**TamaTown PROBLEMS - DISCUSSION** (Now closed)


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I had an account on Tamatown, but after a while, it wouldn't let me log on! I had the right password and username, but they said that they didn't match... this sucks because I had a TON of points on there! And also, I reset my V6 tamagotchi, so I want to get back on there to buy more instruments and toys for it... why Tamatown, WHY???

Servers aren't free, but they can be rather affordable.

As for Bandai suing; That is a possibility, but if you look at all the private WoW servers out there, you can see that the likeliness of that might not be too high, it all depends on how serious Bandai is about keeping illegal private servers off the web. If they're anything like Disney, then no one should bother.

My boyfriend could probably host a private server if he got a hold of all the coding and what-not, but he probably wouldn't want to take the risk of being sued.
The SWF is locked, and locked for a good reason. You could get sued by the artist and site designers.

Not to mention, as far as I can tell, they're hosted on Godaddy.

So I yesterday tweeted this to Bandai America:

@BandaiAmerica Any news what has to happen to TamaTown?
And this I got as reply today:

@stefanbauwens I'll ask around. I was getting errors as well
Hopefully it may help.

Hey is anyone else having a problem just trying to actually even get the new.tamatown.com page to come up? I know it appears to be down, but a few days ago I managed to log in, and then 4 days ago (just the day I got my tama-go D:) I come up with this error all the time!


I'm so frustrated because it appears that most people on here are able to at least get onto the homepage... but I can't. I've tried different browsers, different computers in my house (Mac and win) and I even rang my network provider and they were no use. So is tamatown still down?

p.s None of the suggestions they listed worked

Yes, I have it too. It's only recently this happened and I almost think because of me. I contacted Bandai several times recently and one day *poof* it was gone.

Hey guys. I dont get this error. I can get to the tamatown page, but it says we're sorry but your connection to the surver has been lost. Please try logging in again :( :( :( :( WHY YOU NO WORK!!!!!

The loading screen now shows up for me too.

I'm going to have to take the fact that they even bothered to fix it this far as a good sign :)

it just loaded for me, but it's still stuck on the next button when trying to create an account -_-

Oh yeah, I don't get the error 101 anymore at least, I guess they must've fixed that, but now I have the same prob as steenie. I sure hope they fix the account creation issue soon, as I'd like to make a new account :( Sadly it seems like this problem has been going on for a while now

its nov 1st now and i am still not able to register, i get stuck on the print page. very disappointed in bandai.

it looks like they want to cancel the site -_-

i hope they wont do that and fix it or update it soon :(

Actually... Seeing that tamagotchis are really done now and hardly anybody has new ones they probably would have no reason to pay for the servers. During that time probably some less serious diehard fans dropped tamagotchi long time ago.

How sad, it's been like this for over three entire months. :(

I recently emailed Bandai about tamatown, they replied with this two days ago.


Bandai America appreciates your recent Tamagotchi purchase and your efforts to log onto Tamatown.

From time to time, websites get updated or require routine maintenance. Please feel free to revisit Tamatown or https://www.bandai.com in the upcoming months for potential product or website updates.

Thank you,

Bandai America

Customer Service

upcoming months...upcoming months...that doesn't give me much hope. :(

Are TamaGos even still produced anyway? If they aren't, they have another reason to not bother with fixing the tamatown.

They are still sold in some stores. Although I know some stores have placed clearance them. (Part of that might be they could only hang and they were awkward to display for sale)

Like every online game I have played... They can end the game at anytime. Many toys I have purchased have dates where it is in their rights to terminate the online game. Its a downer, but it could mean a revamp of a new website. Music Stars and Tama-Go were on the same "town" Both in some lights, they weren't as successful as they hoped. To build, sometimes, it requires some De-construction.

I understand that these kind of things are finite but isn't it a little sleazy to only offer somethings via online accounts and then take that ability away? I mean, understandably they can't keep the sites up forever but shouldn't they provide a solution to at least be able to get Dazzlitchi/Dreamitchi since we can't do it ourselves? It sucks we can't get access and I can live without it but I was really wanting to be able to get the "secret" adults and now I can't. I can't even use the third-party "code maker" because Bandai made it obsolete due to coding changes and whatnot.

What I'm saying is: Bandai does not HAVE to put the site back up but at least allow us the ability to get the items necessary for the "secret" adults and if they can't, allow someone else to do so.

It's a pity that they didn't even bother to release an official statement on the state or closing of TamaTown.

Im actually starting to wonder if there wasnt a server "accident" and all of our accounts and such are gone and they are just not fessing up to the fact that our pixelated items and such have disappeared. I really want to believe that Bandai would have warned us or posted news about the site going down for maintenance or improvements ahead of time. Seems like they didnt do that because they didnt actually know it was going to be down and the email response is a cyberbot response I think because I have seen that same reply word for word multiple times. My guess and I hope im wrong but I am guessing the site went down unexpectedly and they arent to worried about getting it back up and running for us OR they are but they are having trouble bringing the accounts back and dont want to break the news to us that its all gone. I wish they would just man up and tell us the truth. I would much rather start over then not have tamatown at all at this point so if thats our only option then I wish they would just open it up to start from scratch.

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