Tamgotchi iD Infared Capable Cellphone


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2010
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East Cost, USA
The iphone has the infared built in already I think do you know if the ipod touch does?

If it doesnt

Instead of getting a cell phone could I plug this into my ipod touch? https://www.engadget.com/2010/03/02/redeye-mini-converts-iphone-ipad-or-ipod-touch-into-ir-beaming/ (of course if one can be found that doesn't set me back $50)

'Touch IR+ is a new app that turns your iPone, iPad, or iPod Touch into a customizable universal remote control!** Touch IR+ interacts with a variety of devices and other applications to send commads from your iPhone/iPad/iPod to your A/V equipment and other IR-controlled equipment. In addition, Touch IR+ also allows you to control processes and applications on your Windows PC directly from your iOS device." https://touch-ir.webs.com/

Or maybe there is something like it?

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no is the ipod had one you would have seen it.....

also doubt that would work in the ipod it was made for iphone.

you can use a psp it has infrared on it.

I know, but Idk where my psp is.

It'd still would like someone to try it. (Or I'll try it when I get mine) it's always worth a shot


In one of your first posts asking about the different Color Tama.. I mentioned someone's log who used a USB-IR adapter.

-crayonscribbles log-

I do not know what specific USB adapter they used... but apparently it worked, because Crayon was able to add/change games.

They mention using a USB-IR adapter in the second post (colored red).

Crayon has not been on in a few week, but maybe if you read through the log you will find something to help you.

Or try PM and hopefully they get on soon to answer.


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Yeah I recall that. I'm just so nervous to buy something and it not work. :x I might pm them.

I was kinda just hoping someone would know for sure about the ipod thing. Cause that would save me money and time for sure.

Sounds like the Red-Eye IR adapter might be your best bet... Clearly it says works for Ipod Touch.

Hopefully you can find one at cheap price... and that it is not just a custom remote sensor.

Otherwise it would need tweaking. o.o


So it is not just a remote sensor, Chris? I hope not.

I could use another option in case my broken Treo's do not work.


Also, for the best results, make a shortcut on your desktop leading to C:/Windows/System32/irftp.exe after you install the drivers on the cd and usb adapter, and have it open and at the right directory and your file selected, and your mouse on the send button before you connect, then, right as you haer the "buzz" sound, click send, and it should work fine!

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