The "I didn't do my homework" Game


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Number one

Teacher: Where's your home work

Me: My hamster's got it

Teacher: Why didn't you take it off him?

Me: My hamster shredded it.

Teacher: Why didn't you redo it?

Me: An ant went on my pencil case so my sis set fire to it, the fire men put it out but my pens and pencils were all burnt, and my school bag.

Teacher: Didn't any one else have pencils or pens?

Me: No my hamster peed on them.

Teacher: *groans*

Number two

Me: My mum ran out of pizza and I didn't want brussel sprouts so I ate my homework instead.

Teacher: ......

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"A monkey flew out of the sky and it was a space monkey and i had to dance with or it would eat my head and then it flew away so i was about to do my homework but then the monkey came back and it had rabies and it eated my homework then it eated my school book...

its a naughty monkey"

Me: Well, last night I was just sitting, minding my own business when suddenly a masked robber jumped through the window. He pointed to my Nintendo DS and said: I'm here to take that! But I told him he'd be bored because I'm sure he didn't like Rune Factory, and I showed him the game. But then as I was playing Rune Factory, the robber asked to try and I figured I better let him since he WAS a robber and all. But he was really good at it! He helped me defeat all the monsters in all the caves, and everything was going well until the BATTERIES RAN OUT! So I had to charge them, but then my mom and dad started to come upstairs and so the robber had to go. The robber forgot to save the game, but he did say that because I showed him how to play Rune Factory that he was going to reform and stop stealing things, and also buy his own copy of Rune Factory because...well...who

*doesn't* want runefactory! Once he left I was so mad because it was 3:00 AM and he hadn't saved! So it took me three hours to do what he had done again, and by that time I only had half and hour to sleep. So I slept, but when I woke up it was 2 minutes until the bus came! I think it was because before the robber reformed he took my alarm clock. So I tried to do my homework on the bus, but apparently the robber had taken my paper too, and the kid next to me wouldn't let me use his lunch bag, and he wouldn't let me have any of his cookies either, which I wanted because I didn't have any breakfast. All the extra paper was in my locker, but my locker partner'd used it all to make paper airplanes. And even though I know we had study hall, I used that time to sleep because I was up really late talking to the robber.

Teacher: *five years until retirment...five years until retirment...*

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I was stranded in the desert and didn't have anything else to eat.


What's a homework?

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The story
It is Friday morning and you are in a rush to get to school. You run out the door with your bag packed, atleast you think it is. Mum drives you to school and half way there you realise you didn't do/forgot your homework!

You yell at your mum to stop the car, but she keeps driving. You panick and try to scribble something down, but it is too messy to pass as homework.

You are dropped off at school and are relived to notice that the bell hadn't rung yet. Maybe you'll have a chance to do it before school.

*BRINGGG*!! The bell went and it scared you half to death. You have no choice but to go to school and face your demons.

The first thing that your evil teacher says to you is "Did you do your homework?". You hesitate and your teacher angrily snaps "Did you do it or not?!!!!". You jump in fright and then slowly shake your head.

The teacher gives you the strange look and says "Why?"

What you have to do

You have to make up a funny (or serious if you like) excuse why you didn't do your homework. Try to avoid the dog ate it or an alien ubducted it and ones we have probably heard before.

Get ready to laugh your heads off!

My excuse: I made a paper plane out of it and it got hijacked. ^_^
OK then....

Teacher:yoshi999 where is your homework?

yoshi999:I did do it but I turned it into a paper airplane and it got hijacked to Cuba!

Teacher:Well you get an A+++


Teacher:Because that is a great excuse

yoshi999:I am going to give you the link to the video I made about it on youtube...

Teacher:I wanna see ants hijack a paper airplane

My brain died and i was too busy at the funeral to bother doing homework.

Sorry i dont speak english.

opps i thought this was my english class

i broke a nail and lost a piece of hair and was too overwhelmed with sadness to do anything

i was drunk and now i hung over

I was at alcoholics annoymous

~happy to say i'm not a alcoholic and dont know any alcoholics.

I tried to do it but I couldn't find a pencil. So then I got a pen and I made a really big mistake and I started making marks all over it and it ripped. So then as frustrated as I was I tried to tape it together. Then I ran out of tape and I got glue. Then I ended up with this big glob of sticky pieces of paper all over the place. So then I tried cleaning it out in the sink and it got sucked down the drain. So you see, it's not my fault, it's the plumbing these days...


I had done it already, but alieans took it as a sign of human intellagence. Then, I did it again but my dog ate it. SO as I'm typing it yet again on my computer, a big virus swept over my computer and shut it down. So I was going crazy trying to figure out what to do but then I realized, you have so much home work to grade anyways, why would you want mine?!

(I got the off of a shirt of mine.)


Teacher: Natalie, where's your homework? >:U

Me: I left my brain in my locker. . .

Teacher: Where's it at now hmm?

Me: I suspect you ate it.

Teacher: W-

Me: I'm suing you. :|

Teacher: B-


Lulz, I have more excuses:

Teacher: W-

Me: Save your breath, Madame. I. . . I have to confess. I. . . *inhales* *hesitates* I. . . m-my bff J-J-Jill a-ate it. . *cringes*

Teacher: What?

Me: I SAID MY BFF JILL ATE IT D: < *slaps teacher and runs away crying*

Teacher: Where's your homework?

