There's always someone better and there's always someone worse


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Dec 13, 2009
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I have no idea why I made this, but I did. Whatever. :D

I was just browsing through the forums reading old topics, and of course they interested me. I found a lot of things people said that made my either jealous or sorry for them. But I realised I can't be good (or bad!) at everything - there's always someone who's better at drawing, or has more Tamas, than me. And there's always someone who has stricter parents, or a worse school, than me.

I used to get really competitive about a lot of things, especially on TamaTalk. On here, almost everyone is at least 2 years older than me, which is a big difference when you're 10. I always tried to be better than everyone at everything...but now people trust me more than before, I'm finding that not everyone is as good as me at things, even if they're a little older. I can't be the best at everything, they're always someone better than me. And I can never feel very unlucky with the knowledge that there's always someone worse than me.

Anyone else feel the same (or different)?

I do, I used to be the best reader, then someone was better than me so I read for 2 hours a day until I got better. Now we are even reading levels, but I was still a better writer than them and they were better at math then me.

I do, I used to be the best reader, then someone was better than me so I read for 2 hours a day until I got better. Now we are even reading levels, but I was still a better writer than them and they were better at math then me.
I guess it's sometimes good to not be the best at everything - I always was... Sometimes I wish I wasn't, the stuff we do is very easy for all us 5th graders. -_-

i really struggle in math, always did, but one thing i always strive in is computers, then you have these know-it-alls who think they know what there doing until that "Bad at math" kid comes up and shows you up ;)

I have no idea why I made this, but I did. Whatever. :D

I was just browsing through the forums reading old topics, and of course they interested me. I found a lot of things people said that made my either jealous or sorry for them. But I realised I can't be good (or bad!) at everything - there's always someone who's better at drawing, or has more Tamas, than me. And there's always someone who has stricter parents, or a worse school, than me.

I used to get really competitive about a lot of things, especially on TamaTalk. On here, almost everyone is at least 2 years older than me, which is a big difference when you're 10. I always tried to be better than everyone at everything...but now people trust me more than before, I'm finding that not everyone is as good as me at things, even if they're a little older. I can't be the best at everything, they're always someone better than me. And I can never feel very unlucky with the knowledge that there's always someone worse than me.

Anyone else feel the same (or different)?
You're becoming self-aware. It's amazing that people, like you, who are so young but becoming aware of your talents and abilities. I am seventeen years-old and I still struggle when it comes to knowing myself. Anyway, you handled this topic maturely. I applaud you. No one is better than you and no one is worse than you. Instead, there is something that makes you special.

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Life really is a journey of self-discovery and improvement. It is my belief that we are beings of expansion: most of us have the desire to learn and create. The really great thing about this journey of self-discovery is that we also have the opportunity to make mistakes, large and small. From these mistakes we learn more about ourselves and are able to improve upon these experiences.

I commend you for recognizing this aspect of life at such a young age - it's definitely a good thing to recognize and be aware of while growing up! And like CrimsonSun said, the things you're better at (and even not-so-good at) are the unique traits that you make truly special.

Oh. You guys make me feel so immature T_T

I am incredibly competitive, I'll say that. But only in things I know I can do better, or I've been told that I'm good at. (or, I just get a bit big headed about it, lol)

I am amazed at your maturity with this, Dazzmina, you are certainly more mature than me. :p It's great that you've realized this and accepted it, because I sure haven't.

With things I know I am not the best at, I don't feel compelled to be better than everyone, because I know that my capability does not lie within the best of the best. With other things I am naturally good at (I swear other people tell me this), I sort of feel the need to compete, to be the best because I know that I can be the best, you know what I mean?

I think that's why it's so hard for me to accept new people who burst onto the scene, whether or not it's in a class at school, here on TT, anywhere. It's not something that I like, but it's hard, because I constantly have thoughts like "O_O that person is stealing my thunder that should be mine". Which, when I think about it, is incredibly selfish. :p I have an example floating around?

I have been told by peers, teachers, and family that I am a good writer. I remember getting out of class to volunteer for something. I think it was English. Another girl (who I am totally on good terms with) came and said "Ms. Smith says I'm a writer and my vocabulary is pretty big already so I can miss this to help you guys." which, I think, is perfectly legit. But I couldn't help but think "Hey! Talented writer is my position around here." and I was stewing about it for a bit, but I realized that there will always be someone better. No matter what I do, there will be someone better. (and that sounds like I'm trying to kill my self esteem but it's true) so I've just come to terms with that and accepted that yes, she's a good writer too.

