Tenshi's (New and not just Connection) Log


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Reichan is saaaad. B) :mellow: :angry:

I was running to my bus after school with Kareu in my hoodie pocket. Then, on the bus, I tried to pull her out to play, and she wasn't there. I told the busdriver to wait and ran out to look for it. I looked all I could, in all the likely places I might have dropped it, and found nothing. Most likely I dropped it and then someone found it and decided to keep it. Or it was dropped in such a place a busdriver ran over it. If I'm lucky, a nce person or a teahcer found it and put it in lost and found and I'll get it back. Kareu most likely dead (or near dead), and get a lecture about it from my teachers. Suuuuuuu. I hope she's only near dead and I find her, but I doubt it...I at least hope i find it.

On a better note...today I'm getting more Tamagotchis! That is if luck decides to be nice to me. I'm going to Super Target and I heard they realesed v3s early. If they have all the deings, I'll get a jungle camo and a blue wave one. If they don't have the camo one I'l get the wave on, and if they don't have either I'll buy a clear yellow or green w/ tropical flowers one. Also, if they have tamagotchi lanyards, I'll get either the dark blue or light blue one. Probably the dark blue one. The lanyards are UBER AWESOME. Mustget.

Now for some Riri news! Last night she got praised to 70%. Oddly, right after I praise her, she poops. xD It's funny. She is now 3, and still has a TP of 50. It can't get any higher at this stage. Something else cute I noticed is that when she sleps she sleeps on a cloud! It's really cute! :D

And my mini, is, well, a mini. Still a Nyorotchi because I never pause him, and still here, safe and sound, unlike Kareu :huh:

Well to add to the happy-happy-joy-joy-ness, Target had ZIP NADA NONE Tamas. They've been discountinued at my local Targets. How wonderful. Along with my school/social problems going on right now (not grades, but things w/ other kids there), I have concluded life hates me. :rolleyes: Alot.

But there is light. :D Angel and Connection light.

Well, my angel evoled today, into KodoTen, the good teen character! Buut, now her Good Deeds meter is severly low, because I accidentally fed it candy instead of food and since i wasn't looking the bat took it and she lost 30% of it. Then I missed her needing Praise. I'm a bad angel owner. ><

And what about my connections you ask? Well, not being able to deal with the insanity of not having any connections running, that being the majority of my collection, I decided to leave my hatching to a quiet death and hatch my babies by myself. She, I hatched a girl and a boy sucessfully, The girl being Lemon, and the boy being Lime. I promise myself NEVER to reset them and to let them go on in new generations for a long time. Currently, Lemon is a hitodetchi (YAYYYY) and Lime is a Marutchi.

Now some various v3 news. I looked at the chart and saw lots of new characters on there, (but decided the v2 toddler selection is better because the v3 has no hitodetchis), then smiled looking at the cool ones. Then, I went and read some logs. Mimitchi.com's OsuMesu logs, infact. And there, I saw many shocking things.

Most of the new v3 characters are actually OsuMesu characters! I've always loved OsuMesus, so this is absolutely great, other than some of them are pretty ugly. :rolleyes:

Now on a more me-getting-one-note, I almost bought a v3 off ebay. But then my dad stopped me, telling me that he has a friend that works at WalMart and he'll ask him to tellus when they get them. Yay! I can't wait! so now, I'm not looking for v3s off ebay, I'm looking for p1/p2s. Hoepfully a p2, the characters are cuter. And I'm drooling over Arukotch tama. They're pedometer pets from the late part original launch of tamas in Japan, but they are SOOO rare! No fair. I'm drooling over OsuMesus too.

I was seriously considering a Entama too, but with shipping they went out of my budget. And I'm trying to buy one someone else waited 10 days to get (used from someone in the US/UK/somewhere) not wait that time myself. I'm waaay too impatient. :p

So yeah. I have 50 bucks left and I can't pick the right tama. :angry:


P.s: These posts used to be short and simple, but they aren't anymore. >w<

Lala! New loggy-wog!

I went out to buy stuff today! I went to Dollar Tree and ToysRUs. I got no tamagotchis. Not even a mini (though there were alot at TRU) or a Dinky Dino fake. Buuuut, I did get a Aquapet. It's name is Skinker and it's awfully cute! I've figured it out, too. It seems boring and is if oyu don't understand the "secret game" that changes it's songs and sounds if you win! I'm on Level 3 I think, and she sings "Ode to Joy"! It's adorable!

