friend or family member with an old android phone and ask it you can have it if your that against getting a smartphone! or get with the times!

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Aside from Tamagotchi L.I.F.E., here I was thinking that Bandai America was going to put more on the table for Tamagotchi or even Digimon Fusion at the New York Toy Fair. Boy, was I wrong. The only new confirmed toylines (Aside from the usual Power Rangers and Ben 10 stuff) are for Pac-Man (Which I will probably end up getting the talking plush from that line, because I happen to be a huge fan) and... Little Battlers (Which wasn't even originally created by Bandai or Namco)?!

Darnit Bandai America, get your act together. Final warning as far as me being a loyal customer (Aside from the new Tamagotchi app and the aforementioned Pac-Man plush). :rolleyes:

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