Tenshi's (New and not just Connection) Log


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Dec 26, 2005
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The back of my head.
[SIZE=14pt]Tenshi's New Tama Log![/SIZE]

Ok, this is the start of my NEW log. I had another log. But it was no fun. No fun at all, as It had alot of deaths and stuff. And, all the entries where long, once-a-day things where new news for that day was added to the same post via edit. I'm now starting this one that'll be much more fun!

Right now I am looking at my two current tamagotchis, sisters Misha and Sasha. Misha is a Young Mimitchi and Sasha is a Ichigotchi. They are both V2s. I have a Japanese Angelgotchi coming for me in the mail. I have a birthday coming up and I've told most of my friends that for my birthday I want Tamagotchis or manga (Abby says she's getting me a gift certificate instead :ph34r: ). And now that I have my angelgotchi I'm saving up for when v3s come. And somewhere in my room lurks a v1 with dead batteries, and beside me sits batteries for it.

Tamalife is good.

Now, when many tamas are just WAITING to be born next week, is a wonderful time to start a tamalog! For now, it only contains Misha and Sasha: but soon it will contain a Japanese Angelgotchi, a v1, and more connections! (V2/V1s at first, but a v3 when it comes out.)

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Misha and Sasha are doing okidoki! I'm treating Misha really good to get a Mimitchi. I've never had a 2gen before, so I never got a mimitchi...I have gotten a Mametchi though! Kishu, Misha and Sasha's father, was one. Depta, their mom, was a Furwatchi. YAY for good characters! Misha became full training today! Sasha is one bar from full.

As a note, here is their growth so far:

MISHA: Shiroputitchi > Kuribotchi > Young Mimitchi

SASHA: Shiroputitxhi > Kuribotchi > Ichigotchi

I wish they where still twins...oh well!


Just as I left the log place, they pooped. I heard that tamas enjoy doing that!


Edit: And, if you haven't noticed, that hitodetchi is my signature. Buh bye!

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As a completely random and useless note, me, Misha and Sasha just went on a fun ride in the trash bin (filled with leaves, not trasssh!) up our driveway. Fwee!

Misha and Sasha's gotchi points are utter trash right now. 90 and 45. TRASH I SAY.


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Sasha now has full training! Whoopee! I'm really impatient for my angelgotchi to arrive. It'll arrive sometime around 7 to 10 days from now. I-CAN'T-WAIT! =D

I'm really impatient... :( I wish I wasn't. I just can't seem to wait for my new tamas. I don't have the money currently to buy anymore, and I'm really temped to reset Misha and Sasha just because I want to do a group hatching. Luckily, their almost-adultness stopped me. :D

I've decided to neglect Sasha a bit...I really don't want two Mimitchis and if I treat Sasha real well I will. Currently she's overweigh, and I was ignoring her a bit by delaying to clean up her poo anleaving hearts down. Getting a bad character is hard when you love tamas! :(


Hello! I read Sasha and Misha a story last night. Chapter 1 of .hack//AI BUSTER. Misha loved it, but Sasha could care less xD

They're now 3. I think they'll be adults by tommorrow, or at least Misha will. I heard Young Mimitchi's change eariler than normal tamas because they are hasty. Is this true? *hopes*

I can't wait for my birthday! Eee~! :angry: Only 6 more days (including today)!


I'm a bit sad. My mom let me go to Wal-Mart. I heard that they often realese things before they should be realesed, so I went to check if they had v3s. After a long search I finally found where they should be, to see a pink (ahhhhh! *hides*) v1 and a red w/ candy v2. And that was it. Not ven a mini. :D However, the label said v3, so I bet they sold out of the v3s. Darnit. And, even worsely, my mom didbn't even let me buy the v2. *siiigh* However, she did hit if my dad found one before my birthday I might get one. YAAAAY!

NTS: Next time I go to the dollar store, I need to see if they have fake Dinky Dinos or something. I want to see ho long the batteries last. :lol: That, and I heard that they're sorta fun, even if they are a bit flimsy. :D

In fact, I think my dad might take me there today. There, the other walmart to look for more tamas, and Toys' R Us (for a mini) ar the current things on my places to go list.

Misha and Sasha where good when I was on my journey through walmart. I also went to the healt club, and I think they enjoyed the music playing through the place. Misha had some mnot-so-good care on accident because I don't want to tdelay there evolving by pause. But now she's all full and at her normal weight, 25 lb. Sasha doesn't have one, and won't.

I wish they'd evolve...><


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Here it comes. In 3 minutes, my tamagotchis are going to become adults. I'm not sure what kind, but they will.

They are now 4 years old and sitting right next to me. Misha is a Young Mimitchi. Sasha is a Ichigotchi. I don't know why I'm talking like this. But it sure is FUN.

1 minute now. Soon the tamagotchis will wake up and evolve. And....