Anyway, last night I found my beatiful black w/ stars v1. I wasn't going to reset it, but I did.





boy! I randomly named it Pocky (Like the stuff I was eating) and it became a Marutchi.

No new news w/ Lemon and Lime. They are still toddlers.


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I've decided to start writing in color from now on. It's pretty like this. :huh:


I forgot to say what toddlers Lemon and Lime where. Lemon was a hitodetchi and Lime was a Marutchi. And I forgot if I told you Pocky was a Marutchi as well.


Well anyway....


[SIZE=14pt]Lime evolved into a UFOtchi!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Lemon evolved into a UFOtchi!! (they match!)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Riri (angel) evolved into Kuriten (the best adult character)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Pocky evolved into a Ichigotchi!![/SIZE]

They grow up so fast *sniff*


Well anyway, I'm S-I-C-K. No doubt about it. I even have a fever. Soo, I don't know if my dad will let me check out Wally World for Tamas today, or go to the HP movie. Poo. Though if I play my cards right I might get to go, then re-get sick before Monday mornin and stay home. :D That would rock.


I also made cases for my babies! All--oops Pocky needs praise-- of them now have stands. They're watching me type right now in them. Pocky's is yellow orange and red twisted together, Lemon's is light purple w/ yellow stars, Lime's is ble and white twisted together, and my mini's is blue w/ yellow and gorange rays like it.


Awesome, huh?


That's all.


Good news abounds! :D :huh:


My dad's letting me buy a v3 off ebay! OK, it's not the design I wanted (I wanted blue camo or ocean waves and it's silver w/ black) but it's worth it. :huh:


Alsoooo, I've been eyeing p1/p2s but I doubt I'll one. They cost money that I'm spending on a v3.


I tryed to debug Pocky because v1s are boring but I couldn't unscrew the screws. >< Darnit.


That's all. I'm off to read more logs now. Buh-bye!


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POO. The v3 was bid out of my price range. Oh well, I'll buy something else. Like a v2 or a p1/p2. Ooor a Tama Plus (jap. version of v1/v2) or a Ketai ooor an Entama (OK now I'm out of my price range!)! *droools*

I'm insanely sorry (or maybe just insane and sorry at the same time) if you can't read this. I have to do yellow since it's a rainbow. \


Anyway...not much happened today (tama-wise) because all but my mini were at home, paused. Since I lost Kareu I've decided it isn't really safe to bring my babies to school and left them at home. :D


Well, first...



I don't know if I mentioned it but I restarted my mini yesterday because Nyorotchi's sleeping times are annoying me. I have to pause him at night or else he goes to bed at ten... I can't stay up that late on a schoool night. So I restarted him. Now




(yes my mini is masculine in gender, unlike my angel)










Kutchipatchi! :p An average character, because as a Marutchi I forgot him a few times. Oops.


Also, I have a tama coming for me in the mail! Not a v3 like I hoped, but a Gen1/gen2 (I don't know which) green tama! No, I can't go into better detail about the design, the picture was horrible. :huh: But in 2-3 days a new tama will arrive on my doorstep! Haha. That makes 7 counting dearly departed Kareu. And I still have about 25 bucks left of my b-day money. Now, I just need to find some connections locally. *plots*



I reset him. :( I wanted to do some egg connecting and he was the one to leave. Sorry Pocky! After that I








boy. I named it Cake. He's currently a Marutchi. I plan not to reset him, but to treat him badly. I want to see a bad chara for once. I'm only going to disipline him to 50% too. I haven't played ANY games since i hatched him, just fed him snacks.


Tommorrow Cake, Lemon and Lime get a new friend! Abby, my friend, got herself a tama! Sure, she hates the design (it's a makeup one) and I don't blame her, but it was all that was left and she wanted one really badly! It's name is Rei(she named it after me, that's my nickname *feels special*) it's about 20 pounds and it's a Young Mametchi! She was worried it was overweight at 20 pounds as a teen :lol: . It's her first tama. I wish her the best of luck! Maybe if Cake hurries up and turns into a ichigotchi then they can mate as adults. :D


That's all. Pretty long too.

