Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?


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Question, are there even more connecting features with 4 p's? :p
They're all the same. When you play a connecting game, if you are the "host" you'll select how many players (2-4).

Even 2 players can play the connection games. You get to choose what game to play.

Hey does anyone know were I can get the luxury curry from on my tamagotchi p's and maybe include a picture if you can?

ok thank you i must have accidently skipped over it in the menu. I have found it and now have all the peices for pekopekotchi.

I might be getting a second P's guys. :) I wanna get blue, but I'm thinking yellow......

- TamaTamatchi

i was wondering.. how come it seems everyones getting more than one tamagotchi p? is it cause you love it or cause of the connection option?

i was wondering.. how come it seems everyones getting more than one tamagotchi p? is it cause you love it or cause of the connection option?
Both. The P's have cool new features, and some characters are only obtainable by doing multiple simultaneous connections (yes, the P's support 3- and 4-way connections).

i was wondering.. how come it seems everyones getting more than one tamagotchi p? is it cause you love it or cause of the connection option?
I'm going to be honest: I mostly ordered a second one because I really wanted the white one but it was out of stock when I went to order one the first time! But now that I have one, I'm so glad I ordered another! All of the special connection characters look so cool!

The royal one is already on back order! I went ahead and ordered anyway.

Oh boy, I must be a slow tracker! I've just ordered a Tamagotchi ID l for the very first time, and now another Tamagotchi product is on its way....Oh glob.

Actually, these came out on Thanksgiving. They have already migrated to some people in the mail. The TamaP is a very cool tama to invest in, in my opinion.

Anyone elses Tamagotchi make a snowman today? Mine did, I am not sure why today? (Note just realized my tamagotchi thinks it is the 15th due to me changing the time a couple times.)

Which Deco Piercing is your favourite? ;)


Oh shiny. I am going to totally steal that image... Lol. Since I don't have the pieces.

I think by look, the Shooting Star. By character, The Lovely pierce. I would probably like them all though. These have games in them too, I forget about that. I hope they do make a 3 pack... But I don't know how long I can hold out. Smile Precure Decors in 3 packs were almost instant...

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