The American Accent


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2006
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I'm a southern american and I've always thought that my accent sounds so plain, and how cool it would be to have an austrailian or british accent. It's like I don't even have one, it sounds so plain to me. Maybe it's because it's the only thing that I've ever been around, I don't know. :(

What I want to know is, for people who arn't regularly around americans, or even people who are, what does our accent sound like to you? (I forgot to mention that I don't have that deep southern twang, even though I've lived here all my life. I might have a little one, but I can't hear it. And I do say y'all too. :p I think I basically just have that regular american accent.) Does it sound more unplain to you than it does to me? Would you want to have it?

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I'm canadian, so I think the american accent is pretty similar, except southern places actually sound very different. I'm happy with the way I speak, so no, I would not want to have it.

I don't really hear a difference between my accent and most Americans'. But when I come to think about it, I do sound a slight bit more 'marble-mouthed' and my letters don't always get pronounced. Like when I say "is it really" it sounds more like "izzi rilly" lol. To me, an American accent sounds more fluent than mine, and more of the letters are pronounced. I'd like to have it.... for a day or so, then I could return to my annoying canadian accent <3

[SIZE=7pt]EDIT- typo[/SIZE]

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lol, I've never really heard the canadian accent before.

I love accents general. American sounds, well, American to me. My American Aunt is coming in 3 days so we'll be hit with her American accent and words.

My kiwi accent, now thats awesome. People from other countries get us to say 'Fish n Chips' because we sound like were saying 'Fush n Chups' Yeahh.

I've never even met an American. xD

But I would assume they'd sound similar to Canadians. [i'm Canadian]

The way I see it, everyone has an accent.

Example: An American would notice a British accent

A British person would notice an American accent

Americans probably wouldn't notice their own accents, because they're so used to their own voices.

Probably the same with everyone else.

I don't know. where i live everyone has a hispanic accent ._.

It just sounds really American and always reminds me of The Disney Channel.

I have an Australian accent.

Some people get Aussie and Kiwi accents confused and to me that is like the funniest thing ever because I am an Aussie and can really hear the difference.

^Kiwi accents are so different to Aussie accents!

You Aussies have such a different accents. You guys make the last syllable higher and we drop the last syllable.

Hm, there is A LOT more things to an american accent.

Let's see, you have southern, surfer, Peter Griffin (lol), and many more american accents.

^Kiwi accents are so different to Aussie accents!You Aussies have such a different accents. You guys make the last syllable higher and we drop the last syllable.
Yeah, it's funny when people get confused it's just like 'Whaaatt??'

But then again, I sometimes confuse an American and Canadian accent but they're probably very different to people from the U.S and Canada. Haha.

I love American accents. Well, I love accents in general. Just like Michelle 8D

My accent is Aussie/Russian. Sounds so weird xP

My favourite accent of all time would have to be British. British accents sound so amazing, and unfortunately, I don't know anyone in real life who's British.

I have an American Accent. Like... Mitchel Musso or someone like that.

I love British accents, and Irish. I could just listen to someone talk with those accents forever~ <3

I've always wondered the exact same thing!

In Algebra last year, we were learning the British Method of solving equations. Our teacher made us all speak in a British accent, just for kicks. xD To us, a British accent sounds classy and sophisticated. But what does an American accent sound like the British?

My teacher said she was watching the Bachelor or something (?) and that one of them immitated an American accent. She said it sounded all twangy and southern-y, and they were like, "Yeah, football! Hurhurhur." She said that it was a bit insulting if that's the way we are viewed to outside countries.

I have an American accent, but because I'm from around Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania, I know a bit of slang that the rest of the country doesn't typically use. xD

I'm from Kansas, but my mom is from Texas, so I have a few words or phrases that usually.. Slip. -.o

People here, I've noticed, have a bad habit of saying "Mondee" or "Tuesdee". It bothers me to no end. xD

Nick is from Florida and people still bother him about how he pronounces his O's. I didn't notice it until he brought it up, but he sort of drags them out.

I hate American accents, but I'm stuck with one D: Its like we dont pronounce the words properly (because the English language came from England so obviously Brits are the ones who speak it properly) But I can do a British accent (British grandparents) and an Indian accent (neighbors hehehe) LOL I'm currently working on a Canadian one :D <3

I've lived in the south all my life, but I cant do a southern accent D: its hard..... :)

To us, a British accent sounds classy and sophisticated.
Wait 'til you hear me talk. xD

My accent is definitely British. It gets noticed, here in America. I'm not the only one, though - there are a couple of other Brits in my class. They definitely conform to English standards - both girls are quiet, reserved and polite. I mix a ton of weird accents and voices in with the way I speak all the time, but I'm naturally British. I do a sucky American accent though. It makes people laugh. XD

I am incredibly intrigued by Michelle's Kiwi accent. I always thought Kiwi was just a fruit. And a bird. x3

Once I get to look at your videos on the school computers, I shall understand.

There really isn't one American accent.

There's Southern, Californian, Boston, The 5 boroughs of NY have their own slightly different accents(which varies among Italians, Jews, Hispanics, Irish), Ghetto slang accent, and Accent-less/drugged sounding meaning they just speak and there's nothing interesting about the way they pronounce things at all.

The American accent sounds normal to me. I hear it all the time so It doesn't bother me.

I have a normal British accent. I wish I had a Northern Irish accent though. (Although I can put on a good accent).

Basically in my accent.

I don't pronounce H, even when I say the letter "H" on its own.

It's not posh like Americans say. And No. I'm not a Crumpet Stuffer.

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