The Life and Times of a Tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2006
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[EDIT] feel free to PM any comments to me! thanks [/EDIT]

Hello, everyone! My first log! ok so I should start by giving the stats of my currently 2 running tamas, and my tamasuku.

V3(pink with bows)

name: bnjmn(benjuman)

gender: male

age: 6

weight: 72 lbs(good lord....)

generation: 3

gotchi points: 2037

Uratama(ciao with clovers)

name: chester

gender: male

age: 10

weight: 56 grams

generation: 2

gotchi points: 13930


main subject: science

number of students: 41

japanese language study points: 2

math points: 10

science points: 61

gotchi points: 1690

[EDIT] so this morning, i heard all this beeping while i was asleep, and walked over to my tamasuku to find that the chalkboard had gone back to its original small size and 50 points were taken off of each of the subjects...[/EDIT]

so it's quite apparent that i have to make my tamas exercise more...

the v.3 is a Tarakotchi, and the uratama is an Ura Togetchi

I'll be getting my other uratama in the mail soon! as well as a hello kitty pocket love, a fake dinkie dino, and a rikourikou-chan! I will also randomly start up my tamas during the log, such as my home dekatama, or my yuki pengin.

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Hello, everyone! My 2nd log post!

So today, nothing that much happened to my tamas. I bought a ticket to australia on my v.3, but i didnt write the sourineer code down in time....i also realized that tarakotchi just poops and eats a lot.......more high maintenance than some of the others....

my uratama....nothing special again....the matchmaker should be coming soon.....that would be nice. Cant wait to get to the next generation!

the tamagotchis i'm expecting in the mail have yet to arrive, which makes me upset, because i was gonna start up the other uratama...

So, I will leave you with today's stats


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 7

age: 7

weight: 84 lbs(i have so much trouble managing their weight...)

gotchi points: 137


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: ?

age: 11

weight: 55 grams

gotchi points: 15430


hearts(im not sure exactly what to call them): 4

japanese language studies: 7

math: 15

science: 80

students: 43

gotchi points: 1740


The matchmaker came for both of my tamas at the same time, and they had babies at the same exact time. My v.3 had a boy, and my Uratama had a girl! I wish they could connect to each other.......Well maybe my new uratama(hopefully will come tomorrow) will be a boy, so they could mate when they're older. Ok, that's all!

Ok, so nothing special happened today. I'm expecting the parents to leave tonight, so i can start my new gen tamagotchis! Im kind of in a hurry, so I dont have time to post all their stats.....just the fact that my v.3 weighs 99 lbs! hehe

I got my RikouRikou~Chan in the mail today! I cant wait to get my other uratama!

YAY! today is a happy day! No, i didn't get the new tamas in the mail(because its sunday, silly!) Today, my sister gave me back my connection v.1, because she never played with it after i gave it to her...but she;s like 17 so thats acceptable(but hey im 14...)

So last night, i had so much trouble sleeping(yes this is tama related), so i look over at my clock and see that it says im like " tamagotchis parents leave when?...." i JUMP out of bed, grab my book light, and run to my computer desk(ok i tip-toed...thank god my computer is in my room) and looked at my tamas. Then when their clocks hit midnight, i saw the light come on, and the tamas stood looking at their baby for a minute...then my v.3 gave what seemed to be kisses, and turned away all sad, and rose up the screen and went away, then the screen went black again. Then, my uratama didnt do any kisses(i domnt think) and just went away. It was so sad, though!

Ok, so now, my uratama is a baby named Trixie(remember it can be longer than 5 letters since they're japanese characters), my v.3 is Brad, and my v.1 is Gwen!

the v.1 and uratama are still in the baby stage, while the v.3 grew into a todler about 30 min ago. I WILL BE POSTING AGAIN LATER TONIGHT! hehe but now i will leave you with their stats


hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: 0

age: 0

weight: 12 lbs

gotchi points: 892


hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: 0

age: 0

weight: 13 lbs(he was just sick so i gave him snacks to up his happy after i gave him medicine)

gotchi points: N/A


hunger: 3

happy: 4

training: N/A

age: 0

weight: 9 grams

gotchi points: 18500

i will post again later tonight to tell you how they're doing! Should be getting my other uratama in the mail tomorrow!

So today I was at the mall, but I didn't pause my tamas(or time set mode for the uratama). Since i didnt have a good watch over them, they got sick, and sad, and so i had to feed them snacks and play a lot of games to make them happy....and im trying to keep their weight down....

they are all in the 2nd stage(todler? child? im not sure what you'd call it....), except of course for the tamasuku...

Speaking of the tamasuku, again today it took away a lot of points from their classes, but kept the science points super high....its so strange i dont understand whyit does that!...