There are still many, many situations where I feel threatened by things like this, but I try to remember this: There will always be people better than you, but that cannot stop you from putting your best foot forward and being the best you can be.

Oh. You guys make me feel so immature T_T

I am incredibly competitive, I'll say that. But only in things I know I can do better, or I've been told that I'm good at. (or, I just get a bit big headed about it, lol)

I am amazed at your maturity with this, Dazzmina, you are certainly more mature than me. :p It's great that you've realized this and accepted it, because I sure haven't.

With things I know I am not the best at, I don't feel compelled to be better than everyone, because I know that my capability does not lie within the best of the best. With other things I am naturally good at (I swear other people tell me this), I sort of feel the need to compete, to be the best because I know that I can be the best, you know what I mean?

I think that's why it's so hard for me to accept new people who burst onto the scene, whether or not it's in a class at school, here on TT, anywhere. It's not something that I like, but it's hard, because I constantly have thoughts like "O_O that person is stealing my thunder that should be mine". Which, when I think about it, is incredibly selfish. :p I have an example floating around?

I have been told by peers, teachers, and family that I am a good writer. I remember getting out of class to volunteer for something. I think it was English. Another girl (who I am totally on good terms with) came and said "Ms. Smith says I'm a writer and my vocabulary is pretty big already so I can miss this to help you guys." which, I think, is perfectly legit. But I couldn't help but think "Hey! Talented writer is my position around here." and I was stewing about it for a bit, but I realized that there will always be someone better. No matter what I do, there will be someone better. (and that sounds like I'm trying to kill my self esteem but it's true) so I've just come to terms with that and accepted that yes, she's a good writer too.

There are still many, many situations where I feel threatened by things like this, but I try to remember this: There will always be people better than you, but that cannot stop you from putting your best foot forward and being the best you can be.
You're just competitive, not immature. The reactions you felt are natural too. Judging by your last sentence, you are a talented writer. You expressed your feelings into powerful words. Not only that but it gave me an insight about your maturity. Keep on writing, friend.

You're becoming self-aware. It's amazing that people, like you, who are so young but becoming aware of your talents and abilities. I am seventeen years-old and I still struggle when it comes to knowing myself. Anyway, you handled this topic maturely. I applaud you.
I commend you for recognizing this aspect of life at such a young age - it's definitely a good thing to recognize and be aware of while growing up! And like CrimsonSun said, the things you're better at (and even not-so-good at) are the unique traits that you make truly special.
I am amazed at your maturity with this, Dazzmina, you are certainly more mature than me.
It's great that you've realized this and accepted it, because I sure haven't.
Thanks, but another thing I know is that if I'm mature, I can't help it. Immature people can't help being immature. So you don't need to applaud me if I'm mature or call me annoying if I'm immature...nobody can help being how they are.

Thanks, but another thing I know is that if I'm mature, I can't help it. Immature people can't help being immature. So you don't need to applaud me if I'm mature or call me annoying if I'm immature...nobody can help being how they are.  
People have control over their maturity. There might be some aspects that people have a hard time manipulating but they can still change it. It's a matter of whether you want to change it or not.

You're just competitive, not immature. The reactions you felt are natural too. Judging by your last sentence, you are a talented writer. You expressed your feelings into powerful words. Not only that but it gave me an insight about your maturity. Keep on writing, friend.
aw. c: thanks.

Thanks, but another thing I know is that if I'm mature, I can't help it. Immature people can't help being immature. So you don't need to applaud me if I'm mature or call me annoying if I'm immature...nobody can help being how they are.
that's true. but with you posting this here and talking about it at your age (you're...11, right?), that's not something people i know who are your age would talk about or come to terms with. *coughfacebookcough* like CrimsonSun said, you do have control over your maturity in some aspects. it just depends on your situation, right? there are times to be mature and serious and times to be immature and silly.

in terms of being competitive, i find it to be a blessing and a curse. a blessing because it pushes me to do things because i want to come out on top, to do my true, real best. a curse because i feel the need to be better than everyone, no matter how old they are or what their skill level is. it's like my ego is so fragile because i have this constant need to be better. it makes me want to scream. i'm better with those kind of things now, but it still kind of bugs me.

