The story of Raiden


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[SIZE=11pt]June 29[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Well nobody died today and that is fantastic. I had a hard time sleeping last night, and I am in pain but I have two colonies have the DNA that I was looking for (took 3 dang weeks). Right, this isn’t about me the mere human who takes care of my tamagotchi’s. Raiden is 61 today. From all of my research, the 60’s are the hard ones on a tamagotchi, I don’t know why. Cinna had a baby last night and so I will have a baby boy tomorrow to care for (that’s the third one on this Tama that Raiden has seen).[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]My plus colour and I will be in a summer hatch that starts this Canada Day (or July 1st for the non-Canadian peoples of the internet) so keep an eye out for that I am very excited for it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 30[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden made it to age 62 and the end of June how awesome is that? He gets to celebrate Canada 150 with me and we get to live in the glory that is being the underdog and surprising the world after all that’s what makes Canada so great. No one expected the little brother of the UK to do anything awesome and here we are being awesome with our hockey and basketball (it was invested in Canada) and Insulin (again discovered in Canada) and mac and cheese and maple syrup (from real maple trees, not Aunt Jemima butter flavoured syrup). [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Cinna left me her son to care for and I named him Cecil and after the usual crazy baby stage and we have a cute ice cream teardrop thing named Mizutamatchi. I love how he has feet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 1st Canada Day[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Happy Birthday Canada, the country where I have the freedom to go to school and university and pursue a career of my choosing. A country that is nowhere near perfect but no is. A country that is known internationally for being kind, compassionate, and welcoming. A country where international students are excited to be here and hate to leave. A love that I have had the opportunities that I have, freedom over what I can see on the internet, in how I dress or dye my hair. A country with education, and healthcare that doesn’t just go to those who can afford it. And I got to spend today with a group of friends from the lab, we have the BC brat the Albertan, the Malayasian, those from Pakistan and regions close to that that I don’t want to name for fear of getting it wrong. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]So Raiden is 63 today and loved the hula dancing we saw (this did the lilo and stitch song and the good song from Moana). Cecil sorta was sleeping through the day…And that is our day. Also today I bought my first bottle of wine from a local winery who make fruit wines. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Happy day after Canada day filled with bug bites and edits and packing (yes packing) and a thunderstorm that was awesome. Raiden is 64 almost 65 how awesome is that halfway through the dreaded 60s.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Cecil is a nikatchi (again) and I am hoping he will follow a different growth path that Cecil the first my first gen who turned into the skinny ninja penguin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 65 years old he is halfway through the dreaded 60s, next comes the menacing 70s, the obleek 80s, and the dark 90s. Today I am not feeling so great to be honest. Cecil is still a nikatchi the second one on my three generations of my v3. Today we had a day off as it is the stat holiday for Canada Day so we lounged at home being lazy going nuts trying to figure out if the mouse I thought I saw was indeed a mouse.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]For all those Firefly fans Happy unification day! Or for those who haven’t obtained a well-rounded sci-fi education happy Independence Day America! Now yesterday I sucked and forgot pictures but I do have these today[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 66 over half way through the dreaded 60s and he had a care miss today. A dead empty happy meter and his back was turned to me. I fixed him right it up. It was a hard day for everyone today so I can’t blame him or me. Cecil evolves into hashizoutchi and he is adorable. I know he’s below average care but who cares he’s cute. He’s like a kuchipatchi cousin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 67 and an instagram sensation he has inspired a few to do a how old can I go challenge on their tamagotchis and I think that’s awesome, and no I did not plan on that honest. In three days Raiden will be 70 and clear of the dreaded 60’s can we do this? The odds are in our favour I think. Today he was a tad chubby so we ran a couple 100M sprints to thin him out, he lost the first one (apparently he was running against young pups and he didn’t stand a chance) the second race however he won. And has been parading around singing “I am the Champion” as loud as he can I should also tell you he is tone deaf.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Cecil our friendly neighbourhood friend is rocking the chubs his sprite art has given him. He reminds me of Kusatchi, like Kusatchi grows into hashizoutchi. I know crazy tamagotchi theory alert. Cecil brushes his teeth and has angel wings with the wings don’t trust? I have pictures.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt](Brushing teeth )[/SIZE]




