Tamagotchi V4.5 Log (& eventually V1, V2, +)


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Well, nothing new happened today really. Everyone's still in the same stages, except Venus who I reported on earlier.

Ellen's shop had a UFO (not the RC one, an actual one) for 50,000 GP, so I cheated (I know, I'm terrible!) and bought it. I can't use it yet as she's just a teen...

It seems neat, I've heard a lot about it, so I hope for good things. :(

Evolution, evolution, evolution... Well, okay, maybe I only needed one of those.

Ellen has evolved into Ura Violetchi. Her stats aren't very high, but I do have Passion a little higher than the rest. :)

The twins, I think, should be evolving today as well. I hope they don't both turn into the same thing, for variety's sake, but we'll see.

My phone straps (well, my set of 6) arrived yesterday. I'm still expecting at least the V3 today... I'm hoping! It's tough waiting. :D

Well, whadya know!

My V3 just arrived in the mail. I put a San-x Relaxed Bear strap on it and reset it with my username, etc. I at first hit "download" to see what the previous owner had, and it was a Hanatchi that had a baby. I felt bad to reset it, but I wanted my username, so I had to.

Now I have a little girl, Deeta, and am taking care of her. She's been eating cereal and apples, which sounds like a good thing for a baby Tama. :)

Now I have 6 Tamas on hand... I'll be updating shortly when Deeta becomes a toddler.

Deeta is another Tamatchi. I always get them! I was hoping for the little water droplet thing... Oh well, maybe next time. I didn't focus completely on her, I think she had a heart missing when she evolved. :)

Next time!

To save from keep posting, I'll edit this one...

I just found codes for the V2 and V3, including how to get costumes. :eek:

So, I'll be testing those out later. The V2 has Mimitchi and a Panda stuffed animal?... And V3 has Nyatchi (which is cute, it's a kitty-thing) and I forget the other one.

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Molly's a mama! The matchmaker is so random... But she came and I pressed A (as I read that A = boy and B = girl) and a Mametchi came and mated with my Hanagatatchi. Now she has a baby boy (I know 'cause it's black, LOL) with her.

Maybe I can get a rare character with this new baby. We'll see what happens!

Tama's are so crazy--they live short, breed fast, and my collection keeps growing. :)

V3 (Deeta)

I don't think you can see her, but that's Deeta on my V3.

Nothing really new this morning. I think Adam and Sid should evolve today since they didn't yesterday. :D

Ellen tried getting a job, but was turned down by like, 6 jobs. I kept clicking B to accept and the three people with parasols kept showing X's. ;) So, she's out of work right now.

Both Sid and Adam evolved into Mimitchi. ;)

I'm going to try a suit on Sid... Whoa, weird. I put the Panda one on him... *Struggles to get camera to take photo*

Panda Tama (on V2)

Weeeeird, but sorta cute.

I just remembered, too, that I haven't used my UFO yet... I'll do that and see if I can get pics...

*Fiddles with UFO on Ellen's Tama*

UFO Trip 1 A

UFO Trip 1 B

UFO Trip 2 A

UFO Trip 2 B

Okay, so I tried it twice... So far, that's all I've seen. The first time Ellen just saw some buildings or something, the second were weird jellyfish things. I tried a third and it was the same jellyfish. I'll try again later. :D

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Molly just got two [!] in the mail. One made her go to work I guess, since she hasn't today... The other let her pick a new job. She's not a dancer (to support her baby, LOL). At first the game seemed confusing, but then I understood. I got "Excellent" on it, although I didn't think I did that great.

Too bad she'll be leaving tonight or tomorrow, trusting me with her son.

Oh, I just post and then something happens! Deeta evolved into a Young Mametchi. :D

*I'll save from another post since stuff keeps happening recently and this post was short anyway. :D

Ellen just had some job offers... But was denied from every one again. :unsure: I don't think she can get any job, which is sort of sad for her. Just means she'll have to breed with someone (I think I may breed her with Sid). I think Sid has a love potion, as does Ellen...

Let's try these out...

*Gives both the "honey"*

Well, they fiddled around with hearts by their heads, I quickly connected them... They're playing a game... Time to do it again!

...Another game. Hmm... I'll keep doing it while they're hearty...

*Tries continuously*

Okay, I checked in between and nobody has hearts going on... Darn! And now it wore off... They both just have two smiley faces.

*Sighs* Sorry, Ellen, I can't eve find you a mate. Hopefully the matchmaker can help her. That's not for a few days, though.

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Well... Molly left this morning, left me with her son. I named him Hiro. I've been spending the morning keeping him happy, so hopefully he turns into something good. :D I'd really like to get a Kuchipachi (and eventually the secret character he turns into), but I'm not sure how.

Last night when Sid went to bed he turned back into a Mimitchi. No more Pandagotchi for me. :p It was fun while it lasted I suppose. Poor Adam, rarely talked about. He's a good boy if that means much. :D

Today I should be getting the Umino and Morino, so yay!

I'm hoping Venus turns into a cocoon today... It's about darn time! LOL.

Hiro evolved into Hitodetchi, the little star-shaped blob.

And, I forgot to say, Ellen finally got a job (at least I don't think I shared). I still have to go to it today, so I'm not sure what she does.

Jesus Christ, it's Christmas! :D

My Umino, Morino, and V4 arrived in the mail today... All that's left is the Mesu/Osu pair and my Uratama.

