The story of Raiden


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[SIZE=11pt]July 19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today was a lazy hazy really crazy busy sort of summer day. A really long work day mixed in with lots of smoke and extra work on top of the work. Raiden is 81 years old today and Cinna left her baby but I had to leave him for another day as I was just too busy and tired to deal with a tama baby[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]July 20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I should really be working but I am here for a quick update instead. Raiden si 82 years old and had a good day I have had the I am distracted by everything, why is it so hard to figure anything out on Canada post, why the hell can’t this stupid app just load stupid videos when I know the so called network error is a load of tama poo. Like seriously. But other than that we aren’t having the worst day or the best day. Cinna’s son was named Percy and he is doing all right.[/SIZE]


Today marks the end of Raiden's long life. He was 83 today. With a heart heavy with sadness I tell you he will be truly missed and even though he has been gone for a few hours I still feel the sting of checking on him only to find that the death God had taken him away. Death is universal it comes for us all, it was only time for Raiden to depart this world and move on to the next. Celebrate his life, it's what he would have wanted. He was always full of joy and happiness. He was fond of making funny faces and helping me write, design bracelets, study magic, do science and ease me back to health. Raiden and I shared our fair share of memories and I never truly imagined a future without him.

I wholeheartedly loved my time with Raiden, and I would recommend an oldies hatch to anyone. They seem daunting, but the trick is to take it one day at a time. Set little goals and just enjoy your tama. Oldies have character and spunk. And with that, I bid you adieu as my log has finished. Thank you, everyone, who has taken part in Raiden's life even just by reading his log, cheering him on, and loving his goofy face.
