The Gummy v5 Blog


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I just unpaused my V5 last night but they were asleep when I did :gozarutchi: But when they woke up, they evolved! :lol: Here is the characters and what I have decided to name them:




Yep ,they are named after the bad vamps of Twilight. I is very creative! :D

Satus for V5





Bonds:0% :huh:

Family type:blended


Oh,i just noticed Alice just woke up. She is very hungry but I has no food. :huh: :gozarutchi: Oh,well, I will TRY to get a job and get some money. I will post updates later.


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Bonding is up to 10%! YAY! :angry: Also, thanx for All the views! I sometimes wonder if anyone is reading my suckish writing.... Also, I connected the Gummys and Alice tday. on the Gummy's friends list, it has 1 smiley. on Alice's, It has 2. I will post more later. Oh,and, if you PM me, I will put it in the log! :angry:

EDIT: Alice's parents sent her some today so I went grocery shopping for her. lol

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Okay,I'm Confused now. I just connected the Gummys and Alice but on Alice's friendlist there is 4 smilies and on the Gummys, there is 3. Can anyone plz PM me the answer or somthing? Whats the difference? :wacko:

I just fired up my V3 again. He is 7 years-old and his name is Twig. He's sleeping right now. ;) So are the Gummys and Alice. More later! :unsure:


okay, i is officially confused! My V3 has a weird character on it that looks like its from the simpsons o_O plus, he is SEVEN and still hasnt gotten the matchmaker. I is very confused :p

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TWIG GOT MARRIED! :D He married one of the secret characters that the matchmaker brought. Im begining to think i had a secret chracter....... Anyway,im still trying to think of a name. More later!


The gummys evolved! :wacko:




Also,i got a really crazy i dea that i shall try! Okay, you know tose little emoticons in the top left of my posts? Well from now on,those shall reflect my mood. I will post more soon!


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Nothins really been happening. I had a couple band auditions earlier. I didn't pass :p :wacko:


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I'm still thinking of a name....... I'm thinking maybe Hope if it's a girl, but I have absolutely nothing for a boy! :) I think I might just use the Name generator on here. :blink: And the Gummys and Alice will marry tommorrow. I can't wait! :D B) :D :lol:


Tristan (me) Is excited. She is VERY excited. cause she just got.......[SIZE=21pt]A P1 TAMA OFF EBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] :) ^_^ :D :D :D :D :D :D :D It's in mint condition and still in the package. It should be here by next week. I cannot wait!

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I'm sorry guys but.......[SIZE=21pt] Alice Died!!!!!!!!!! :p :( :( :( :( :( :( :( [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]You can visit her memorial Here[/SIZE]

When I woke up this morning she was mad but I couldn't press anything. Then, by the time i went to reset it was too late! I will always miss her!

BUT, there is a new Tama in her egg now! His name is Steven and He is just jumping around right now. And Twig left his baby. But not last night. I switched the time to 12 o'clock this morning so he would leave. I named his son............... [SIZE=21pt]TYSON![/SIZE][SIZE=8pt]After th All-American Rjects lead singer, Tyson Ritter. More later! :p [/SIZE]


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Sorry I didn't post that much yesterday. I just got back from an all-night skate with my friends. :p And now my feet are KILLING me! :( Anyways, on with the Tamas!

Okay, since I didn't want my tamas with my younger sister. And, OF COURSE, she complained. :) ANYWAY, as soon as I got home, I checked them and she had PAUSED THEM!! :) :D :angry:

[SIZE=8pt]Plus,she lost my V5[/SIZE] :angry: :angry:

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guess what came today?? MY P2 TAMA! ;) its gray and its REALLY different from the ones we have now. First off, the tama takes up the WHOLE screen! ;) And the buttons are hard to push. They are barely coming out of the shell! Oh and you cant pause it. Or name it. And there is no gender. But mine hatched and its white so ill call it a girl. And name it Rosalie! ;) perfect name for my little girl! Oh, and almost 500 views! Thanx guys! ;)

It's been awhile, I know. :( I've been busy with school and stuffs. We had SOL's, then Exams..... Well, I've been out of school for about a week now and I unpaused my V6 Glam Rock and Steven is doing fine. The batteries in my black V6 and my V3 have run out and I cant seem to take care of my V2 so I'm just gonna try to take care of my current V6. Oh, and my little sister lost and killed my V5, I found them about a month ago :angry: grrrrrr...... :rolleyes: ANYWAY...... Steven's 2 Tama-years-old and I'm headed to Music City. More Later!

~Tamafamily :furawatchi:

I'm so srry but..... Steven has been paused since yesterday! :[ I feel so ashamed..... I've been SUPER busy because I just got back from my aunts wedding sooo..... yeah. lol I will unpause him tonight, I promise :]

I'm soooo srry guys. REALLY! But Steven left me a bye-bye note this morning! :p I overslept and when i woke up and checked on him he was gone :[ So, I hatched another egg, a boy, and I named it... [SIZE=14pt]TYSON [/SIZE]the 2nd!!!!!! He is paused right now cause I'm busy but he will be unpause VERY soon PROMISE!!!!!!!!! <3

mmk. I just unpaused Tyson the 2nd :D He is happily bouncing around his little egg. And he evolved into a toddler! :lol: Kuchitamatchi is what his character thing says [i had forgottten the name of that character lol] more updates later <3
