the way to broadway!


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110 views and hot topic!!!!!!yes!!!!!!

thanks you guys from tamatalk!!!!!!!

me-hey ppls!!!!!

sam-hey guys!!!!!


me-so what do you guys want to do today????

sam-um....i dont know.sweetheart???any ideas????

allie-how bout lets got watch a movie!!!!!!

sam and me-ok lets watch ponyo!!!!

that is what happened this morning


sam and allie-hi

me-sooo wats up you little lovebirds???



me-O :huh: hey your an apple lady!!!!!i mean a ringotchi!!!!sorry

allie-i know and you said what??????/

me- gulps :lol: sorry!!!

sam-humpf!!!!!!!!how dare you call me future wife that????


me-uh oh....(out of nowhere) WHO WANTS ORANGE JUICE?????



???-i do!!!!!!!!!

me-um who is ???? that is my neice....i think

me-you dont know who ur neice is???? see allie has a lot of brothers and sisters...and she forgets which one is which since she is a lot younger than get it??

???-I WANT ORANGE JUICE!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!

sam and allie-urm.....i hope our daughter isnt that um...or son isnt that naughty....and spoiled.... :lol: :eek: :lol:

me-ya i hope sooooo.....too...................................

in midnight at sam's room.....(allie and sam share same bed)


sam-wawhat??????????????????????????????????????? :lol:

allie-you you you you you you you


allie-ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok okkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!ill get to the point!!!!!!you grew!!!!!!11

sam-well thanks for telling me but you didnt!!!!!!im sadder!!!!

allie-dont be sad!!!! besides your sooooo handsome...

sam-you so pretty!!!!!!

both of them gets under the covers and makes out....

the next morning....(which is 11)

(sam and allies lips puffy)

sam-hey mommy....

allie-ya hey mrs sam's mommy

me-why...(falters)you too???(points at lips)

allie and were umm.....kissing...last night....a lot

me-oh ok....i two are deeply in love....i see

allie and sam-i didnt expect that...oh welll...

sam-im gonna take allie to bennihanas for lunch. ok mommy???

me-sure!!!knock yourselves out!!!!

allie and sam-thanks!!!!see ya later!!!!buh bi!!!!!


me-wow! i cant believe how fast sam is o days he is going to get married!!!!!and that is not far away...o well buhbi!!!!!!!1

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sam-sniff sniff sniff sniff-mommy!!!!!!!allie dumped me!!!!!!!!!

me-aw honey dont worry! you will marry somebody else you love....

sam-yes and i didnt pass the auditions!!!!!!! :( i got oox!!!!!!!!mean judges!!!!

me-still...youve got more tries sam!!!! violetchi passed on her third try!!!! and this is only your first!dont worry

sam-ok...maybe two or three days later the band manager will come and present me a partner or my bandmember can marry me.

me-yeah sam. think possitive.



later in bed:

sam-i want allie

me-its ok sam

sam-no im not!i rocked her to sleep and made a lullaby for her when she was a baby....and she still likes it...

me-its not that she wants to dump you....its that that that her mommy lost her tama and she was in it!

sam-oh my gosh!!!!!!!

me-i know but you will get over it....i know you two were planning on having twin baby girls but if she did...have you figured how much pain it will be to give birth????

sam-no i haven't....but how do i support a wife when she is though?

me-stay calm and she will be calm...maybe i can find allie today...ok???i promise she didnt dump you

sam-ok i want to take a nap

me-fine...ill be back(leaves the house)'

o ya...this is sam(mametchi)'s band:

:lol: :D :blink:

me-hey sam!!!!!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!?????????come downstairs!!!!1

sam-fine!coming!isnt it lunch yet????

me-nope but i found something you would like!!!!!!!


me-nuh uh!!!!!allie's mommy bought another tama and it is a girl petetchi now

sam-yay!!!!!can i make another lullaby and see her to sleep like allie????

me-sure!!!!as long as you are happy! since you are an adult probaly you will hav to stay on pause for a while...

sam-i dont care!!!!!!!i want to see her

me-sure and be gentle

sam-ok but can i hav lunch first???

me-i havent made it bout you go practice???

after practice:

sam-mommy can i see the baby now???did she name it yet?

me-no not yet

sam-can i name her?

me-sure if its ok with her mom

sam-ill name her

allie's mom-barges in-no you cant sam! im naming it, so deal!

sam-ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok i wont but what are you naming her???

allie's mom-allison

sam-pretty name....(writes on piece of paper-midnight moon:lullaby for allison)

allies' mom-wat is that young man?

sam-um...thats a song no lullaby im writing for allison

allies's mom-oh i see and you did that with allie didnt you?

sam-yep....even though her name is gonna call her ally for short

allie's mom-i dont care. just be good to my daughter

sam-ok then buh bi! i hav to write a song for ally

allie's mom and me-ok sure thing if you need us we will be in the kitchen!!!!11

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me-weird...sam got mad at me for something and died! :ichigotchi: so i reset and got a baby girl and i named it Cinnamon.she wants to talk

cinnamon-wa!!!!i want food!!!!

me-oops!sorry i forgot to feed you! silly me...well yay!you play the harp and hav a bear for a toy!


me-um...she is still a petetchi so she is quite hard to understand but you should get the idea...

cinnamon-i want nappy!!!!!

me-ok cinnamon!!!!good night and i will tuck you but not toooo tight ok?

cinnamon-yep yep ok ok yay yay(yawns)good night!

me-good night sleepy head!

this is what happened after sam died!

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im keeping cinnamon on pause until i get to go to my room since right now im in the computer room doing my homework!!!! yay!(not)well buh bi for now!!!!o ya cinnamon is still a petetchi

me-hey cinnamon...somebody has to talk to you

cinnamon-ok mommy

allie's mom-hey cinnamon, kuromimtchi88

me-hey you!!! :ichigotchi:

allie's mom-hey you know how i said that i had a baby girl??? well she died and i got a baby boy!!!!i dont know what to name him but for now he will just be ??? ok?


cinnamon-he looks like me but black! i like him!!!!!

me-ok.....sure cinnamon...we are planning that you too marry each other when you grow up!

???'s mom(allies mom)- ya we were planning that even b4 u too were born!

???-i want food!!!!!!!wa!!!!!!

???'s mom-uh oh! i better go home!buhbi!!!!!!

me and cinnamon-buhbai!!!!!!!!

hey guys!!!!guess what?????cinnamon evolved into a hitodetchi!!!!!!yapeeee!!!!uh oh!!!!!my mom is coming buhbi!!!!!!!

i am going to end this log and im not gonna be on tamatalk for a llllllllllloooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg time cuz me mom wont let me play my tama :huh:

and i think by long time in my last post...ahhaha it was a REALLY long time

well now its the end of sixth grade! ima gonna graduate elementary school soon!!! OMG!!!


okay well i still have my music star :) and i got another one so right now...i gotta start it up :D

okay let me get some popcorn for the big event first lol


okay so i set the time and stuff

and POP!!!!!

there is one girl and one boy hopefully dey get married when they are older and currently they are prac-umm fighting with each other

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