I will leave you with their stats for the day


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 0

age: 0

weight: 14 lbs

gotchi points: 1212


hunger: 4

happy: 3

training: 0

age: 0

weight: 13 lbs

gotchi points: N/A


hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: N/A

age: 0

weight: 15 grams

gotchi points: 19100


hearts: 4

students: 50

english: 0

japanese language studies: 3

science: 72

gotchi points: 1760

So today, i kept my tamas on pause while I was at school, so they didn't get a chance to do much today...but, they're all teens now(except the uratama)! and i got my hello kitty pocket love and my other uratama(with the music notes on it) in the mail today! Now im awaiting Tamagotchi COnnection Corner Shop 2 for my DS Lite.

my v.3 is now a Hinotamatchi

my v.1 is now an Ichigotchi

my uratama is now a Hanekotchi

the v.3 is the only one awake now, so the others are sleeping. I gotta be quiet...shhhhh...haha

Anyways, I'll leave you with their stats!


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 1

age: 1

weight: 17 lbs

gotchi points: 1407


hunger: 4

happy: 3

training: 1

age: 1

weight: 21 lbs

gotchi points: N/A


hunger: 4

happy: 3

humor points: 38

fashion points: 10

passion points:39

age: 2

weight: 12 grams

gotchi points: 20430


hearts: 2

students: 51

japanese language studies: 1

math: 3

science: 72

gotchi points: 1810

Sorry i didn't post last night!!! Ahh i was too busy! but my tamas are doing fine, and my uratama is now an Ura Young Memetchi! whee! so yeah...

I'm getting a v.2 soon, i niece found it and is giving it to me(thats how i got my v.3, too...she used to use tamas a lot and just stopped all of a sudden...)but it might be a v.1. we arent sure yet. I'd have to see it and then look it up online

I'll post again later tonight!

YAY so my niece came over and gave me that v.2! It's pink with a blue border around the screen, green buttons, and flowers and shells on it. its so pretty! Now all im missing is a v.4....but i have 2 Uratamas, which are the same thing, if not slightly better(different characters)

Im typing in the dark aagghhhh late post and the light in my room burnt out...stupid lightbulbs.... anyways im gonna go to bed have to get up at 5:55 for i do every morning..but hey i have friday off!


hunger: 3

happy: 3

training: 2

age: 2

weight: 22 lbs


hunger: 4

happy: 3

training: 1

age: 0

weight: 11 lbs

gotchi points: 140


hunger: 4

happy: 3

training: 2

age: 2

weight: 22 lbs

gotchi points: 1464


hunger: 4

happy: 4

humor points: 45

fashion points: 10

passion points: 57

age: 4

weight: 13 grams

gotchi points: 21060


hearts: 1

students: 55

japanese language studies: 9

math: 23

science: 82

gotchi points: 2880

now that that took forever to type, im off to bed. Good night!

sorry I didn't post yesterday! the musical took longer than expected. yes i was at a musical. The one that my highschool put on this year. We did Beauty and the Beast. What we do is a broadway musical one year, then a cheapy one the next. It was really good! I bought a light-up rose! YAY ok so my v.2 is A UFOTCHI(or however you spell it) im so excited! its so cute........ ugh i was busy today so they arent really that happy......but heres their stats!


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 5

age: 3

weight: 22 lbs


hunger: 4

happy: 3

training: 3

age: 1

weight: 22 lbs

gotchi points: 143


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 4

age: 3

weight: 43 lbs

gotchi points: 392


hunger: 4

happy: 4

humor points: 45

fashion points: 10

passion points: 88

age: 6

weight: 17 grams

gotchi points: 22140


hearts: 2

students: 57

japanese language studies points: 22

math points: 35

science points: 94

gotchi points: 2030

YAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I got my Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 2 in the mail today! Its such a cute game i love it! Not much happened with the tamas today. I had them paused for a while, because i was busy. my v.1 is a kuchipatchi(spelling? didnt bother to look it up*is exhausted*)! i'll give you their stats now!


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 5

age: 4

weight: 39 lbs


hunger: 4

happy: 3

training: 3

age: 2

weight: 32 lbs

gotchi points: 73


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 4

age: 4

weight: 51 lbs

gotchi points: 437


hunger: 4

happy: 4

humor points: 44

style points: 10

passion points: 97

age: 7

weight: 22 grams

gotchi points: 22640

im too tired to do the stats for the tamasuku...sorry!

i had no school today! It wasnt a snow day, really...more of a "wind chill" day. it was 1 degree when it would be time for me to go to school, but with the wint it felt negative 25(keep in mine these are all in ferenheit...i cant even spell my own unit of measurement correctly...) Tomorrow we might not have school because the weather is supposed to be pretty much the same....

I really dont feel like typing out alll of the stats, so i'll just give you their current characters!

V.1 - Kutchipatchi

V.2 - Kusatchi

V.3 - Pipotchi

Uratama - Ura Furawatchi

ooh and i got my Tamagotchi Connection Corner Shop 2 in the mail on saturday! YAY

ugh sorry no stats today. not feeling well and American Idol later...

Hey everyone! I tried playing my Dinkie DinoA(fake dinkie dino...i am NOT opening my real one..yet) again, and i cant figure it out! I dont know when its hungry! I dont know how many hearts should be full(it shows a heart with a number below it), and i dont know what the circle at the end of the list(has a design in it) means! if ANYONE knows, please contact me! thank you!