I'll post my tamas stats here real quick!

*eek Kuchipatchi just pooped!*



Age` 3

Gender` Girl

Character` UFOtchi

Weight` 22

Training`6 bars

Generation` 1

Shell` (v2) White with multicolor fruit rings

Will be mated w/ Lime as an adult



Age` 3

Gender` Boy

Character` UFOtchi

Weight` 22

Training` 6 bars

Generation` 1

Shell` (v2) Blue w/ lollipops

Will be mated w/ Lemon as an adult



Age` 0

Gender` Boy

Character` Marutchi

Weight` 50 ( :p )

Training` 2 bars

Generation` 1

Shell` (v1) Clear orange w/ sparkles, was colored black w/ stars but now color is fading

Trying to get bad chara



Nicknamed Riri

Age` 8

Gender` Presumed female

Character` Kuriten

Good Deeds Meter` 100%

TP` 80

Wishing it to turn into twins, but I doubt it.



Character` Kuchipatchi


GEN 1/2

Not yet arrived! :huh:



Cake evolved! !!!


Usually this wouldn't be amazing. I'd get a ichigotchi as that seemed to be what you got no matter how good/bad care you took. But I have proven this wrong!


After HORRIBLE treatment, Cake turned into a hitodematchi! :) Yay! It may be unhealthy but it's adorable. :furawatchi:


Anyway, Lemon, Lime, and Cake got new friends today! Rei, Abby's tama, connected with them all. :blink:


Lemon and Lime now like each other 2 faces, and I'm striving for more. Theyy should evolve soon--and they need more training! :blink:

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This is the perfect place to post my 300th post! :angry:


Yes this post I am posting right now is my 300th. Not alot compared to some of you, but it's alot to me!


Soooo....HAPPY 300TH POST ME!

YESYESYES!!!! :wacko:

My old tama arrived! :D It ended up being clear green with blue buttons. It's a Gen1. (I can tell by the characters.) I currently have a babytchi w/o a nickname yet. Maybe Kuri. Kuri and Riri. Sorta cute together.

ANYWAY! :p Something sorta bad and good happened today.


Why is this bad? Well, I didn't get to train them fully, so they're not good characters. ><

[SIZE=14pt]Lemon is a GINJORITCHI![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Lime is a POCHITCHI![/SIZE]

I was hoping for it to be like Kishu and Depta, Misha and Sasha's parents, who where Mametchi (kishu) and Furwatchi (depta), but this is ok. They're sorta cute.

Also, proof has shone that Pochitchis are not good characters: they go to bed at ten. I tried to take the costume off of Lime and he went to sleep at 10.

I used the honey on Lemon then connected them and they kissed, like they should. The same happened between Kishu and Depta such a long time ago. Then they liked eachother 4 hearts. Later, hopefully not tomorrow, The two will breed.

--eee! Kuri beeped! Aww, he's taking a nap.--

I'm stocking up on points and stuff. They'll need it.

When their babies become toddlers, I'm using the toddler training tip. Wrap a gift and connect, when they give a bad present instead of the gift, time them out. Then they'll be good charas!

Well that's all. Nothing more to say.


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Eeek! I messed something up again! :lol:


During math I Connected Lemon and Lime out of boredness. I looked down, and didn't see Lemon going to give Lime a present, but to see Lime and and Lemon shaking their heads. Then I realised I gave them the Honey during math yesterday, not on the bus! They where going to mate!


I had the sound off, obviously, but I didn't mean for them to mate in math class, I wanted to mate them tommorrow at my party so that my friends could watch!But whats done is done, and I watched patiently as the two had two lovely
















Guess correctly and get infinty fake Gp.



Let's see....




BOYS! :p They are really cute, but I cant think of good names for them. Maybe Taro and Sen (like from me and my friend's roleplay!) In fact that might be a good idea. Taro and Sen...Hmmm... :eek: We'll see.


Anyway, they are all fine and dandy and will leave in a while. ;) I'll never forget you guys!


About Kuri! Well, Kuri got paused last night but is now a--eek Lemon, Lime and their babies pooped!--Marutchi-looking thingy!


I also learned that I have a Gen2, not a gen1. But I thought gen2s had different characters? Whatever.Oddly, it has a left-right guessing game like the gen1. Strange...


