The Moment of Truth


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Once then got sick =/

Have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry =p -_-


Oh, and in response to paper*cut's question...I always dance in front of the mirror. xDD

Have you ever kissed somebody?

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No. I get grossed out easily. ^^

Have you ever farted "silent-but-deadly" (or is it "silent-by-deadly"? dunno) at a restaurant(s)/or/ anywhere else where you eat? (like McDonald's)


Have you ever done something that changed you comepletely to impress a guy/girl?

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Yay! I love this show =D And, to answer your question, no, I haven't.

Have you ever done anything illegal?

No. I've written a love song for a fictional character, but don't tell anyone. :rolleyes:

Have you ever considered taking any kind of drug? (Sorry if it's too personal - just don't answer than)


Have you ever gotten drunk off of something? (I did. It was cheese. Then I got sick. ;_ :rolleyes:


Has someone ever asked you for some kind of contact info (e.g., phone number, email address, etc.) and you gave them a fake one because you didn't like them? xD (I did once. =P)


Have you ever gave your best friend on the computer your real phone number? (Not someone you know in real life.)

No, although I do plan to do so sometime with someone I trust completely :)

Have you ever had an online friend that you considered a better friend than any "real life" friend you had ever had? I have one right now that I love and trust more than all my real-life friends put together. <3

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