People have control over their maturity. There might be some aspects that people have a hard time manipulating but they can still change it. It's a matter of whether you want to change it or not.
I guess so, but for example, a 5-year-old can't post this, it would be a miracle if one did. I mean that it's wrong to discriminate young children just because they are immature, some of my friends are quite immature and I don't think they can change how they are. But they can still be my friends.

that's true. but with you posting this here and talking about it at your age (you're...11, right?), that's not something people i know who are your age would talk about or come to terms with. *coughfacebookcough* like CrimsonSun said, you do have control over your maturity in some aspects. it just depends on your situation, right? there are times to be mature and serious and times to be immature and silly.
I'm 10, almost 11. And yes, I do have control over maturity, but it's just something I've always had so I take it for granted. When I was 5 I think the main things I liked to talk about were why money existed and what was the point of school, and yet I was usually the loudest and silliest in class. My problem is that I can't distinguish between those times and get in trouble for either talking about something mature no-one in my class can understand (and therefore teases me about) or being very loud and silly. :p

Well... I get... jealous. I'm jealous of YOU, Dazz. You get to buy all the Tamas you want on eBay. :( You have heaps and heaps of "likes". Sigh... I feel so sucky. :(

Well... I get... jealous. I'm jealous of YOU, Dazz. You get to buy all the Tamas you want on eBay. :( You have heaps and heaps of "likes". Sigh... I feel so sucky. :(
Keep in mind that Dazzmina has been around a lot longer than you, EMF. That's plenty of time to gather all those likes. Also, you have a lot of likes too, you know. ;)

Well... I get... jealous. I'm jealous of YOU, Dazz. You get to buy all the Tamas you want on eBay.
You have heaps and heaps of "likes". Sigh... I feel so sucky.
You get to be good at drawing, get loads of friends and profile views, and you got off what you used to do a lot easier than me. You've only been around here for my best times on TamaTalk, there was a time when I would enter Chat and in 5 seconds the box would be full of comments calling me a hacker. I've had it a lot worse than you. And you don't even have to go to school! You can sneak on the computer or Tamas at night! You can buy and sell through TamaTalk! You don't get your parents constantly threatening to ban you from things! Everyone is equal, as it says in this topic. And you're not the most unlucky person in the world; you're lucky to be on such a great site as TamaTalk and have 43 likes already! When I'd been here for 3 months...I had about 2 likes and 300 profile views. Sorry about my rant...but I want to make you see that you are not unlucky. ;)

Nobody is unlucky, per se. Luck is based on chance, and seeing as we live in this world, we are all "lucky" or "unlucky" at times. Comparison is unfortunately, very common in this society, but you shouldn't be comparing yourself to others, because you are not them. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, no matter how small they seem compared to another person's. Besides, you do have a hand in what draw you get, whether lucky or unlucky. It's your choices and your behavior that reflect on yourself and rewards and consequences. (to your parents, anyway, lol. Not to the universe. The universe does not watch your behavior.)

I'm in bottom set at school and i am fine with that because it takes me longer to learn than others and i lose concentration quick but i was moved up to top set in music, art, drama and p.e.

Lots of people we're jealous that i could play instruments really well and learn how to play them so quickly so i started tutoring people how to play and in return some of them would tutor me in lessons i fall behind in.

I'm pretty competitive too, if someone gets a higher score on a test than me, I retake it, even if I only got one question wrong.

Life really is a journey of self-discovery and improvement. It is my belief that we are beings of expansion: most of us have the desire to learn and create. The really great thing about this journey of self-discovery is that we also have the opportunity to make mistakes, large and small. From these mistakes we learn more about ourselves and are able to improve upon these experiences.

I commend you for recognizing this aspect of life at such a young age - it's definitely a good thing to recognize and be aware of while growing up! And like CrimsonSun said, the things you're better at (and even not-so-good at) are the unique traits that you make truly special.
I completely agree with graficks - life is about giving the best YOU can, for YOURSELF. Don't ever measure your accomplishments with that of others, because even in life after school, in your work and even in your family, there will always be someone better or worse at something than you. Just don't fret about it and be content with knowing you always give your best - that's my philosophy in life.

I don't really know where this topic left off, but responding to OP's post, I really think it's an opinion thing. You need to believe that you're better than others to be that way. Obviously it's going to be somewhat difficult when you're only around 10 years old, but you can work on it. Don't stick to one passion just because someone is better than you at another one. Right now I'm just thanking God that you know how to type. It seems like most of my peers become idiots once they're put behind a computer screen. I'm just going to tell you right now that you're going to go somewhere in life. Being a well-rounded person is leaps and bounds more significant than being incredibly good at a single thing. So there's obviously going to be people that are better than you, but you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you're better than them at 10 other things.

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