Riri is now 11. Is it just me or are her hearts dropping faster? I have a feeling she'll be leaving me soon, which is sad. :p She was a great friend and has been for 11 days now... :(


Well, that's all. I probably won't update tommorrow, my b-day party is then. I'll update on Saturday afternoon. Who knows, I might get tamas. ;)




Well, Lemon and Lime left last night. I saw Lemon leave, it was soooo sad. =(


But now, I have their babies, Taro (Lemon) and Sen (Lime). I bumbled through the baby stage, and due to this I have two Kinkotmatchis. It seems that in toddlers, perfect care gives you a Marutchi, good to average care gives you a hitodetchis, average to bad care gives you Kuribotchis, and horrid care gives you kinkotmatchis. They are currently weigh 30-something, so I'm getting them into shape. ^_^ I wonder what character will come from such topsy-turvey care? :) Sen has 3 training, Taro has 4. I missed one on Sen. Oops.


[SIZE=21pt]PREDICTION TIME! *gameshow lights go on*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]I predict Sen will be a Hinatchi.[/SIZE]

I predict Taro will be a Ichigotchi.


They couldn't be young mimitchis. they didn't get very good care.


Now for some angel news. I tried to pause Riri last night, because her time was messed up and I was too busy to care for her. But, someone unpaused her. So, to my amazement, I saw her unpaused and rushed to feed her and stuff then saw...


SHE EVOLVED????/? :huh:


She turned into the twins! I am unexpectabley sad. They're quite ugly. I want Kuriten back. I tried to keep her as a Kuriten, but noooo. Stupid twins. :angry:


Cake is now gone. :( I took out the battery to give to my friend Leandra. She also has a v1, it's pink with red buttons, but she hates pink so she colored it black with a marker. She currently has a girl named Rebel. She and Taro like eachother 4 faces. As for Rei? She's now a Kiwitchi! Uberkyoot! The matchmaker'll come later.


That is all.

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No I didn;t die!! B) I've just been uber-busy!



First, for what happened to Taro and Sen. Then the new arrivals!





ZOMG not so good charas. B) However, Taro has full training and Sen has near-full training, so I'll prolly get the good adults anywaysies. Taro got unpaused at school today and on the bus I got him out and he was sick w/ two poopies! eeeeek!

Also, they got new friends! A friend of mine, Kasie, got a v2 of her own! It's a Marutchi named Kelen. Both Taro and Sen got to connect w/ her. Kasie wants to mate Kelen w/ Sen, but I'll have to see about that. :p Taro is reserved by Rebel, Lili decided over the phone.

Now for the "new arrivals":


No lie! I got 2!!! Blue w/ waves and silver! The silver looks dumb at first, but then the v3 screen makes it look star-like and awesome! The username for the wave one is, no suprise, Wave, and Nova for the silver. The babies are named the same as the usernames. Nova is a girl and Wave is a boy. They are COMPLETELY syncronised and sooooo cute! The visit feature when connecting is so awesome. They dance! Or sing! Currently Nova and Wave like eachother 2 faces, and I only connected 4 times! YAY FOR FAST RAISING FRIENDSHIP LEVEL! :huh:


RIRI DIED! B) I accidentally turned her light off when trying to feed her because she came off pause with all hearts empty and she turned into Debiurtchi which cannot be f4ed/played w/ and stuff. I'M SORRY RIRI!!!!! :wacko: :ph34r: :blink:

Also, kuri got off pause and died as well. poor guys!

:huh: :lol: ;) :D

I'm sorry about lack of posts! *dies* homework is ebil!




MY V3S are now adsults!



Nova: Teletchi>Tamatchi>Young Mametchi> Tarokotchi (What the fishstick? I treated her uer-well! She acts like a good chara too, except for her sleeping times. She jumps and smiles like a good chara.)

Wave: Teletchi>????>Young Mametchi> Furwatchi (But Nova got better care and turned into a Tarkotchi...v3s are scaring me with their confusingness!)


MY V2S are also adults, and we have a new friend!


Sen is Gozartchi

Taro is a Hiratchi


They where frogotten sometimes.... :lol:


Sen currently has a baby girl from Kareu. (see who she is below!)