[SIZE=11pt]So was he mislabeled as a poor care adult? I think so! Also, he has never watched TV from what I know from watching him intently.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 68 years old today, only two more days until he reaches 70 can we do this? The odds are in our favour. Today he is doing well despite my illness of being sick and my inability to type. I blame my head cold and the sinus pain and the feeling of being a bobble head. Cecil is also doing fine he is 5 turning 6 this evening so we are expecting the matchmaker to come either tonight or tomorrow (I am taking a sick day tomorrow todya was just too hard). [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]July 7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Well today I am sicker than sick, laying on my death bed sick. In other news Raiden is 69 and it is really in our favour for him to love to 70 and make it through to the end of the dreaded 60s. Cecil also had a visit from the matchmaker tonight and they had a baby girl.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]July 8[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 70!!!! And we had no internet today (I watched 4 harry potter movies philosopher stone, chamber of secrets, Prisoner and Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, of course now I want to read the books the movies just don’t get everything right how did Bill meet Fleur? Who won the Quidditch world cup? The team mascots!!! Winky! How did Barty Crouch Jr. break out huh? huh!!!!!) And Raiden learned that I am deep in the Harry Potter love and yes we will read the books…. Eventually. I love them but they take the time to read and I want to write on the bus…. Decisions. Cecil spent his last day with us and his baby girl. Today I surprised him with a robot and he was shocked a toy from his youth that he never had! [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]The attachment is huge. I remember in May when I thought reaching July would be impossible. So guess what is in July? We have a seasonal event! I think this one is star gazing or something like that. Apparently, it was yesterday and I missed it…. Anyways yay! We made it![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 71 years old and is helping the young baby Cinna go grow from baby to toddler. Raiden helped me draw out the bubbles V3 growth charts (mostly saying they don’t look like that and creepy face). And the internet is back and yay I miss the internet. And my plague has left the premises and I hope it never comes back! So in 71 days how many tama’s has Raiden seen come and go? Well, Lets count them: V3 (bubbles) we are on 4, V2 3, hanerutchi 1, 1 on the v4.5, one angel on the P’s 12, plus colour 4, grand total 26. Wow right? Wow. Yes, I am omitting the Mix cuse I don’t have the numbers.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]We are moving in just under 2 months and so we are packing and we are throwing things out and my room hasn’t been this clean in a very long time…. Oh, and how many pages is my google docs document all about Raiden? 23 pages.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today was a dreadful Monday. Well, it seems like that now that it’s the end of the day and my head hurts and I am tired. Well enough about my old ladyness, Raiden is the old person you are here to read about. Well he is 72 today and a tad chubby I had a very busy day, and well noon magically turned into 3 and…. Well… Cinna is cross with me ( I let her hearts drop to 1 twice (once with the hungry and once with the happy) and she is chubby too. She evolved into hashitamatchi reminding me of a baby version of Cecil (I miss his chubs). [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Aside from that… our bout of no internet and harry potter marathon lead to me finding Hogwarts is here. And I have to say I love the changes and so far the revisions are awesome. So if anyone is a crazy potterhead like I am, and always wondered what it would be like to take a class at Hogwarts check it out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 11[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 73 years old today, and nothing remarkable happened today. Well aside from the first X file at my institution being resolved, being grown up enough to have jubjubs and tea while working. Today was a much better day in terms of Tama care. At least I think it was. Yes everyone got fat (but I thinned them down honest), and yes sure some hearts were empty but no one had an empty meter and Cinna got lots of discipline (two praises and a time out, each time she needed a praise I thought ‘NO! I am so sorry I let your meters… oh you’re fine…. Poor thing). Anyways time to work work work![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 12[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 74 years old and Cinna should evolve tomorrow. Today, was a decent day for tama care, the lowest Cinna’s hearts dropped was by two, and Raiden only dropped by one. So there is that and I am very thrilled. Today Cinna didn’t get cursed by the genie, she was given 1000gp (not that we need it she is Malfoy rich)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And I even have a picture today to prove Raiden lives to tell the tale of the troll in the dungeon.