They didn't. Oops.


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I don't feel like adding onto that post so I'll tell last night in a new post.

Well I had a lengthy phone call and forgot about my tamas for an hour. Big mistake. When I remembered them Misha lost 2 hearts on hungry and Sasha had 2 poos piled up, needed praise, and completely ran out of happy hearts and only had 1 hungry heart. I fed Sasha once then gave her snacks twice then cleaned up after her and gave her incorrect punishment. I filled Misha up all the way.

They took a shower with me! :ichigotchi: I thought that if I paused them they wouldn't evolve today, so I put them in a ziplock bag and brought them in the shower! I was the only one of u 3 that got wet. Boy, that was fuuun.

That's all for now, I'll tell you if they evolve later on!



Misha evolveded!!!1$@1





ChoHametchi! I was hoping for a Mimitchi, but fair enough!

Sasha, however, hasn't yet. She's still a Ichigotchi. She'll transform later, I'm sure!


Oh, BTW, my dad just said that the guy I bought my Japanese Angelgotchi from shipped it. I'll be her in 7 to 10 days--I can't wait! =D

I think Sasha won't evolve until later today or tommorrow: it's said Young Mimitchi's are hasty and that they evolve eariler than normal teens. :eek: I wonder what she'll become?


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Mimitchi???????????? :p

B-but I treated her bad! How did she turn into a Mimitchi? No clue...but I'm not complaining. :eek:

Whoah, I haven't updated in a while! :eek: That's OK, I'll catch you up.

Misha and Sasha are currently 6 years old, but have still not seen the matchmaker. Why? I don't know. Maybe they need to be seven or something. Misha and Sasha have suffered various abuse from my classmates today (Sage was bored and played with Misha, then Jean saw my tamagotchis and wanted to see what it was and stuff.) I think I've convinced lots of people tamagotchis are awesome and they should buy their own, but they aren't yet. Darnit, I want new friends for Misha and Sasha (or more likely their babies)! I can't wait for them matchmaker! :D

Is it just me, or is this log boring? Feedback plz!


Still no matchmaker! :angry: I think I might just get faster results if I reset Misha untill she is a boy baby and raise him! Gosh! They haven't even turned 7 yet! Why won't they age?

I have been preparing for when they leave. I've played alot of games and stuff so that they have alot of points. I'm also buying any liked baby/toddler/teen treats at the store. I'm stocking up. :chohimetchi:

On a COMPLETELY different note, my birthday is tommorrow. Will I get more tamagotchi? (Probably only 1, My party when I get my friend's gifts is not for a few weeks. ) Obviously! But which kind I get is important...will it my a v1? v2? Will my parents fiind in osme sort of crazy way a v3? (Walmart might sell them earily XD) FIND OUT THE DAY AFTER TOMMORROW! I'll be doing birthday stuff tommorrow.



I had b-day stuff on friday too.. so I'l update now.

I DID NOT GET ANY TAMAS. Buuut, I did get 100$--much better! I'll be able to buy tamas, manga and possibly a CD with all that. :D Those things are my defintion of LOVE. <33333

When I go get my tamas, I think I'll spend about 50-60$ on tamas and the rest on a Green Day CD and 2 manga. That means I'll get 3 Connections and a Mini or 4 connections. (Hahaaaha I'm slightly obessed now ;) )

Now on to my tamas! Lots of good news! First, the matchmaker came for Sasha! She was offered a Butterflytchi, and said yes. They talked, then hearts appeared. Then the lights went out, and when they came back on, Sasha was there with a



He will be named Tomos when Sasha leaves.

I also found my v1! Afer some permanent marker fun, transforming my clear orange tama to a black w/ silver stars one, I





His name is Tarto, he is currently a 0yr old Marutchi on pause, wanting to grow up with Tomos and Tammi.

Who is Tammi, you ask? Well, on the bus, waiting to get home, Misha's ugliness was starting to annoy me. (No, ChoHimetchi's are NOT cute to me. Some might think it, but i think they're ugly.) And, though the matchmaker had come for Sasha, Misha (who has been an adult longerthan Sasha) was mateless. So, in anger and boredness, I reset Misha





GIRL! I named her Tammi (They fit together. Tarto,Tomos,Tammi.) and she is currently a 0 yr old hitodetchi (I LOVE HITODETCHIS! *kisses Tammi*) paused while waiting for Tomos. She was unpaused earilier to get a record of Sasha and a Doll. She now sleeps with it. B) So cute!

So now I have 100$ to buy tamas and other junk with, an angelgotchi coming in the mail, and one gen3 and 2 gen1 tamas. Tamalife is good.


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This log will be long, considering I've gotten 3 NEW TAMAS!

