Tell us about your favorite stuffed animal!


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Title says all. I was just wondering about your favorite stuffed animals. Please tell what kind of an animal they are, their name, and if you can where you got it/who gave it to you and other stuff. Have fun!

I had one when I was like, six.. My dad got it for me for me for Valentine's Day. It was a cat. ^^ It's limbs were all floppy, so I liked it. But you'll never guess what I called it... KITTY. OMG. Yeah, I was a dorky little six year-old. It looked like it had no eyes, but it did.. But they were really creepy, so I was OK with that. XD

Anyways, I've lost him numerous times... And can't find him right now, actually.. I don't sleep with stuffed animals anymore anyway.

BTW: Just so you know, YES, I am a girl. People seemed to get confused with that matter...

Cool. My current favorite is a fuzzy white teddy bear. I haven't named her yet. I got her from a school thing where if you fill out a form you can go to the library and get a free donated stuffed animal. I just started really playing with her. She's really adorable and I dress her up in my doll clothes and she's wearing a doll headband with a bow on it. I love her.

A big dalmation stuffed animal I got when I was five. His body is the length of my arm, not including his tail. He has a red collar. I named him Doggy. He was the only stuffed animal I had that didn't have an actual name (like Charlie, Contley, Fudge, Bananas, or something that wasn't just what type of animal it was.) His fur looks kind of brownish/gray, except for under his collar. That's almost pure white. He needs a bath, but I'm too scared I'll ruin him or something.

I used to have a bear I slept with almost every night (it was brown) but I can't remember her name. I'm not sure where she is either. (probably in my closet) I think Doggy might have replaced my poor bear.

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Thhis cute lil fuzzy (Like the soft soft fuzzy kind) brown bear. I got him when I was born, gramma gave it to me as a birth gift type of thing. I sleep with it every night since then, because Iw as used to having him in my crib as a baby, then when I got a bed and all (instead of a crib) still didn't throw him out. I love him. I named him Brownie when I was two years old.

I had this Big (About the Length of My Leg) Stuffed Pig. I got it when i was about a year old. (And i Still Sleep with it). I never Named it though. No, Wait a minute, Yes. I did. I named it Piggy. ^^.....xD

I've got two favourites. My first favourite is a little cute pink and white cat named Meowz. Her fur is really silk, and shes wearing a red bow. Shes very adoarble and soft, and I love her. My second favourite is AaAa (Pronounced A-A or Ah-Ah). He's actually my brothers, but he gave it to me. Its this really old dog (that doesn't exactly even look much like a dog) with a loose tail, ears with holes in them, and worn out fur. He was given to my brother when he was just a small baby, and when my brother turned 9 (hes 15 now) he gave AaAa to me. I love AaAa!

I have this black and white little Cat cuddly. I had her when i was...6/7.

i stil love her. x] She stays in my bed all the time i talk to her, cuddle her and tell her about my day. I love her to bits.

her name is Kitty. x]

Kitty is SOO cute! she smells nice too. (random i know..)

~Gotchi x3

Well.. It's uhh...not...stuffed. Its a little necklace charm thingy. Ahh.. I LOVE my little Elly. (It's an elephant!) I had Elly since I, 3 I think.

P.S, I think I lost my baby Elly, now that I think of it. :lol:

Well, mine is a small stuffed brown bear with a soft bow. He's all weird shaped now, but I still love him. His name is Fluffy... yeah... kinda common.

The reason it was my favorite is because I was really mad at my little sister for being...a sister. She wanted to say sorry and gave me a stuffed bear and I kinda held on to it as a sign that she still loves me, no matter how many times we fight.

Some pretty cool stories and puppy dog is adorable! Keep 'em coming guys! And in your post can you please post a name for my bear? It's a girl. She's white and has long soft white fur.

My favorite stuffed animal...

I have two <333

Monkey- I couldn't think of a name...A purple monkey.

Dough Boy- That Pillsbury guy.

I have a teddy bear from when I was born. Though I threw it in a corner somewhere and I can't find it now. :-( It's still my favorite even though I don't know where it is.

Lol, cool. And now I have a new question. Do you guys put your little cuties in your bed or do you make them a bed that nice and cozy and put it by your bedside?

Lol, cool. And now I have a new question. Do you guys put your little cuties in your bed or do you make them a bed that nice and cozy and put it by your bedside?
I used to sleep with tons stuffed animals; and I mean TONS! :p There would be like, 30 at the end of my bed, and 30 on the right side of me, and 10 on the left side of me. :( As I grew older, more and more stuffed animals disappeared from my bed (lol, no not as in vanished but as in I removed them( until I had none left on my bed. I've learned not to sleep with my stuffed animals, even if I love them. The only time I have my stuffed animals with me in bed is when I sleepover at somebodies house.

Oh, and no, my faves don't have their own bed. o.o One is siting on my counter, and my other is laying on its back beside my bookcase. ^^'

See, for me it was the other way around. I used to sleep with no stuffed animals when I was younger. Then as I got more and more stuffed animals they would all sleep in my bed with me. Now I have to many to all fit in my bed with me. So some of them are in my baby crib, some on my chair, and some on my bed.

I don't really have a favourite stuffed animal, but I do have 3 that are always out in my room. My boyfriend got me them all;

The first one is a Me2U bear that he got me for our first christmas together which has a little cream body warmer on with 'Special Girlfriend' written on in gold. He really went overboard on out first christmas together because he bought me everything which added up to £450 but he had ALOT more money then. [i've slowly drained him ;) ].

And last christmas he got me a HUGE one with a big red heart that flashes 'I Love You' it's really sweet.

The valentines day just gone he got me another which is a tiny bit smaller but holding a little red gift bag with some fake roses in and it's got pretty patterns on it with 'Special Girlfriend' on the gift bag again.

I've got alot of little ones of them aswel that he's bought me & friends have bought me. I Love Me2U bears!!

My favourite stuffed animal is a Winnie the pooh.I love it so much,I never sleep without it!


Ok, I found a name for my teddy bear. I like teddys the best. That's why my teddy is my favorite. Anyways, I'm gonna name her Snowball. I've only been playing with her for a few days but now I can't sleep without her. She's very cozy sleeping right next to me. And she's just the perfect size. She's just a cub. I take extra wonderful care of her.

Now, I love reading your stories. Keep 'em coming!

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