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]July 13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A disappointing cup of tea for a disappointing- ish day. Cinna whom I thought had received decent care evolved into Gozarutchi, and I was up at 5am due to someone being sick very loudly in the bathroom. But hey! Raiden is 75! Halfway there to beat the 70s! How awesome is that? In just 5 days he will be 80! Little goals people, little goals. So my tea? It was cold as I was too busy to drink it when it was at proper drinking temperature. But I am making progress in things so I feel like like a loser which is good. I am almost done writing a chapter of the story I am writing (and I have lots of ideas… so hopefully this one will go the distance) and I haven’t played a video game since the weekend, which is what I call will power. Despite the fact that I am dying to play ACNL (long story short I had a town for a solid 6 months, then I lost it and tried to remake it and it was never same so… obviously the feelings of loss were strong so I need a clean break and I will get it! When I am done forever with my thesis and the video game ban is over). [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Here is a picture of Raiden and Cinna (with an appearance of my cat)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]July 14[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I am so sorry I totally forgot to post (or even write my log) Raiden is 76 years old 4 days until we reach his next age goal 80! I didn’t forget the picture today so there is that.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Getting gozarutchi made me a little annoyed with my V3 yes I know I want to get as many generations as possible on it and yes I have almost all of the items and it seems like no matter what I do I get things lie gozarutchi. At least out of the bad care adults I like this one. But I really don’t feel good when I try very hard to take decent care and bam I get that. A slap in the face. So we shall see, I may trade up to a different tamagotchi all together fresh starts and all of that (music star I love this one). [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 77 years old and he got a care miss (the 5th in his long life) His happy meter was empty. I did hear him beep but I guess I thought it was the shop guy or my V3 and I sorta forgot about it….. Until I checked him and his back was to me and he was pi**ed off at me. Well, I am so sorry babes I will try to do better. We will reach age 80! I swear it! Oldie hatches are fun and I am loving this! Cinna is 5 years old and either she will turn 6 today or tomorrow so matchmaker sometime this weekend I think, or she will come Monday.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]July 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The day has finally come, it has been 78 days in the making, Raiden is 78 years old and I am being a drama llama today! In a mere two days he will be 80 years old. He is the longest living tamagotchi that I have but not the longest run of a tamagotchi (from hatch to now I have been running my P’s for 208 days and I am on my 30th continuous generation (I had some run away early on) I have obtained 25 tamatomo stamps and have raised 15 VDP characters (or pierces)). I have never had a single tamagotchi character stick around for this long the longest was on my entama but that’s due to how long the generations are (15 days per character roughly) and on my mix, (a week? Maybe two? No idea they died). So I am thrilled and very proud of myself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]How is Cinna? Well she finally aged she is now 6 so matchmaker today or tomorrow or I will keep her around for a couple of days, not so sure. I love my ninja don’t get me wrong but I am still miffed at that ( I thought I took at least average care (I guess I was wrong)). And how am I? Well I really want to play animal crossing but no video games until I am done with my thesis. Being a grown up stinks sometimes. I for sure should be done soon (I aim for before my birthday). [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]July 17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I hate Mondays. Raiden hates Mondays. Cinna sees Mondays as a day to sleep all day. Today on this Monday Raiden is 79. Will he reach the age of 80? The odds are greatly in our favour (seeing as tomorrow he will be 80 on a great and amazing Tuesday). So that’s the skinny so far. Mondays suck and Raiden is 79. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]I am not feeling so great today so let’s hope the noodle soup helps me feel better (don’t forget my tea). I still really want to play animal crossing... But my video game ban is still in effect.[/SIZE]

July 18

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 80!! Who would have guessed he would stick around for so long? Not I thats who! I will admit on this day he was abandoned for several hours while i was in a meeting and well his hungry meter dropped and he got a care miss he wasn’t sick or anything so there was that. But I am so worried I will kill him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Cinna slept in all day today with her baby (teaching him her lazy ways) at least she was asleep and couldn’t join in on Raiden’s rant about the smoke.[/SIZE]
