Things you hate about your friends.


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One of my friends ripped me off by not paying me back $10 and my bff told me she was going to rip off one of my other friends

I HATE HER FOR THAT and it's been 2 years from when i gave her the money

One of my ex friends (The following is from when she was my friend) who thinks shes all that and a bag of chips is

-always calling herself fat and shes the same weight as me but shes taller and i'm almost under weight.

-Makes everyone else feel like worthless pieces of dirt.

-One perticular story - We had to go for a 1.8km run for P.E. She came second best out of all of us and then we had to write down our times and she refused because having done a great time she said and I quote "Don't make me write it down. When the head of P.E sees it they'll think i'm a fat, lazy, unfit f*c*" Then everyone went and got a drink of water and she walked past and said "Anyone who needs a drink after a pathetic run like that is unfit and revoltes me" But I laughed later when she complained she was dehydrated and then fainted because of the heat. Rehydrate after exersise!!!

-She thinks if she wants it she gets it and yells at teachers and is a disgusting child!!

* My new friends I can't think of anything bad to say!

They don't laugh at my cracks, but they're good people.

What's weird is that they all have a crush on the same guy, and I have a crush on a completely different guy, so I don't have to go into war with them over a dude. XD

I don't hate things about my friends...

One guy who is part of my friends group, I absolutely hate. He shows off and is a perv >:[

If I hate stuff bout them, their genearlly not my friends. :S
That's it exactly.

Smashing apples against a wall is just irritating and I can understand how you grow to hate it and it doesn't mean these people should not be your friends :D

But if they do stuff you really hate and it's not friendly, then why bother? Move on and find different people to befriend. :p

My friend is whiney like heck.


*please watch your language - TWP*

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I have a soon to be ex best friend (once I have the courage to finally tell her I want her to leave me alone) who is; mean, touchy, immature, selfish, she lies, has owed me about $40 for the last 7 monthes, cuses a whole heck of a lot, and I could go on.

EDIT: Why was she my bf to begin with? She was so nice at the start, not so much anymore.

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Nicole gets really caught up in middle school drama, I've noticed. "OHMYGOD I HATE NOEL." Then Noel invites us to her house on Friday and she agrees to go almost right away so we can all see Twilight together. It bothers me a lot, but I put up with her because she puts up with me and my neverending jokes about my happy pills.

Noel has really wandered off to find other friends, but she's bearable.

Renee is obnoxious, will yell in your face, make fun of whatever she can find at fault with you.. And yet she gets [extremely] upset when you point something out about her. :/

Maria is probably the most bearable. She's fun, but we don't get to hang out much because her parents are strict.

There are also a lot of positives about my friends, though, and I'm also sure they could name things they hate about me, too, so we're really even.

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My goodness, I can rant about my so-called friends all day long. e_e

They are the most immature, idiotic group I've ever been associated with personally. 4 are blatant hypocrites, 1 makes me feel extremely uncomfortable for whatever reason, 2 follow me around like little yappy dogs, 2 are bloodthirsty rumor-spreaders, 1 is the most obnoxious person I've ever had the misfortune to meet, 1 is silent, 2 have been best friends for a rather long time and don't pay attention to anyone else, 1 is a lazy whiner, and 1 is semi-bearable sometimes. Oh, and they all scream and giggle way too much for my taste. You'd think, "oh, she's part of the living, breathing stereotype of popular kids. I get it." We're the most mismatched, unpopular group in the school joined by not having any other group to sit with. :/

I'm not saying I'm a perfect person, I have some temper problems and make extremely stupid and perverted jokes occasionally...but seriously.

I'll move to a different table, they follow me. I tell them to go away, they don't think I'm serious. I scream at them to go away, they laugh. I hit one of them, and they see it as a joke. They think I'm the funniest person ever, they latch onto me like a leech. Sure, I can sort of enjoy them when I'm under the influence of caffeine or in an unusually pleasant mood...but more often than not, I'm plotting out how to get rid of them in my head. (Which, unfortunately, never works)

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Amanda flips out whenever I show her the boy I have a crush on. 8[

I love my bfflflfflflffll but she doesn't really listen to me. She talks and talks and talks but never really listens to me. ._.

I haven't even told her that I go see a counselor/therapist and have anxiety, lol. She has nooo idea which she should since we're tight but eh.. :mimitchi:

Mm.. I have a few close friends. But I really don't do much, socially. :mametchi:

You get called a vampire too, Jinx?!

I thought I was the only one.

Except, I'm not called a vampire. I'm called Edward in pre-vampire female form. (And, I am disgusted by Twilight--one of the worst books I've ever read).

..oh, the joys of of being pale, bronze-haired, green-eyed, and somewhat attractive.

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^ I've been called a vampire as well.

"ZOMG&$%$ YOU'RE PALE AND HAVE PURPLE UNDER EACH OF YOUR EYES! 8D~~~ YOU'RE LIKE A VAMPIRE!!!! :DDDD" Seriously, that's how the rabid Twilight fans talk to me. :/

I agree - Sometimes it sucks to be pale, unintenionaly (sp?) look like a young Alice (well, I've been told by about 7 people, though I do not agree), and to have purple areas under each of your eyes all the time.

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^ I'm very pale too. There's this one pic of me my friend has and keeps telling me, "You look like a freaking vampire in it!!" When I actually saw it, I was surprised. My skin isn't normally that pale. O_O

The emo crack bothers me a lot too. Random people have stopped me in the hallway, "Ohmygawwshhh are you emooo?" x___x

But that's off topic.

I know this sounds like I'm a nun, but I don't get the point of hating people. Sure, I can just not like people, but hating is a waste of my time and energy. It's also degrating and shallow in my opinion.

But yeah, sometimes my friends irritate me.

My one friend in chorus is always kinda, like picking apart other people. "Like, ughh, do you hear them talking? I can't stand them. Why can't they just shut up!" kinda thing. That just really bothers me. I told her to worry about herself, that other people shouldn't matter, and she got all offended.

My one other friend is kinda... poserish. She goes out looking for attention. It's annoying. D:

But, as x.Ryancloud said, why are you friends with someone you dislike? :|

My friend T is always ditching me for her freakin popular friends who I hate. She has to ask out every boy she likes and then she dates them, then breaks up with them, then calls me on the phone crying "Waaa we broke up!" I mean, come on.

My friend G gets drunk alot... and comes to school drunk... so me and his friends have to help him around.

But they both have good things about them too.

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