Let me tell you, tending to 3 babies right now is tough (plus my other 5 Tamas, one of which is still just a teenager). The Morino's screen saver thing is annoying (and response to me clicking the buttons are a bit slow), but it's really low maintenance so far, which I'm loving. The Umino needs lotsa looking after, I'm basically checking it every couple minutes. But, the button response time is also really fast and the clock doesn't scroll over, it just pops up (which is awesome).

I'm going to call the Morino Violet, the Umino is Fredrick, and I named my V4 Lee (I didn't see if it was a boy or girl, but it's a girl).

:p More later, I have to tend to the babies!

Well, Lee evolved into the toddler Puchitchi (which is cute, I think), so that's good. :D Fredrick is now a larger jellyfish, needing care every five minutes instead of every 30 seconds as it felt like for a moment there. Still seems to need me, but we'll see, it did JUST evolve.

Violet... Well, she's still a little wormy (Babymotchi) and needs to evolve into Imotchi. I just tried to feed him more, but like the Umino, the Morino (and Mothra, I think) won't eat after he's full, whereas the connections will eat a few more meals and fatten up. I thought maybe I could push evolution through feeding, but I guess not. Violet doesn't need much of anything, I've only seen her happy/hungry leaves go down once, which I quickly filled. I can't imagine how easy care will be as it gets bigger!

I just fed Fredrick, after finally winning a game of "guess which chest" or whatever you want to call it.

So far, so good... 9 Tamas on hand. This'll be fun. :D :p

I had my first polar bear attack against Fredrick. I hit the A button (which seemed to automatically go to the call icon) and tapped the back of the Tama once (as per the TT member, Mothra's advice), and it worked instantly.

The Connections are pretty low-maintenance, as is Venus and Violet. So, it's really just Fredrick that is needy... Meaning I still have 15 minutes or so in between to do something. But if I'm just sitting on the computer, it's easy to tend to everyone.

I think the Tamas are the reason I sleep so solid at night lately. :lol:

Well, Violet got attacked for the first time... By a frog. At first I thought it was Fredrick, but then I saw a big frog on Violet's screen and was like "Oh shi-!" and clicked the A button and started tapping.

Fredrick is... Sleeping? He was asleep with his attention icon lit and I was a bit worried, so I clicked A and tapped to be sure, but it didn't go to the call icon, it went to the first icon normally... So I turned off the lights, his attention icon dimmed, and he's sleeping. Weird, it's only about 7:00PM.

All the connections are fine... They're still pretty much "do the usual." Sid, Adam, and Deeta took their baths before, which was cute to see all the Mame family doing that.

Lee found 2 chests in the shop today, which was nice, one gave 1000 GP, the other just turned her into a baby and pi**ed her off for a minute until I fed her.

A lot of my Tamas are becoming... Overweight. :p I don't mean to, but it's easier to feed snacks than to play games, especially with so many! So far, though, being overweight doesn't affect them... I mean, I still got two Mimitchis (which seem to be coveted and loved) with fat Tamas... So I guess we'll see. The Umino I play games with and give special attention, just because it's supposedly hard to take care of... Venus and Violet I try to keep an eye on close, too, as they're "special" and I really want to get good adults (and, in Venus's case, a secret character after she passes).

....CSI is on... Now I'm distracted. I'll update later if there's anything. :p

I awoke this morning to some terrible-sounding beeps. I thought someone was under an attack. I looked over Fredrick and Violet only to see that Violet was awake and well and Fredrick was still asleep (with the lights on as the sun is up on his Tama). I looked at Venus, which I should've known the beeps were more suited for her, and she's in a cocoon! I think she's only in it an hour or so... I wonder what she'll become. :D

I just fed and played with Violet, so she should be satisfied for a while yet. She should evolve to the next grub today, I'd think. I checked Fredrick's stats and he lost one hungry and one happy heart last night (unless he lost them right before sleeping, I didn't check). So that's not bad at all, I don't think. So far so good on the Japanese Tamas. :D Sid and Adam were the only Connections awake... At this point, Hiro has also awoke, but the rest are sleeping still. I took care of who needed it and now it's just a waiting game for everyone to wake up, especially Fredrick.

Oh... wait! *Feeds Fredrick a snack and a meal* He's up now. B) 9:00AM must be his wake time right now, so that's not so bad.

And now Ellen and Deeta are awake, too. Just waiting on Lee. :p

More later, when Venus is out of the cocoon, etc.

VENUS HATCHED! I know, I just posted, but I didn't think she'd come out so soon.

She is, in fact, a big 'n' beautiful Mothra (I was worried she become something else, I want her to lay a "special" egg). B)

She's so perdy... =^__^=

Also, I just had to discipline Fredrick. I had to quite a bit last night, too. I think it sucks when they call for no reason because you never know if they REALLY need you or are just being pesky. I always have to search the screen for polar bear noses. :D

I went grocery shopping a little bit ago, so I paused all the connections (poor things, I felt bad for them) and took Violet, Venus, and Fredrick with me. I had to save both Violet and Fredrick from predators, but they're all doing well. Since I returned I unpaused the others and Hiro evolved into the teen Crackertchi. I like that it's something different. :) I'm going to raise him in kindness I think.

I still hope to see Violet evolve sometime today....

That's all for now, I have to check the mail. :huh:

*EDIT: No mail. :huh:

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