When I went out to buy tamas and other junk, They did not have v2s (or v1s) pretty much ANYWHERE. Not even at ToysRUs. But, TRU did have mins. I bought a blue with yellow and orange rays one. I



thing. (Minis don't have genders.) The minis are so easy to care for...they're BORING! >< So, I've stopped touching it, hoping for Lucky Unchi-kun. But now that I check, it died instead of turning into Lucky Unchi-kun. :kuribotchi: I guess US Minis don't have him...OH POO! (literally)

Buuuut, on a venture to Wally World (Walmart)... they had Connections! :rolleyes: But the sucky thing is that they only had 2... a pink (YUUUUUUUUUK!) v1 and a red with candy V2. Originally I was just going to wait for the v3s to come out and buy lots. But then my better instinct said that I should get one, and got the v2. (Gross Pink v1 vs. Decent Red w/ candy v2: No competion!) But, since I disliked the color of my v2, I decided to debug it! And being easily confused, I half-debugged it. I had hyperspeed, but couldn't pick a character. LE AWESOME! Then





girl. I named her Tilly, to go along w/ the others, but then got hyperspeed obsessed and... real soon I'll put in here a log I wrote on my (the one in my room I mean. I always use the one in the living room to get on the internet.) computer. It's a long one.

And today I got a new tama...in the mail. From some guy in Japan... MY ANGELGOTCHI HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!! It took me 10 minutes to open the package because I kept hugging it, and staring at it, and making sure I didn't damage the card... but now, I've nicknamed the thing RiRi (no clue why) and it's currently a Maruten *hugs it* The game is easy, the touch screen is awesome, and it's in JAPANESE! :p Riri is 1 year old and has a TP (Tenshi Power) of 22. I'm not sure what I'm doing really >w< but it's fuuun.

Now about Tarto, Tammi, and Tomos:

Having 3 (actually 4 with Tilly's great granddaughter Tayla) tamagotchis all matching was KILLING me. It was so werid feeling. So...I reset Tomos and Tammi. I plan to hatch them in a Valentines Day group hatching I'm planning. *plots* What of Tarto? Well...yet AGAIN, I lost him. Once i find him I won't reset. He won't match the other two.

so that is all. BYE PEOPLEZ!

Ahhh. My dumb old compooper in my room is a Not-so-Lucky Unchikun(yes that was random) and won't let me save things on floppys. Soo, I don't have my log to share w/ you. That's probably good, as I was reeeally hyper late at night which means I cussed alot. :huh: When it is late and I have had sugar everything I put in alot of cuss words because I am imature.

Anyway! My ugly---I mean Mini is peachy keen, still a Marutchi. They skip babitchi stage completely. It stupid. Since I'm stupid, I wore my mini as a keychain, in plain sight, all day at school. No one except Sage (my friend) noticed. And that's because I showed her. :p

Now, onto my red w/ candy v2. Well, the day before yesterday morning, I reset it and got



girl. I named her Kareu, which means frog in japanese. After half-hyperspeed fun, she became a Marutchi. After more half-hyperspeed (I was taking good care of her, but hyperspeeding in short bursts.) she became a Ringotchi. I kept pausing her on and off so she wouldn't be an adult so soon, but before I knew it Kareu became a Mametchi! She is sooo cute in close-up, but ugly otherwise. But still!

And what about Riri you ask? She's still a Maruten. She has only had the bat steal her candy once (I pushed really hard but the bat did not leave!) and now has a TP of 50. She's age 2. Not much happened today, mostly because I'm afraid she'll get unpaused or confiscated... she's my first japanese tamagotchi, and she'd special to me.

That is all. If you actually read this, please PM me! I feel like I'm talking to no one when I write in here.


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Wheeeeee! Some new news!

Well, first, my group hatching has been made! It's on Valentines Day, for 2 connections that will be lovers or an OsuMesu pair. I don't think people'll hatch OsuMesus...probably because they don't have one. *drools over them* Sometime I'll pay the 30 (It's thirty for a pair right?) bucks for a pair on Ebay.

Now about my Mini, since importantness things happened...he turned into a Nyorotchi! <_< I neglected him at school beacause I didn't want to pause him, soooo....I've never got a Nyorotchi before. It's kinda cute. It looks like it's kissing all the time. Kawaii! :rolleyes:

Now, about Kareu! I temporairly downloaded Tomos on my other connection to get all of his items. Then, I did a ROM test and connected with Kareu. They connected twice then the egg froze and couldn't connect anymore. The egg looks scary when it gives a present. It said that my blue w/ lollipop Tama is v2 version a.4.... WTF DOES THAT MEAN!?!

And for my angel...a bat stole her candy from her (I tried to scare it away but it didn't work) so she went to 30% good deeds for a awhile, but then needed praise and it went up to 50% again. And, Riri just got 5/5 on the Shooting Stars game...YAY! That's a first.

As soon as I can force my parents to let me go to Super Target I'll try to get a v3 or two, or at least another v2 that isn't a sweet candy design.

That's all for now.