Me: Duh, me pet t'rantula stepped on it. :B

Teacher: . . .So?

Me: Duh, and it uh got its hairs on it. . .

Teacher: Again, so?

Me: Those things itch. . well, wait. Not only that, but then it vomited a brick onto it.

Teacher: What? o___o

Me: Yah. *sits down* :T

Teacher: W-

Me: Jeez, I have it, I have it! *hands over jar of toxic waste* It's in there :3

Teacher: Uh. . .

You get it lol.

Teacher: Where's your homework?

Me: Not here.

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Teacher: May I see your homework now?

Me: No...

Teacher: Why not?

Me: Because I said so!

Teacher: Do you want an F?!

Me: No

Teacher: Okay, then I suggest you get your homework or I will-


Teacher: Go to the office!!!

Me: ...Okay *sits down at normal seat*

Teacher: *moans*

The one that we all use....

"I did it, but I left it at home :T"

XD thats so common

Teacher:Wheres your homework?

Me:My cat ate it


Me: So i re-did it

T: Then where is it?

M: My dog ate it and i re-did it and then...

T: Let me guess... your hamster ate it. Dad was..uh...fixing his truck and...uh...he ran out of cardboard so he took my homework to drip oil onto.But then, my homework,photocopier and printer blew up so i couldnt do it. You can call my Dad for proof....but he has a lawyer

T: ...

M: His lawyer is a sumo wrestler

T: take your seat

1. I was typing it on the computer and then my printer broke. And then I emailed to my friend to print but her printer broke. And then my computer broke so I couldn't email it to anyone. Then I wrote on lined paper and I was correcting any mistakes while I was walking to school but the wind blew it away and a truck ran into it. I went to the funeral. That's also why I'm late.

I didn't do my homework because...................

Teacher - Where is your homework whatever your name is?

Whatever your name is - Um... What do you mean Whatever your name is?

Teacher - Well your name is Whatever your name is. So where is y....

Whatever your name is - It's right here in front of your face.

*It was a bucket of poo, wee and vomit*

Teacher - What is this?

Whatever your name is - It's my homework.

Teacher - No it isn't! It's just poo, wee and vomit.

Whatever your name is - Ha ha! Teacher this is not poo, wee and vomit!!! Your soo stupid!! It's rocks for vomit, wee for yellow water and last of all but not least chocolate ice-cream for poo!

Teacher - Well i guess your right... But we didn't do this type of homework this week. Now where is it?

Whatever your name is - Well... I was overseas and that place had a tsunami and my homework was in the tsunami. I couldn't get it because it was too dangerous.

Teacher - Where was that place?

Whatever your name is - It's called Africa or America. I forgot.

Teacher - That place didn't have tsunami's for ages!

Whatever your name is - Well you fell for it teacher! I didn't do it because i was too busy playing with my friends! You can even ask them! Whatever your name is 2 and Whatever your name is 3 stood up.

Whatever your name is 2 and 3 - Yes, we played with Whatever your name is and we all thought of that up.

Whatever your name is - Of course! Teacher didn't you ever know that we are triplets, but not identical!?

Teacher - Ah.. No.. Your parents didn't tell me.

Whatever your name is 1, 2, and 3 - Of course!!! were not triplets!! How dumb can you be?!

Teacher - 3 of you to the principal office!

Whatever your name is 1, 2 and 3 - Nah, we would rather play then go to the office! Bye Teacher!!!

I thought of ' Whatever your name is ' is because i didn't know what their names should be...

The story
It is Friday morning and you are in a rush to get to school. You run out the door with your bag packed, atleast you think it is. Mum drives you to school and half way there you realise you didn't do/forgot your homework!

You yell at your mum to stop the car, but she keeps driving. You panick and try to scribble something down, but it is too messy to pass as homework.

You are dropped off at school and are relived to notice that the bell hadn't rung yet. Maybe you'll have a chance to do it before school.

*BRINGGG*!! The bell went and it scared you half to death. You have no choice but to go to school and face your demons.

The first thing that your evil teacher says to you is "Did you do your homework?". You hesitate and your teacher angrily snaps "Did you do it or not?!!!!". You jump in fright and then slowly shake your head.

The teacher gives you the strange look and says "Why?"

What you have to do

You have to make up a funny (or serious if you like) excuse why you didn't do your homework. Try to avoid the dog ate it or an alien ubducted it and ones we have probably heard before.

Get ready to laugh your heads off!

My excuse: I made a paper plane out of it and it got hijacked. :furawatchi:
I'll explain to him that my dad helped me with math, and that He said I don't have to do it.

My paper flew into my rabbit's cage, where my rabbit does rip up newspaper and folderpaper, and it was ripped up and done on. Then, it was late, so I didnt have the time to do it, and I Scolded my bunny for it...PLEASE DONT KILL ME!!! , lol, jk jk

Teacher: Ok... Once again, Wheres you homework?

Me: I sneezed on it and it had germs so I thought you wouldnt want it

Teacher: Of course I do! Where did you get the thought of me not wanting it?

Me: When the Health and Safety came in...DUH!

Teacher: Even so, give it.

Me: I cant, its not healthy with the Germs. Thats why the system of getting rid of Germs and unhealthy and unsafe things (Health and safety) came in.


Me: I burnt it so people wont catch the germs

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