I'm also thinking of opening my RikouRikou Chan, which was only opened once by the seller to check the batteries.......and i wanna open my home dekatama, but thats so rare that i dont want to open it!!!....but i do want to open it....bah confusion. I also want to buy another used Angelgotchi, ince my new in box Tamagothci Angel is never gonna see the light of day, except if its through the plastic on the package....

sorry for getting sidetracked....

my Uratama now has a job! I have no clue what it is! Its just this...bag....thing....and when they go to work they do nothing....I hear some people say that they can play minigames at work....i dont even know if the bag under the first option is the items category is even work! any ideas? thanks!

i should be posting a normal tamalog with the stats and everything tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see!

PS: please PM any comments or answers-to-my-questions to me! thank you!

my v.1 and v.3 are mating as i type this! 2 baby boys! YAY! i wish i had someone for my v.2 to mate with....hmm....

Hey, everyone! I got direct TV yesterday...ITS SO AWESOME but we're keeping the cable internet.....ok onto the tamagotchis...

As you probably read, my V.1 and v.3 has babies! YYAAYY!

but they're always sad!

so i've been feeding them lots and lots of snacks...

and you know what happens when you feed them snacks...

i got some fat tamagotchis! haha



hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: 5

age: 7

weight: 65 lbs


hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: 4

age: 5

weight: 62 lbs

gotchi points: 66


hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: 4

age: 8

weight: 99 lbs

gotchi points: 666 (AAHHHH)


hunger: 4

happy: 4

humor: 46

style: 8

passion: 158

age: 12

weight: 33 grams

gotchi points: 25620


hearts: 4

students: 58

japanese: 1

math: 0

science: 49

gotchi points: 2360

as i have mentioned about twice befiore, my tamasuku randomly takes away points and goes back to the stage 1, which is a small chalkboard in the back instead of a larger one...

thats all!

sorry for not posting last night...i dont remember why i didn't.....

i could be at the school dance right now(winter ball) but i dont want to go...never been to a school dance before in my life(in middle school 6th graders werent aloud to go, and thats the year i wanted to go, i didnt even go to my 8th grade welcome back dance...and highschool dances except the winter ball are restricted to only juniors and seniors...darn me being a freshman..)

OOH I want a V.4, but i saw a cute V.3 at target yesterday, and almost bought it, but im using that money to buy the Gal Super Anime Trance CD(its japanese...from can buy it on

ok sorry for that small rant....all of my tamas have babies. 2 of the parents left last night, the other 2 shiould leave tonight, but the v.2 might stay another day or tomorrow i'll update on the characters and their names and genders and stuff, but now for the stats!


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 2

age: 0

weight: 39 lbs(i'll work that off...they're just so sad all the time though!)


hunger: 4

happy: 4

training: 4

age: 7

weight: 99 lbs(keep in mind that thats the adult's weight)

gotchi points: 16


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 3

age: 0

weight: 37 lbs

gotchi points: 2316


hunger: 4

happy: 1

humor: 46

style: 7

passion: 168

age: 14

weight: 44 grams

gotchi points: 27630

Tamasuku stats? tomorrow!

ugh...i cant decie if i want a v.4 or that CD....grr...

Did everyone read about the release of the Tamagotchi Connection V4.5? It sounds so cool, even though not much is different....

QUESTION: I want to expand my tamagotchi collectuion from just US and Japan to europe! what is the difference between a european Connextion V.4 and a Jinsei?

ahh I was gonna post the stats, but its too late! well not really, but i have more homework to do! I'm so sorry! I will post stats and characters and names, etc. tomorrow!

feel free to PM me any questions, comments, or answers!(as lonbg as it doesnt break the rules)

ok, here's an update on the characters I have(I'm loaded with homework, so I don't have time to do all the stats)

V.1 - Young Mimitchi

V.2 - Young Mimitchi

V.3 - Patapatatchi

Uratama - Daiyatchi(I get this one every serious...)

well, thats all! hopefully I'll have time to post tomorrow night!

My v.1 is a Mimitchi! ;)

My v.2 is a Memetchi! :rolleyes:

My v.3 is a Kuchipatchi! :D

My Uratama not sure...I'll look it up later...

ugh...i left my tamas unpaused(and un-time set mode for the uratama and tamasuku) for like 2 hours when i went sledding with my friends...haha we were the oldest kids there!(my sister is 17, my 2 friends are 16, and im 14)


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 6

age: 7

weight: 86 lbs...


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 6

age: 4

weight: 48 lbs

gothci points: 633


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 7

age: 7

weight: 71 lbs

gotchi points: 554

sorry I don't have time to do the stats for my uratama or tamasuku! i should post tomorrow, since i have this whole week of school off! yay!

hey, i dont have much time again tonight. sorry! I WILL POST STATS TOMORROW NIGHT! i promise! unless im loaded with homework...

BUT 2 of my tamas are teens, and 2 are todlers!

the teens are my v.3 and v.2, while the todlers are my uratama and v.1! so cute!

sorry, but i promise to post stats tomorrow!