Also, I got another v2! I'm VERY satified with my tamam collection now. It's just like Kareu(the color i mean.). I debugged it. I did it right this time, ,but it's now on 5th gen sooo....


BLOCK: Was a secert chara and stayed that way. (boy)

IDIOM: Petitchi>Kinkotmachi>Hinatchi>Mimitchi (boy)

IDIOT:(don't ask, I got mad about getting a boy again) Petitchi>Kinkdamtchi>Young Mametchi>Mametchi (boy)

KAREU: (I finally got a girl!) ShiroPetitchi>Kinkodamtchi>Young Mimitchi>Mimitchi (girl)

ROSE: Shiropetitchi>Kinkodamatchi>Ringotchi


So currently I am raising Rose.


OTHER? Oh yes.


I got a cheap knock-off VP! It's called Digipet. It's a multipet. There is no pausing and it resets itself all the time. :pochitchi: It's sorta cute though. I'll play with it this summer when I don't have to carry it to school and get it reset every 5 minutes...


That's all. :mimitchi:


:rolleyes: :wub: Look Memetchi is getting kissed!


:marumimitchi: Tenshi

OK, I had a long post about what happened and stuff but it dissapered! So I'll sum it up.

Boredly, I made Taro and Rose mate, sorta gross considering she's his niece, but If Taro didn't mate with a good character Taro's family line would be bad charas for a while, considering training and parents are the main factors in getting a character. Soo, they mated and had 2 girls. Taro's will (ok now was) named Ivy.

I then reset Rose and chose a (male) Mimitchi I named Brair so Rebel could mate w/ a good chara (she forgot it at home once and it turned into a Masktchi!) and at least get one that's average. They mated and had two boys. Using hyperspeed, Brair left and I was left with it, and named it Leaf. Rebel will leave tommorrow and she plans to name is Gun. (Don't ask. She's fallowing a story and the word Gun is important in it, so....)

V3-wise, the day before Yesterday Nova (in the costume like usual) and Wave used a Love Potion and kissed. When they give eachother presents it's soooo cute, because before they give the present, they watch some snow then kiss. Then they give prsents. Yesterday they mated and had two girls! I changed my mind, Nova's will be named Petal and Wave's Bloom. Much cooler. They'll leave tonight. :lol:

More recent stuff next post, this one's getting pretty long...


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I'm going to organise this. I won't always do this, but sometimes I will. It's like in Spiffy;s log, I'll get things to call the tamas so no one is confused.


V1: My v1. Clear orange w/ sparkles.

V2: My first v2. Blue w/ lollipops sweet candy.

V2!: My second v2. White w/ fruit rings sweet candy.

DV2: My debugged v2. Red w/ jellybeans sweet candy.

V3n: My Nova(username) v3. Silver w/ black trim.

V3w: My Wave v3. Blue w/ waves.

RR: Riri the jap. angelgotch. Pearly white.

G1: Gen1 tama. Clear green w/ blue buttons.

M1: Mini. Blue w/ orange and yellow rays.

DP: Digipet. Clear pinkish-orange.


I usually will do that when I'm lazy or don't have much new news, or alot of new news that can be put in short terms.


V1: I started it up again! It's currently a gen1 Marutchi named Briar because my friend thought I should name it after the one Rebel mated with. Paused waiting for Nova and Wave to leave.

V2: Sen left the day before yesterday, leaving me with a baby girl I named Thorn. She's currently a gen3 Kuribotchi named Thorn. Paused waiting for Nova and Wave!

V2!: Taro left last night. I currently have his gen3 daughter, Ivy, who is a Kinkotmotchi waitng for, well, you know.

DV2: Briar (not the v1 briar! the other briar) left Leaf here all along. He's a second generation boy Kinkotmotchi, pause in wait.

V3n: Nova will leave tonight. All the other tamas are waiting on her and Wave to leave! The baby is a girl that will be named Petal when she leaves. I'll miss you! :lol:

V3w: Wave will leave tonight as well. All the tamas are waiting on her too! Her child will be named Bloom when she leaves.

RR: I was trying to get Luck Unchi-kun but it ran out of batteries...

G1: T-T I lost it at Leandra's house! Her siblings lost it! It wasn't hatched yet, but still...thye owe me money to buy a new one if they broke/permantaly lost it....

M1: Out of batteries.


Those not on the list I have no news about.

